
ria n.【地質學;地理學】溺河。


With anti - t - jgy establishing a radioimmunoassay , the quality of anti - t4 igy was appraised : litres was 1 : 25 00 , permitting rang of litres in the ria was from 1 : 2500 to 1 : 5000 ; the degree of cross reactivities with ta was 1 . 28 % ; affinity constants was 2 . 13 x 109l / mol 本文應用蛋黃正丁醇去脂獲得的抗t4 igy建立了放免檢測方法,對抗t4igy的質量進行鑒定:抗體滴度為1 : 2500 ,工作濃度在1 : 2500至1 : 5000范圍內;與t3的交叉反應為1 28 ;親和常數為2 13x109l m 。

The hong kong monetary authority hkma and the autoridade monet - ria e cambial de macau amcm announced today wednesday 26 february the signing of a memorandum of understanding which aims at strengthening supervisory co - operation between the two regulatory authorities 金管局與澳門貨幣監理署簽訂諒解備忘錄香港金融管理局金管局及澳門貨幣暨匯兌監理署澳門貨幣監理署今日二月二十六日星期三宣布簽訂諒解備忘錄,以加強兩家監管機構在監管方面的合作。

To further assess the impact of the proposed scheme , a regulatory impact assessment study was conducted in 2004 - 05 . results of the consultation exercise and ria study were reported to the legislative council panel on food safety and environmental hygiene in april 2005 為進一步評估推行這個擬議制度的影響,本署于二零零四至零五年度進行規管影響評估研究,并于二零零五年四月向立法會食物安全及環境?生事務委員會匯報諮詢工作及規管影響評估研究的結果。

Identification area : the main equipment here is an ordinary micro - scope , on fluorescence microscope , incubator , instrument for bacte - ria identification , low temperature or ultra low temperature refrigera - tor ( for the temporary storage of bacteria shall follow the regulations of the cdc ) 3鑒定區:主要有普通顯微鏡、熒光顯微鏡、溫箱、細菌鑒定儀、低溫或超低溫冰箱(菌種臨時保存,視cdc規定而定)等。

Phase ii will be implemented two years after the implementation of phase i . according to the ria findings , almost all prepackaged food in the market would require some actions to comply with the labelling requirements 第二階段會于第一階段實施二年后才推行。根據規管影響評估的結果,市面上差不多所有預先包裝食物都需要業界作出相應行動以符合標簽規定。

Secondly , in this paper , we emphasize the model , architecture , framework of the component _ based ria web development platform on j2ee and the implemental principle , methods and technology of this system 接著,本文著重論述了j2ee平臺上構件化的riaweb開發平臺的模型、體系架構以及該系統的主要實現原理、方法和技術。

This paper describes the conception of ria and database management , analysis the testing system of ria using modular design techniques and related programs in light of actual needs 摘要闡述了放射免疫分析及數據管理的概念,結合實際對放射免疫測試系統進行了需求分析,采用了模塊化設計方案及相關技巧。

Russia will raise oil export duties by $ 58 . 4 to $ 333 . 8 per ton from february 1 in line with global market trends , ria news agency reported last saturday citing a senior finance ministry official 為順應全球市場趨勢,俄羅斯將從今年2月1日起將每噸石油的出口關稅提高58 . 4美元,達到每噸333 . 8美元。

Russian mfa spokesman mikhail kamynin interview with ria novosti in relation to upcoming visits by minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation sergey lavrov to spain , serbia and montenegro 關于外國公民和無國籍人士辦理臨時居留許可的條例(俄羅斯聯邦政府2002年11月1日第789號決定批準)

Leaving da lat , we made a short stop in the city of ba ria to search for musician tran quang loc . he and his family were quite touched by our sudden appearance 我們離開大叻市,順便拜訪巴地市,尋找音樂家陳光祿,當我們將禮物送給他和他的家庭時,他們對于我們這次突然的出現非常感動。

Compared to the elisa and radioimmunoassay ( ria ) , the proposed method is simply , speedy and provides a promising alternative to the diagnostic method in clinical laboratory 方法較傳統的elisa和放射性免疫分析( ria )簡單、快速,可望作為一種新的安培分析臨床診斷分析的工具。

To meet the needs of the developmental trend of software and to solve the problems of traditional web application , we bring forward the develop platform based on components and ria 為了適應軟件業發展的需要和解決web應用程序的不足,我們提出了基于構件和ria的web開發平臺。

Compared to the elisa and radioimmunoassay ( ria ) , the proposed method is simply , speedy and provides a promising alternative to the diagnostic method in clinical laboratory 方法較傳統的elisa和放射性免疫分析( ria )簡單、快速,可望作為一種臨床診斷分析的工具。

This year , traffic police in nizhny novgorod and krasnodar will present women they pull over with flowers rather than traffic tickets , ria - novosti and interfax reported 今年,在諾夫哥羅德和克拉斯諾達爾兩地,被交警攔下的女司機將會得到鮮花而不是交通罰單。

Moscow , may 9 ( ria novosti ) - the major role of the russian army on the international arena is to prevent a new world war , the chief of the general staff said tuesday 本月10號俄軍總參謀長表示,俄羅斯軍隊在國際社會的主要任務是防止新世界大戰的發生。

A big part of the attraction in using flex for ria development is the speed and ease with which you can leverage web services in your applications 使用flex進行ria開發的一個大的優點就是速度及易用,通過這些,您可以在您的應用程序中利用web服務。

Methods the levels of orphanin fq in the plasma and the myocardial tissue of rat with internal capsule hemorrhage were determined by radioimmunoassay ( ria ) 方法通過建立大鼠內囊出血模型,用放免法( ria )測定血漿及心肌組織勻漿中孤啡肽含量。

This work is aimed at observing if there is any correlation between avp and - msh in the antipyretic response using radioimmunoassay ( ria ) technique Avp和- msh這兩種肽都屬于體溫的的負調節性物質,這兩者之間是否存在著某種關系呢

The regulatory impact assessment ( ria ) also showed that significant net economic benefits could be reaped from implementating a nutrition labelling scheme 《規管影響評估》結果也顯示,推行營養資料標簽制度可帶來可觀的凈經濟利益。