
rhubarb n.1.【植物;植物學】大黃;食用大黃;大黃根〔藥用〕。...


Method : choose 120 cases of patients with cr , whom were divided into 2 groups ; for the treatment group , add xzkxd while treating with basic liver protection , 1 dose daily , take in 2 times ; for the control group , add bill of rhubarb and corydiidae , 6 for one time , 2 times daily , the treating course was 3 months for both groups 方法:選擇慢乙肝患者102例,隨機分成兩組,治療組在基礎護肝治療的同時加服消癥抗纖湯;對照組在基礎護肝治療的同時加服大黃?蟲丸,療程均為3個月。

Rhubarb as a kind of traditional chinese medicine , could discharge blood stasis , remove lump , clear gastrointestinal tract . it is an effective medicine for treating gastrointestinal failure in critical patients . besides promoting blood circulation by removing blood stasis , it could improve the gastrointestinal blood perfusion , recover gastrointestinal peristalsis and excrete intestinal bacteria and virus 大黃是我國傳統中藥,具有下瘀血、破癥瘕、蕩滌胃腸、推陳致新之功效,是治療危重患者胃腸功能衰竭的良藥,不僅可以活血化瘀,改善胃腸道血流灌注,而且還能促進胃腸蠕動功能的恢復,排泄腸道內細菌和毒素。

Li tao considers to discover , chinese rhubarb can make human body produce interferon , have hepatic coma of immune adjusting control , prevention and cure , raise those who gobble up a cell to gobble up ability , strengthen resistance , hand the action such as virus of airframe drive hepatitis , precaution and remedial infection 李濤研究發現,大黃能促使人體產生干擾素,具有免疫調控、防治肝昏迷、提高吞噬細胞的吞噬能力、增強反抗力、協助機體驅除肝炎病毒、預防和治療感染等作用。

Methods color reaction was used to identify the amino acids contained in turtle shell and pangolin scales in the preparation , and thin layer chromatography was applied to identify other essential ingredients of the preparation such as milkvetch root , rhubarb , bupleurum root , danshen root , red peony root and barbary wolfberry fruit 方法采用顏色反應鑒別該制劑中鱉甲、穿山甲等所含的氨基酸類成分;用薄層色譜方法對大黃、黃芪、柴胡、赤芍、丹參、枸杞子進行鑒別。

His breakfast consisted of a side - dish , a broiled fish with reading sauce , a scarlet slice of roast beef garnished with mushrooms , a rhubarb and gooseberry tart , and a morsel of cheshire cheese , the whole being washed down with several cups of tea , for which the reform is famous 這頓午餐包括有:一盤小吃,一盤加上等辣醬油的烹魚塊,一盤深紅色的烤牛肉配著香大黃和青醋栗果,另外還有一塊干酪。吃完之后,再喝上幾杯俱樂部特備的好茶。把這些美食,一沖了事。

The stacks of soap in the grocers shops , the rhubarb and lemons in the greengrocers ! the awful hats in the milliners ! all went by ugly , ugly , ugly , followed by the plaster - and - gilt horror of the cinema with its wet picture announcements , a woman s love 雜貨店的一堆一堆的肥皂,蔬菜店的大黃萊和檸檬,時裝鑰的丑怪帽了,一幕一幕地在丑惡中過去,跟著是俗不可面的電影戲院,廣告畫上標著: “婦人之愛! ”

Such vegetable kingdoms include turnips , okra , brussel sprouts , cauliflower , rhubarb , and soy beans and they cannot ascend as they are not from this creation 這些植物王國包括蕪菁、秋葵、抱子甘藍、花椰菜、大黃和大豆,因為它們并非來自這個造物,因而它們無法提升。

It was that rhubarb that generally is credited with producing all the reforms the last two years regarding player behavior and dress 人們廣泛認為,正是這場斗毆直接導致近兩年來一系列有關球員行為和穿著的改革。

Chinese rhubarb function is valuable the word is understood in , will thousands of years be in clinical applying and long fill do not decline 大黃作用貴在一個通字,幾千年來在臨床應用而久盛不衰。

Observation on efficacy of cimetidine associated with the tuber hyacinth bletilla , rhubarb on 136 patients with upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage 生大黃結合西咪替丁治療上消化道出血136例療效觀察

Palate : sweet berry , damson plum and stewed rhubarb fruits embrace a tight structural core , which is reinforced by integrated french oak 口感:酒體厚,口感有濃郁的櫻桃果香、甘甜的巧克力味。

Clinical observation in the integrated chinese and western treatment of acute bacterial dysentery of children with rhubarb as the main drug 大黃為主藥中西醫結合治療小兒急性細菌性痢疾療效觀察

Clinical study on controlling upper gastrointestinal bleeding by early nasogastric feeding rhubarb powder after severe brain injuries 早期鼻飼生大黃粉防治重型顱腦損傷后上消化道出血的臨床研究

Effect of pelle rhubarb and zhechong on the collagen of liver and mucoprotein of blood serum in the rats with hepatic fibrosis in different stages 蟲丸對大鼠肝纖維化不同期膠原等的影響

Prevention of gastrointestinal complications after severe brain injuries by early nasogastric feeding of rhubarb powder 早期鼻飼生大黃粉防治重型顱腦損傷后消化道并發癥的臨床研究

A comparative study on the auxiliary therapeutic effect of rhubarb and kansui root on patients with severe acute pancreatitis 大黃輔助治療重癥急性胰腺炎的臨床療效研究

“ won ' t you grow any fruit ? “ “ no . only rhubarb , god ' s gift to scotland and lazy gardeners . “你們這里種水果嗎? “ “不種,只種大黃,這是上帝對對蘇格蘭人和懶人的恩寵。

Thirty patients with diabetic nephropathy treated by combined therapy of crude rhubarb powder and astragalus injection 生大黃粉合黃芪注射液治療糖尿病腎病30例

Bidirectional regulation of dachengqi decoction and rhubarb on immunologic activity of macrophages 大承氣湯和大黃對巨噬細胞免疫活性的雙向調節作用