
rhyme n.1.韻,腳韻。2.同韻語。3.〔常 pl.〕韻文,詩...


Constructing the rhyme contrast between english and chinese proverbs 漢諺語韻律構建對比

Rhyme of white exhibition in the hong kong international airport 香港國際機場白之頌展覽

That ends the rhyming portion of the mommy me class “媽媽和我”班的兒歌部分就上到這里

There is no softer ground than town . - that almost rhymes 城里沒有這么軟的地. -象首詩

Shall we cut out your tongue , mr . rhyme 要不要我割掉你的舌頭萊姆先生?

An inquiry into the rhyming scheme in chen yu - yi ' s poetry 陳與義詩用韻考

A textual study on the rhyming system in huang tao ' s poem 黃滔詩歌用韻考

On the differences between children ' s poetry and nursery rhymes 淺談兒童詩與兒歌之區別

You can ' t rhyme if you don ' t have no rhythm 如果沒有節奏,就無法表現押韻

No word in the english language rhymes with “ month ” 英語里沒有詞可以和month壓韻。

Do 100 skips and try to remember childhood rhymes 每天跳100下,背誦一些童年的歌謠。

No word in the english language rhymes with “ month . 英語里面沒有詞可以和month壓韻。

Folk rhymes are the mirrors that show the feelings of the people 民謠是人心的鏡子。

“ how about those poems that don ' t even rhyme “那些甚至沒有韻律的詩怎么樣

You had all the questions that rhymed , remember 那些有關格律的問題都是你的記得嗎?

I ' m not so good with the rhyming . not really , no 我對韻律掌握得不好。不好,真的。

Typing chinese character without sound and rhyme 輸入沒有韻母和介音的中文字

The poetry of chu and lyric rhyme prose of the han dynasty 楚騷與漢代抒情賦

Loses sleep time hears him to sing the nursery rhymes 肆。失眠的時候聽見他唱童謠。