
rhododendron n.【植物;植物學】杜鵑花屬,〔r-〕杜鵑花。


Hong kong flower show 2005 will be held from 11 to 20 march 2005 at victoria park in causeway bay . featuring rhododendron as its theme flower and the theme whisper of spring , the event will showcase this exquisite plant and other exotic flowers , landscape and floral art displays by organizations from local , the mainland and overseas 展覽以春日花語為主題,市民除了可以欣賞到花姿秀美、色彩艷麗的主題花杜鵑及各地的花卉之外,更可以觀賞到來自本地、內地及海外園藝機構展出的園林景點及花藝擺設。

Over 1 , 100 bauhinia trees , including bauhinia blakeana , bauhinia tomentosa and bauhinia glauca , together with some 38 , 000 pieces of rhododendron , have been planted to increase the attractiveness of the view point . it is now the one and only place in hong kong where one can freely enjoy and revel in the extravagant display of rhododendron in blossom from late february till end of march every year 觀景臺種植了逾1 , 100棵幼樹和屬于三個不同紫荊花品種的嫩灌木,包括洋紫荊、黃花洋蹄甲和洋蹄甲藤,同時,亦種植了逾38 , 000棵杜鵑花植物,以增加這地方的吸引力。

Through analyzing 46 kinds of flowers , we found that rosa l . ( rosaceae ) , lagerstroemia indica l . , euphorbia antiquorum l . , rhododendron l . osmanthus fragrans lour , had strong aoa and abundant polyphenols ; the relationship between aoa and polyphenols contents of flowers are significant at 1 % level . 2 . the aoa of rose flowers was confirmed through five methods 采集并比較了46種常見花卉的抗氧化活性及其多酚、黃酮含量,發現玫瑰花、大葉紫薇花、鐵海棠花、杜鵑花、桂花具有很高的抗氧化活性,同時含有豐富的多酚類物質,花卉的抗氧化活性與其多酚含量呈顯著的正相關; 2

The study site , wanglang nature reserve , located in pingwu county , sichuan province , china . the reserve was established in 1963 as one of the first four reserves set up for giant panda protection and as such holds some of the best high altitude primary forest and flora to be seen in china from 40 varieties of rhododendrons to wild roses and meadow flowers 王朗國家級自然保護區位于四川西部平武縣境內,是全國建立最早的四個以保護大熊貓等珍稀野生動物及其棲息地為目的的自然保護區之一,它地處全球生物多樣性核心地區之一的喜瑪拉雅? ?橫斷山區,保持了完整的自然生態系統。

There was not a blade of grass to be seen in the paths , or a weed in the flower - beds ; no fine lady ever trained and watered her geraniums , her cacti , and her rhododendrons , with more pains than this hitherto unseen gardener bestowed upon his little enclosure 小徑上看不到一根雜草,花壇里也沒有。這位園丁雖然還未露面,但他經營這片小園地的一番苦心已是人人都看得到的了,即使一位細心的太太也不會這樣小心地來澆灌她的天竺葵仙人掌和躑躅草的。

For a moment - only for a moment - when they were in the turning of the drive , between the tall rhododendrons and conifers , before the lodge became visible , he inclined his face towards her as if - but , no : he thought better of it , and let her go 有一會兒僅僅有一會兒當他們走到大車道轉彎的地方,在高大的杜鵑樹和針葉樹中間,在門房看不見的地方,他曾向她把臉伸過去,仿佛要不過他沒有把臉伸過去:他仔細想了想,就放苔絲走了。

The development of flower industry has been listed into eighteen key biological resource programs by the provincial government . especially , camellias , rhododendrons , magnoliaceae and orchids have been given priority for exploitation and development 特殊情況下,對于進出口單證一時不能提供備的采取憑保函,用手填報關單的方式先驗放貨物,后補辦有關進出口手續。

Specimen of 18 rhododendron species were collected from the field during this trip to lashihai region in july 11 - 13 , 2001 . another 4 species were supplemented according to the report by luzhengwei et all 這次野外調查,實際采集到18種杜鵑花屬種類的標本,另根據呂正偉等人2000年7月20日的《麗江縣拉市鄉南堯西村自然資源和保護戰略》補充了4種。

He offered his arm to the countess ; she took it , or rather just touched it with her little hand , and they together descended the steps , lined with rhododendrons and camellias 她挽起他的胳膊,或者說得確切些,只是用她那只纖細的小手輕輕觸著它,于是他們一同走下那兩旁列著躑躅花和山茶花的踏級。

The hong kong flower show 2005 will be held from march 11 to 20 at victoria park . this year s flower show features “ whisper of spring “ as its theme and rhododendron as its theme flower 2005年香港花卉展覽將于3月11日至20日在維多利亞公園舉行,展覽的主題為春日花語,主題花是杜鵑。

He was shown into the front room - the dining - room - and looked out through the spring curtains at the little lawn , and the rhododendrons and other shrubs upon it 克萊爾被帶進了前廳,也就是餐廳,他從彈簧窗簾的縫中向外看去,只見外面有一個小草坪,上面長著一叢叢杜鵑和別的灌木。

These are home to many rare plant and animal species such as crested kingfishers , mangrove water snakes , rough - skinned floating frog , and the rare native rhododendron 多種罕見植物和動物品種,如冠魚狗黑斑水蛇尖舌浮蛙以及稀有的原生杜鵑均在此處發現。

Do you know what a rhododendron looks like ? it is a big bush - like plant with large and numerous flowers in shades of pink , red , purple and white 您知道杜鵑花的長相嗎?它是一種大型的灌木類植物,長有大大地且為數眾多的花朵,花色為粉紅、紅、紫及白。

But after the logging , the original habitats are inkling to dry , which result in the rhododendron species could not survive 這是事實,但是對于原來生長在其林下的其它物種,特別是杜鵑花屬種類,可能由于生境改變,如生境旱化,就會被淘汰出局。

Ingredients : pure olive essential oil , constant sunscreen factor , uv filtering agent , dahurian rhododendron , wild wormwood , natural moisturizing factor etc 成份:清純橄欖精油、長效防曬因子、紫外線過濾劑、滿山紅、野艾、天然保濕因子等。

Howth settled for slumber tired of long days , of yumyum rhododendrons he was old and felt gladly the night breeze lift , ruffle his fell of ferns 165杜鵑花叢,使霍斯山丘感到疲憊了它老了。夜風習習,撥弄著羊茸毛,給他以快感。

No - one . high on ben howth rhododendrons a nannygoat walking surefooted , dropping currants . screened under ferns she laughed warmfolded 在霍斯那高高的山丘上面,一只母山羊緩步走在杜鵑花叢中,醋栗一路墜落著。

In this report , based on some morphological characters , a systematic treatment is given to the species of the genus rhododendron ( ericaceae ) of taiwan 摘要木研究以形態特徵為主,整理本省野生杜鵑花屬植物。

Ongoing rhododendron species botanical garden : this 22 - acre garden features trees , shrubs , perennials and bulbs , plus a 多倫多星,加拿大- 5個小時前預定這些特殊費率的當中一個并且得到您周年紀念