
rhythm n.【詩】抑揚,節奏;韻律;【音樂】節拍;節奏的格調;律...


And rhythm and timing , see ? - balance and rhythm 節奏和時機,明白了? -平衡和節奏

It ' s going to change our rhythm up a lot 并且這也大大的改變我們的比賽節奏。

And being able to come into a rhythm with the ocean . . 能夠合上大海的韻律. .

I like the exciting rhythm of african drum music 我喜歡非洲鼓樂的令人興奮的節奏。

If it ' s on , you should move with the rhythm 當它響起來的時候,你就應該跟著節奏動

I don ' t want to break your rhythm or anything 我可不想打斷你的思路或者其他什么的

Stress and rhythm are important in speaking english 講英語時重音及節奏都很重要。

I trained to make 12 rounds at an high rhythm 我按高節奏的方式以12回合進行訓練。

? ? we got the rhythm , we got the most fun ? ? ? “我們擁有節奏,我們擁有快樂”

The insistent rhythm of piano penetrated the house 鋼琴持續的韻律在房子里回蕩

I can ' t dance to music without a good rhythm 沒有好的節奏我不能跟著音樂跳舞。

The achievement of qi state in rhythm and acoustics 試論齊國在律學與聲學上的成就

Feel the rhythm as your body gets warm . . 感受著這節奏讓你的身體慢慢熱起來. .

What is rhythm of the heart , heartbeat and heart sounds 什么是心律、心率和心音

On selected works on poetic rhythm study in qing dynasty 清代詩歌聲律學著作舉要

Discuss the command of activity rhythm on basketball match 談籃球比賽的節奏調控

It was to the strains of this languorous song that teroro saw approaching him, in the gentle rhythms of a chiefs hula, a slim, wiry-hipped girl of fourteen with midninght-black hair that fell to her knees . 在軟綿綿的歌聲中,蒂羅羅看到一個十四歲的少女踏著酋長的呼拉舞步朝他走近,身材纖細,臀部結實,夜一樣烏黑的長發能拂到膝蓋。

The knocking had gone beyond mere protest over heatlessness now, they had fallen into a ragged rumba rhythm . 這時候,敲打聲已經不只是對沒暖氣所表示的抗議聲,而開始變成一支節奏不協調的倫巴舞旋律了。

Thomas sat slumped in his chair, humming tunelessly and tapping an annoying rhythm on his glass with his fork . 托馬斯懶洋洋地坐在椅子里,不成調地哼著曲子,用叉亂敲著杯子,那節奏聽了使人心煩。