
rhythmic adj.有抑揚頓挫[節奏、韻律]的;韻律[節奏、配合]勻...

rhythmic gymnastics

As the sound of wind blowing through pines sound like the rhythmic roaring waves , it is also called “ song tao “ , the roaring pines 由于風吹過松林的聲音很像海濤的韻律,所以也被稱為“松濤” 。

It struck two . i waited a little longer . only the regular , rhythmic ticking of the clock disturbed the silence 兩點鐘敲過了,我稍等了一會兒,唯有那墻上時鐘的單調的滴答聲打破寂靜的氣氛。

The group events of rhythmic gymnastics will be the key point to obtain more numbers of medals on 2008 olympic games 摘要藝術體操集體項目是我國2008年奧運會突破獎牌的一個重點項目。

Research on main improving approaches and values of action skills of group movement of rhythmic gymnastics for chinese athletes 我國藝術體操運動員成套動作技術價值水平及提高途徑研究

Dessalle was asleep with his head high on his four pillows , and his roman nose gave forth rhythmic sounds of snoring 德塞爾高枕著四個枕頭睡著了,他那高鼻梁的鼻子發出均勻的鼾聲。

Besides lava flows , etna produces an almost constant , rhythmic discharge of steam , ash and molten rock 除了熔巖流,埃特納也幾乎穩定、有節奏地噴發蒸汽、火山灰和熔融的巖石。

Amongst the rhythmic whisper of the rain , we hear some solemn sounds of percussion coming from far away 在清脆的雨聲之中,隱約聽得出從遠處傳來,彷如暮鼓晨鐘的鏗鏘樂章。

I cannot enjoy the beauty of rhythmic movement except in a sphere restricted to the touch of my hands 除非在我的手能觸摸到的范圍內,我不能享受那節奏感很強的動作的優美。

The opening waltz , that waltz with the naughty rhythmic beat , had returned and swept the gods with it 開幕時演奏的華爾茲舞曲,節奏放蕩,現在又演奏了一遍,把眾神送走。

Children will want to join in with “ jump , frog , jump “ after every verse of this rhythmic , cumulative tale 這本書用了很多的重復用字及句型,適合4 - 6歲以上的兒童閱讀。

You are asleep in the branches of your home and hear the rhythmic thump of iron - shod feet below 打著拉洛斯旗號的大軍開始聚集起來,戰爭時代終于來到我們面前。

The deep - water in situ deposits and deep - water allogene deposits develop flysch rhythmic sequences 深水原地沉積與異地沉積在剖面上組成了復雜的復理石韻律。

She watched him , a few minutes later the slow rhythmic sounds of a sleeping iksar could be heard 她看了看他,過了幾分鐘,就傳來熟睡中蜥蜴人的有韻律的聲音

Rhythmic speech or writing is like waves of the sea , moving onward with alternating rise and fall 有節奏的演講和寫作就像海里的水一樣,時高時低地向前進。

From style , tempo to rhythmic form - a survey of a century ' s exploration of characteristics of literature itself 文藝本體特性百年探尋軌跡掃描上篇

Current situation on athletic level of rhythmic gymnastics in sichuan province and its countermeasures 四川省藝術體操競技水平現狀與發展對策研究

Layered intrusions are characterized by a typical layering structure and rhythmic texture 摘要層狀巖體的典型特征是其具有層狀構造和韻律結構。

On cultivation of students in rhythmic gymnastics major of sports training in p . e . institutes 我國藝術體操專業運動員腰部損傷的分析研究

Influence of anxiety state on performance stability of top rhythmic gymnasts 我國高水平藝術體操運動員競賽焦慮水平對比賽穩定性的影響