
rhythmical adj.有抑揚頓挫[節奏、韻律]的;韻律[節奏、配合]勻...


His music covers a wide spectrum of expression : from tribal rhythmical dance music , to shamanistic music of power and peace , to uplifting , lyrical melodies that make the spirit soar , to flute music derived from a wide variety of cultures of the world 他的音樂涉及廣泛的表達:從部落節奏舞曲、以電力、巫樂和平,以昂揚向上、抒情的樂曲,使精神旺盛,長笛音樂來自于多種文化的世界

Now we add air pressured vibration and music rhythmical vibration to reach our goal which is various multi function massage . as quality management is concerned , hec happiness has earned iso9001 certification 按摩功能從最常見的振動式按摩到拍打式按摩再到多樣的捶揉捏打式按摩,目前更結合了氣壓式的按摩以及音感律動式按摩,達到多方面多功能的按摩。

His laughter is an equally regulated and artistically rhythmical affair , slightly artificial and stylized , and finishing off in an increasing generous volume , pleasantly softened by a white beard when there is one 他的笑也是一樣有規律的,藝術化的,有韻律的動作,稍微有點矯揉做作,而結束時的聲響則大一些,如果有白胡須的話,聲響卻會比較柔和一點。

The preacher preached a wonderful rhythmical sermon , all moans and shouts and lonely cries and dire pictures of hell , and then he sang a song about the ninety and nine safe in the fold , but one little lamb was left out in the cold 牧師布道精彩,呻吟、喊叫、孤獨的哭泣以及對地獄恐怖的描述,之后他唱起了九十九只羊安全而一直落荒的圣經詩。

Middle part light handle , cylindrical , have relief 3 leaf , being with a tight waist , china makes and is decorated with colluding and connects with the cloud line , upper and lower contrast , extremely rich rhythmical image 中部為燈把手,為圓柱形,上浮雕三葉,中束腰,下飾以勾連云紋,上下對照,極富韻律感。

It seemed to her that something with heavy , rhythmical strokes was banging on all the walls of the hut ; it was the beating of her own heart , torn with dread , with love and terror 她覺得有某種沉重的東西,節奏均勻地敲打著農舍的四壁:這是她那顆緊緊收縮的心,因驚悸恐懼和愛情而破碎的心的跳動。

A closely related theory traces theater to those dances that are primarily rhythmical and gymnastic or that are imitations of animal movements and sounds 另一個與之緊密相關的理論將戲劇的起源追溯至舞蹈,這些舞蹈大體上是有節奏感的和體操式的那一類,或者是對動物動作和聲音的模仿。

Compared with rhythms of english poetry , rhythms of chinese poetry has such features as cesura as rhythmical point , rhythmical unit as meaning unit , well - balancedness 摘要與英語詩歌節奏比較,漢語詩歌節奏具有以頓歇為節奏點,節奏單元就是意義單元,節奏整齊均勻等特點。

He waited till mole ' s sobs became gradually less stormy and more rhythmical ; he waited till at last sniffs were frequent and sobs only intermittent 河鼠等著,等到鼴鼠的哭泣逐漸緩和下來,不再是狂風暴雨,而變得多少有節奏了,等到鼴鼠只管抽鼻子,間或夾雜幾聲啜泣。

Good , technically correct short turns form the basis for mogul skiing . and are also important for power - skiing , which requires even , rhythmical turns 接著,正確技巧的小轉是饅頭滑雪的基礎,并且對于松雪滑雪也非常重要,而且松雪滑雪更需要平順、有韻律節奏地轉彎。

While food is in the stomach , the walls of the stomach contract in a rhythmical motion so that the food which is in the stomach can be broken up for digestion 當食物在肚子中的時候,胃囊會節奏性地產生緊縮動作,這樣胃中的食物就可以被分解以被吸收。

Artistic accomplishment : through the training for bodily form , train the rhythmical image , music sense , experience the magical glamour of stage performance 藝術修養:通過體形的訓練,培養韻律感、音樂感,并體驗舞臺表演的神奇魅力。

The so - called “ evenness ” is that manipulation should be rhythmical , with the same frequency and pressing force all the time 所謂“均勻”是指手法動作要有節奏性,操作頻率不要時快時慢,壓力不要時輕時重。

Unofficial history of the scholars circle breaks the commom structural patterns of embedding rhythmical verses in quot; baihua quot; novels 打破了古代白話小說融入詩詞韻文的結構模式

A comparison of the rhythmical structures of zhuang ballads in china and yue ballads in vietnam 壯族歌謠與越南越族歌謠韻律結構之比較

A musical or rhythmical accompaniment composed or played for dancing 舞曲為舞蹈所作的曲或為跳舞而演奏有音樂或節奏的伴奏

The rhythmical roar of the breakers sounded like a symphony 擊岸浪有節奏的洶涌澎湃的聲音,聽起來象一首交響樂。

A series of rhythmical motions and steps , usually to music 舞蹈,舞步一系列有節奏的移動或踏步,通常是和著音樂

A regular , rhythmical unit of time 拍子一般的韻律時間單位