
rhodesia n.羅得西亞〔津巴布韋的舊稱〕。


During the colonial period , the british government transplanted its common law to south rhodesia in an indirect way , on the other hand , the customary laws which had a long history were kept , but they were ruled to only apply to the natives . after the independence of zimbabwe , its constitution decided that the received common law and the customary law are the most important parts of the systems of zimbabwe ’ s law 殖民時期,英國殖民政府將普通法間接移植到南羅得西亞,同時又保留了各部族流傳已久的習慣法,但是通過各種法律規定習慣法只適用于土著人;津巴布韋共和國成立后,其憲法規定,殖民時期繼受的普通法和習慣法都是津巴布韋法律制度的重要組成部分。

The word apologists used to describe mr smith was paternalist , and his rhodesia was sometimes cast as nothing worse than a slightly more rough - and - tumble version of the british home counties : surrey with the lunatic fringe on top 辯護者們用于描繪史密斯先生的詞便是“家長做派” ,而且他的羅得西亞時常也被描述成為一個比英國本土城鎮更糟糕透頂的地方:就像英國薩里那樣,由一班狂亂分子掌控。

But instead of trying to tame the storm by seeking accommodation with southern rhodesia ' s black leaders ? admittedly , a quarrelsome lot ? he locked them up 但是,史密斯先生并沒有尋求與南非羅得西亞黑人領袖的相互融合(說實話,那是爭端四起的舉措)來試圖平息颶風,他反而將這些人都禁閉起來。

1961 dag hammarskjold , swedish secretary - general of the united nations and nobel prize winner , was killed in a plane crash near ndola in northern rhodesia 1961年哈馬舍爾德,這個曾任聯合國秘書長,獲得過諾貝爾獎的瑞士人在北羅德西亞地區靠近贊多恩的地方因飛機墜毀而死亡。

1961 dag hammarskjold , swedish secretary - general of the united nations and nobel prize winner , was killed in a plane crash near ndola in northern rhodesia 1961年,曾任聯合國秘書長之職并且曾獲得諾貝爾和平獎的瑞典人,戴格,哈馬舍爾德死于羅得西亞北部的恩多拉的空難。

1961 dag hammarskjold , swedish secretary - general of the united nations and nobel prize winner , was killed in a plane crash near ndola in northern rhodesia 瑞典駐聯合國秘書長,諾貝爾獎得主哈馬舍爾德于1961年發生在津巴布韋北部靠近恩多拉的飛機墜落事件中不幸遇難。

Arrighi , g . “ labour supplies in historical perspective : a study of the proletarianization of the african peasantry in rhodesia . “ journal of development studies 6 ( 1970 ) 歷史觀點中的勞動力供應:津巴布韋非洲裔農民的無產階級化研究, 《發展研究學報》第6期( 1970 ) 。

Arrighi , g . “ labour supplies in historical perspective : a study of the proletarianization of the african peasantry in rhodesia . “ journal of development studies 6 ( 1970 ) 歷史觀點中的勞動力供應:辛巴威非洲裔農民的無產階級化研究, 《發展研究學報》第6期( 1970 ) 。

1961 dag hammarskjold , swedish secretary - general of the united nations and nobel prize winner , was killed in a plane crash near ndola in northern rhodesia 哈馬舍爾德,即瑞典籍聯合國秘書長和諾貝爾獎獲得者,在津巴布韋北部,靠近恩多拉的一次飛機失事中喪生。

In 1949 they parted . unable to bear life in rhodesia , she came to england with her son , which meant leaving her first two children behind 在1949年他們分開了。由于無法忍受在羅得西亞的生活,她和兒子來到英國,這意味著她跟她前兩個孩子的距離更遠了。

1961 dag hammarskjold , swedish secretary - general of the united nations and nobel prize winner , was killed in a plane crash near ndola in northern rhodesia 1961年,瑞典籍聯合國秘書長及諾貝爾和平獎獲得者哈馬舍爾德在北羅德尼亞的空難中喪生。

Later another patrol would be raised from the southern area of the colony of rhodesia and this patrol would take the letter “ s “ for south 隨后從來自南羅得西亞的官兵中又組成了一支巡邏隊,它的代號是“ s ” ? ?取南羅得西亞的第一個字母。

But in truth there was no romance about mr smith ' s rhodesia ? no heroes , no derring - do , no nobility of purpose 但是,真實情況是,歷史上沒有遺留下關于史密斯先生的羅得西亞的羅曼史? ?沒有英雄、沒有蠻勇的事跡,也沒有崇高的使命。

In 1965 , in a feebly disguised attempt at matching america ' s precedent of 1776 , he declared rhodesia independent 1965年,他宣布羅得西亞獨立,這是他模仿美國在1776年的先例所采取的毫無說服力的托詞。