
rial n.里亞爾〔伊朗貨幣單位〕。


Abstract : basic stuff of sinter flyash ceramisite is flyash and clay as agglomerant . the si nter flyash ceramisite is of dense in structure , low porosity which can improve t he mechanical properties of the material . it has properties such as high strong a nd low absorption of water and better stability . it is a new type ofbuliding mate rial 文摘:燒結型粉煤灰陶粒的主要原料是粉煤灰和作為粘結劑的粘土,文中所述燒結粉煤灰陶粒結構致密,孔隙率低,能較好地改善了材料的力學性能,具有高強、吸水率低、穩定性好等特點,是一種新型建筑材料

A new type thick - film circuit heatin g - element is introduced and the main technology is expounded , including the requireme nt and performance of substrate mate rial and electro - pastes . the process of heating - element is intro duced too . at last , the application a nd problem of the new type heating - element are put forward 介紹了基于不銹鋼基板的大功率密度厚膜電熱元件的研究現狀,并對厚膜電路式電熱元件的關鍵技術進行闡述,包括大功率密度電熱元件所用基板材料和基于基板的電子漿料的使用要求,以及電熱元件的制備工藝;最后分析了該新型電熱元件的應用前景和所要解決的問題。

The operation principleresult of saving power , mate rial and reliability of ac and dc usual auto - converting saving power instrument are expounded , which the operation - coil of ac contactor given ac and dc voltage is usual , output is even dc , on and off and keeping voltage non - contactor auto - convert 論述了與交流接觸器操作線圈適配的交直流輸入(操作)電壓通用、恒直流輸出、吸合與保持電壓無觸點自動轉換節電器的工作原理;接觸器配用節電器后的節能節材效果及節電器的可靠性。

The court has seized his apartment worth 600 million rials ( 64 , 000 dollars ) until he has bought her the entire 124 , 000 roses . a long stemmed red rose costs 20 , 000 rials ( about two dollars ) in tehran 目前,法院已沒收了沙辛價值6億里亞爾(合6 . 4萬美元)的房子,直到他給妻子買夠了12 . 4萬朵玫瑰才可贖回。在德黑蘭,一朵長柄紅玫瑰的售價為2萬里亞爾(約合2美元) 。

Rials sega and nintendo have teamed up for the first time to bring together their star figureheads , sonic and mario , in the upcoming console title mario & sonic at the olympic games 在競爭者世嘉和任天堂已經初步合作將他們的明星頭像“索尼克”和“馬里奧”用于即將命名的游戲《馬里奧與索尼克在北京奧運》里。

The regional structure of fiu includes the kinds and the structures of those rial ions from which come foreign investment , and the regional distribution of china “ s fiu 利用外資的區域結構分為外資來源的國別和地區結構以及我國利用外資的區域分布。

Since the indust rial revolution began , thephysical science has in general been in the foref rontof the scientific movement 自從工業革命開始以來,物理科學總的說來一直處于科學的前列。

Study on detecting method of bacteriostatic effect of antibacte - rial materials 抗菌制品的抑菌效果檢測方法研究

Concrete pavements - part 1 : mat rials 混凝土鋪面.第1部分:材料

Presently mr. rial came in, he gave the captain a glance that meant the boy was dead as plain as speaking . 沒一會,里亞爾先生進來了,他向船長遞過一個眼色,那明顯地說,孩子已經完了。