
rhys n.里斯〔姓氏〕。


Leo is the only new entry in the boys “ top 50 , up 20 places to number 37 , while alex drops out of the table . in wales , the most popular boys “ and girls “ names are joshua and megan , with dylan and rhys making the boys “ top 10 , and ffion at five in the girls “ . lewis and sophie top the list in scotland , as do jack and katie in northern ireland 報道說,在英國威爾士地區,最受歡迎的男孩名和女孩名分別是“喬舒亞” joshua和“梅甘” megan蘇格蘭人喜歡“路易斯” lewis和“索菲” sophie而“杰克” jack和“卡蒂” katie在北愛爾蘭地區位列榜首。

Boromir sean bean is dead , frodo baggins elijah wood and samwise gamgee sean astin have gone to mordor alone to destroy the one ring , merry dominic monaghan and pippin billy boyd have been captured by the uruk - hai , and aragorn viggo mortensen , legolas orlando bloom , and gimli john rhys - davies have made friends of the rohan , a race of humans that are in the path of the upcoming war , led by its aging king , theoden bernard hill 隨著被魔戒誘惑的波羅莫倒下和甘道夫跳進懸崖,指環聯盟被逼分成三路,但每個成員仍嘲著拯救中土世界的目標前。哈比族人佛羅多和山姆前往艾明莫爾山路上,逮住了一路尾隨的咕魯,咕魯答應帶領前往摩多的黑暗之門。另一方面,亞拉網與射手雷高拉斯和矮人金靂遇到羅漢國的騎士團。

Boromir sean bean is dead , frodo baggins elijah wood and samwise gamgee sean astin have gone to mordor alone to destroy the one ring , merry dominic monaghan and pippin billy boyd have been captured by the uruk - hai , and aragorn viggo mortensen , legolas orlando bloom , and gimli john rhys - davies have made friends of the rohan , a race of humans . . . 而梅里和皮聘亦誤闖法貢森林,遇上神秘的樹胡。每位成員在各自的征途上,面臨更強悍的敵人和意想不到的陰謀。他們將一起面對來自雙塔的強大壓力巫師撒魯門聚集數以萬計的強獸人軍隊和在黑暗之國摩多不斷壯大的邪惡力量

Hunt assembles his team - his old friend luther strickell ving rhames , transportation expert declan jonathan rhys meyers , background operative zhen maggie q , and fresh recruit lindsey keri russell - to travel the globe pursuing davian and rescue hunt s love , julia michelle monaghan 率領i . m . f .的伊頓湯告魯斯飾曾完成多項任務,但今次他卻陷入了敵方所設的陷阱,被引到歐亞兩地,正面挑戰對手。

A second 10 - month - old child with scid also had gene therapy at great ormond street four months ago . the patient is doing even better than rhys at a comparable stage 4個月前,第二名重癥聯合免疫缺陷患兒(一個10個月大的孩子)也在大奧爾蒙德街醫院接受基因治療。在相同的階段比較兩個患兒的病情,這個孩子甚至比里斯恢復得更好。

The first signs that something was wrong with rhys came four months after his birth at about the time his mother , marie evans , began to stop breast - feeding 里斯出生后大約4個月,當他的母親瑪麗?埃文斯開始停止對他進行母乳喂養時,最早表明里斯有什么不對頭的一些征象出現了。

An analysis of rhys ' blood showed the few lymphocytes he possessed came from his mother and the supply had been cut off when breast - feeding ended 對里斯血液的分析表明,他血液里極少的一點淋巴細胞來自母親,當他母親停止給他哺乳后,淋巴細胞的供應也終止了。

A series of chest infections quickly turned into severe pneumonia which led to 12 rhys being ten days in an oxygen - tent 13 before being put on a ventilator 一系列肺部感染迅速轉變成嚴重的肺炎,這使里斯不得不在氧幕里呆了10天,然后戴上呼吸器。

Schoolboy goalkeeper rhys taylor saved the tenth penalty of the shoot - out after nine successful ones in an extraordinary climax to the semi - final 在高潮迭起的半決賽里,前面的9個球都成功罰進之后, (青年學院)學員雷耶斯.泰勒撲出了第十個點球。

When rhys regained enough strength , he was transferred from the south wales hospital to a sterile room at great ormond street 里斯恢復了足夠的體力之后,從南威爾士的醫院轉到了大奧爾蒙德街醫院的一間消毒病室。

The real rhys williams was an uneducated , ignorant boy with no background , no breeding , no past , no future 真正的里斯?威廉斯卻是一個沒受過教育的無知的孩子,他沒有后臺,沒有教養,沒有過去,也沒有未來。

It was the one source of hope for rhys , who did not have a brother or sister to act as a tissuematched donor 里斯沒有兄弟姐妹作為組織類型相配的供體,他治愈的希望就在于找到合適的骨髓捐獻者。

“ first of all i want to pay my condolences and respect to the family of rhys jones , “ commented benitez “在此之前,我想表示我對賴斯?瓊斯家人的尊重,向他們轉達我的哀悼。 ”貝尼特斯說。

For the first time in his short life , rhys was able to start mixing with other children and playing outdoors 在里斯短短的生命歷程中,他第一次能與別的孩子交往并到戶外游戲。

By the time barcelona had taken the lead midway throught the first - half , rhys taylor had made a fine save 在上半場巴薩就已取得了領先,雷耶斯.泰勒做出了一個精彩的撲救。

In this article : after gene therapy little rhys evans can go out to play for the first time in his life 本文簡介:接受基因治療后,小里斯?埃文斯平生第一次能走出來玩了。

Fallers this year were bradley , rhys and kyle among the boys and anna and paige among the girls 今年人氣下滑的名字包括:男孩名布拉德利、萊斯和凱利;女孩名安娜和佩吉。

Rowan , rhys and their sister jenna took a year off from school to embark on an early gap year 羅萬、萊斯和他們的小妹珍娜休學一年,提早展開所謂空檔的一年。

Matthew rhys : as an actor , we ' re one of the last to know anyway , so no 作為一個演員,我們通常是最后知道劇情的。