
rhyton n.(一種古希臘的)角狀杯。


Archaeologists have unearthed 2 , 400 - year - old treasure in a thracian tomb in eastern bulgaria , the director of the country ' s history museum said yesterday . among the objects found were a golden laurel and ring , rhytons - silver drinking vessels shaped like horns , greek pottery and military items including weapons and armour 保加利亞考古學會丹尼拉阿格里教授率領的15人考古隊于23日從中發掘出一頂黃金桂冠一尊酒器一枚金幣,以及古希臘的陶器武器和盔甲等陪葬品。

Among the objects found were a golden laurel and ring , rhytons - silver drinking vessels shaped like horns , greek pottery and military items including weapons and armour 阿格里稱,此次發現為研究歐洲最神秘的色雷斯人提供了豐富線索。