
rialto n.(pl. rialtos)1.交易所;市場。2.(威...


Refined elegance , superior amenities and services , waterfront , romantic restaurant on the terrace . just 3 minutes from san marco and rialto 雅致精美舒適,出類拔萃的服務,具備河上進出門,在大陽臺上設有浪漫餐廳。

In the heart of romantic venice : 10 minutes away from saint marks square and 5 minutes from the rialto bridge . . 位于浪漫的威尼斯的中心,離圣馬可廣場10分鐘路,離開rialto橋只有5分鐘. .

Historic palazzo , for a typically venetian visit , close to the rialto bridge , the jewish district and casino . . 歷史宮殿,是威尼斯一流的住宿場所,靠近瑞阿爾托橋猶太人居住區及賭場. .

Located on calle stagneri , 300 meters from the ponte di rialto , in a completely renovated building . . 位于威尼斯歷史中心的舒適而典雅的公寓待租,用于度假和商務出差居住. .

An 18th - century palazzo , recently renovated , situated between st . mark s square and the rialto bridge . . 世紀的宮殿,最近重新修建,位于圣馬克廣場和瑞阿爾托橋之間. .

Situated in a very central and strategic position between rialto bridge and the ca d oro museum . . 位于瑞阿爾托橋和ca d oro博物館之間很重要且具有戰略意義的位置. .

Second avenue in this area was called “ the yiddish rialto “ in early 20th century 位于此區的第二大道在20世紀初的時候被叫做是“意第緒的亞里托” 。

Main picture : melbourne as seen looking east from the rialto observation deck 主圖:從墨爾本觀景塔向東望去。