
rhodochrosite n.【礦物】菱錳礦。


A pendant or necklace , even a pin , containing rhodochrosite that rests near the heart and chest region can help to relax and reduce these stresses and restore unrestricted breathing . rhodochrosite worn in this area , the solar plexus , balances the energy flow between the upper and lower parts of the body and also helps to balance the emotions 紅紋石開發心輪,對心肺免疫系統淋巴腺胸腺功能有幫助,據說對呼吸道血液循環系統指甲病變,甚至癌癥等生理現象有舒緩功能解憂郁助密運,能使配帶者經常心情愉快。

Emotional stresses can have many negative effects including inhibiting breathing , causing many areas within the body to become starved for oxygen . a pendant or necklace , even a pin , containing rhodochrosite that rests near the heart and chest region can help to relax and reduce these stresses and restore unrestricted breathing 紅紋石開發心輪,對心肺免疫系統淋巴腺胸腺功能有幫助,據說對呼吸道血液循環系統指甲病變,甚至癌癥等生理現象有舒緩功能解憂郁助密運,能使配帶者經常心情愉快。

A pendant or necklace , even a pin , containing rhodochrosite that rests near the heart and chest region can help to relax and reduce these stresses and restore unrestricted breathing . rhodochrosite worn in this area , the solar plexus , balances the energy flow between the upper and lower parts of the body and also helps to balance the emotions 紅紋石開發心輪,對心、肺、免疫系統、淋巴腺、胸腺功能有幫助,據說對呼吸道、血液循環系統、指甲病變,甚至癌癥等生理現象有舒緩功能;解憂郁、助密運,能使配帶者經常心情愉快。

Rhodochrosite is a lovely gemstone with colors that match the colors of roses . in fact , it s name , rhodochrosite , means rose - colored . colors usually range from orange to pink , pale pink , pale to deep red , orange - red , brownish red , orange - brown . ofen , pink and white bands run through these magnificent gems resulting in beautiful patterns . occasionally clear transparent specimens are found but even these are a rosy pink color 紅紋玉(紅紋石)的學名叫菱錳礦rhodochrosite ,名字來源于希臘語“ rhodon ”和“ chrosis ” ,意為其顏色為玫瑰色; rhodochrosite一字,來自兩個希臘字,分別指玫瑰( rose )和顏色( color ) ,以象征它特殊的色彩。

In fact , it s name , rhodochrosite , means rose - colored . colors usually range from orange to pink , pale pink , pale to deep red , orange - red , brownish red , orange - brown . often , pink and white bands run through these magnificent gems resulting in beautiful patterns 紅紋玉紅紋石的學名叫菱錳礦rhodochrosite ,名字來源于希臘語“ rhodon ”和“ chrosis ” ,意為其顏色為玫瑰色rhodochrosite一字,來自兩個希臘字,分別指玫瑰rose和顏色color ,以象征它特殊的色彩。

Rhodochrosite is a lovely gemstone with colors that match the colors of roses . in fact , it s name , rhodochrosite , means rose - colored . colors usually range from orange to pink , pale pink , pale to deep red , orange - red , brownish red , orange - brown 這一對情侶手環,采用天然紅紋玉及天然黑曜石相互配合,有助于增進情侶之間的感情,更可以幫助情侶抵抗外部的侵擾,使情侶間的愛情更加甜蜜。

The legend : rhodochrosite is believed to be closely associated with the emotions and metaphysical energies . that means it is closely associated with matters of the heart and inner self , causing it to have a strong effect on breathing 紅紋是一種美麗的紅色寶石,間中會有灰白色的條紋狀出現,但總以純紅色,和較通透的品種最受歡迎,也是公歷七月份的生辰幸運石。

Rhodochrosite is believed to be closely associated with the emotions and metaphysical energies . that means it is closely associated with matters of the heart and inner self , causing it to have a strong effect on breathing 紅紋是一種美麗的紅色寶石,間中會有灰白色的條紋狀出現,也是公歷七月份的生辰幸運石。

One influences of rhodochrosite is its ability to draw love to the wearer . it unites the conscious and the subconscious self to restore harmony , inspire forgiveness of self and others and aids in self - acceptance 喚醒人們心中對愛的需求,使人熱情、愿意付出,增加招來愛情的機會,可以增進異性緣。

One influences of rhodochrosite is its ability to draw love to the wearer . it unites the conscious and the subconscious self to restore harmony , inspire forgiveness of self and others and aids in self - acceptance 與粉晶不同的,它是偏向實踐和行動,增加信心邁向目標,所以亦適合已有對象的人配帶。

Rhodochrosite is also credited with improving eyesight , enhancing memory , and improving the eyesight . obsidian is a semi translucent to opaque natural glass formed by volcanic activity 黑曜石obsidian屬于火成巖的一種,黑曜石是火山溶巖迅速冷卻后形成的一種天然玻璃,屬于非純晶質的水晶寶石。

This paper describes the mn production and puts forward a new method to mine low - grade rhodochrosite using solving and soaking . the experimental results are presented in the paper 概述了錳礦的生產現狀,提出了原地溶浸開采低品位菱錳礦新方法,給出了菱錳礦溶浸實驗結果。

The pink and red bands in rhodochrosite are associated with harmony , comfort , tolerance , compassion , and love , making it a wonderful stone to share between friends 紅紋石有“愛神”之稱號,因為它可幫助你吸引到合適的異性。建立自我價值觀,培養出高貴情操。

It is believed to help the skin and improve complexions . rhodochrosite is also credited with improving eyesight , enhancing memory , and improving the eyesight 可改善皮膚、美容,令愛情、家庭、社交等完美圓滿,有助平緩激動的情緒及過濾負能量。

Rhodochrosite worn in this area , the solar plexus , balances the energy flow between the upper and lower parts of the body and also helps to balance the emotions 喚醒人們心中對愛的需求,使人熱情愿意付出,增加招來愛情的機會,可以增進異性緣。

It is believed to help the skin and improve complexions . rhodochrosite is also credited with improving eyesight , enhancing memory , and improving the eyesight 可改善皮膚美容,令愛情家庭社交等完美圓滿,有助平緩激動的情緒及過濾負能量。

Rhodochrosite is also considered beneficial to the reproductive organs , joints , and migraines . it is believed to help the skin and improve complexions 可改善皮膚美容,令愛情家庭社交等完美圓滿,有助平緩激動的情緒及過濾負能量。

18cm length each elastic . 18 natural black obsidian beads and 18 natural rhodochrosite beads . beads size : 10mm diameter 18顆10mm天然黑曜石, 18顆10mm天然紅紋玉,每串手環總長18cm ,兩串一對。

The balancing influences of rhodochrosite creates a positive , enthusiastic attitude within the self 可治療因失戀帶來的痛苦、失落、抑郁,讓情緒穩定柔和。