
ribald n.講下流猥褻話的人;開下流玩笑的人。adj.下流的,猥...


He saw these other scenes through drifting vapors and swirls of sullen fog dissolving before shafts of red and garish light . he saw cowboys at the bar , drinking fierce whiskey , the air filled with obscenity and ribald language , and he saw himself with them drinking and cursing with the wildest , or sitting at table with them , under smoking kerosene lamps , while the chips clicked and clattered and the cards were dealt around 煙云霧震在耀眼的紅光前散開,他看見了酒吧前的牛仔喝著烈性的威一l忌,空氣中彌漫著很褻粗魯的話語,他看見自己跟他們在一起,跟最粗野的人在一起喝酒咒罵,或是跟他們玩著撲克,賭場的籌碼在冒黑煙的煤油燈下發著脆響。

An early lesson in customer service came in 1904 , when a tram stop supervisor was given six hours in the stocks for rude behaviour and “ other platform staff suffered almost as much as the prisoner from the ribald comments of the public “ 電車公司早于1904年已積極發展客戶服務,當時曾有一名站長因為以粗魯無禮的態度對待乘客,結果被判入獄,而其他月臺職員亦好不了多少,受盡市民猛烈抨擊。

Entr acte . a ribald face , sullen as a dean s , buck mulligan came forwards then blithe in motley , towards the greeting of their smiles 這時,形容猥瑣神態像副主教那樣陰沉的勃克穆利根身穿色彩斑斕的小丑服裝,愉快地向笑臉相迎的人們走來。

The chairman had to call the meeting to order after the ribald comments of one of the members caused uproar among the others 會議成員之一說的下流話在其他成員中引起了一陣騷動,主席只得叫大家遵守會議秩序。

A variety show characterized by broad ribald comedy , dancing , and striptease 粗俗的表演各種以下流粗俗的喜劇、舞蹈和脫衣舞為特征的表演

There were blown authors; but also consumers of latenight coffee, smokers of cigars, singers of ribald songs . 有含苞待放的作家;也有深夜喝咖啡、抽雪茄,唱放蕩歌曲之輩。

The answer was lost in a shout of ribald laughter . 回答被一陣下流的狂笑聲掩蓋了。