
rhodes n.羅茲〔姓氏〕。


Amid the excitement surrounding the birthday celebrations , the queen ' s cousin , margaret rhodes , said that she is “ perfectly sure “ the monarch will never abdicate the throne 生日慶祝宴會的氣氛十分歡愉,女王的堂妹瑪格麗特?羅德斯說,她“非常肯定”女王不會退位。

Amid the excitement surrounding the birthday celebrations , the queen ' s cousin , margaret rhodes , said that she is “ perfectly sure “ the monarch will never 生日慶祝宴會的氣氛十分歡愉,女王的堂妹瑪格麗特羅德斯說,她“非常肯定”女王不會退位。

In the gun : inner city motors partner steve rhodes says it feels like oil companies are holding a gun to his head with topsy - turvey petrol prices 象不象被油公司拿槍頂著您的太陽穴一樣?車放在那里不能不開,即使油價漲到天上,還得加是不是?

The colossus of rhodes island are one of the most mysterious among the world wonders , because it collapsed shortly after it was erected for some 50 or 60 years 羅得斯島巨像是世界奇觀中最神秘的一個,因為它只在短短五十六年間便倒下了

Buckingham palace said rhodes “ remarks reflected the longtime position of the queen and there was no change in her decision to forgo retirement 白金漢宮的有關人士說,羅德斯的話表明了女王的在位時間之長,但女王目前沒有退位的打算。

Messenger . the ottomites , reverend and gracious , steering with due course towards the isle of rhodes , have there injointed them with an after fleet 使者公爵和各位大人,向羅得斯島駛去的土耳其艦隊,已經和另外一支殿后的艦隊會合了。

Buckingham palace said rhodes ' remarks reflected the longtime position of the queen and there was no change in her decision to forgo retirement 白金漢宮的有關人士說,羅德斯的話表明了女王的在位時間之長,但女王目前沒有退位的打算。

It is said that the broken pieces of the colossus of rhodes , a statue deemed one of the seven wonders of the ancient world , were recycled for scrap 據說,羅德斯巨型雕塑像(古代世界七大奇跡之一)的碎片在報廢之前就回收處理過。

Miss lok man yin , frances , a graduating student of the chinese university of hong kong , has been chosen as hong kong rhodes scholar for the year 2002 香港中文大學應屆畢業生駱敏賢同學,獲選為2002年度香港區羅德獎學金得主。

[ niv ] ' ' the men of rhodes traded with you , and many coastlands were your customers ; they paid you with ivory tusks and ebony 15 [和合] 14底但人與你交易;許多海島作你的碼頭;他們拿象牙、烏木,與你兌換( “兌換”或作“進貢” ) 。

' ' the men of rhodes traded with you , and many coastlands were your customers ; they paid you with ivory tusks and ebony 15 [和合] 14底但人與你交易;許多海島作你的碼頭;他們拿象牙、烏木,與你兌換( “兌換”或作“進貢” ) 。

She was admonishing her son , no less than a rhodes scholar , for scrapping a promising military career to write songs in music city 她責備這個曾經得過羅德獎學金的兒子,竟然舍棄前途大好的軍職,選擇到音樂之都寫歌。

Rhodes is a greek island that lies to the south - east of the greek mainland , approximately midway between the mainland and the island of cyprus 羅德港是希臘的一個島,位于希臘的東南方,差不多是希臘和塞浦路斯的中間站。

In a rhodes tailor shop : order your summers suit . because is big rush we will execute customers in strict rotation 在我們的黑森林異性的人們,如男人和女人,住在同一個帳棚里是嚴格禁止的,除非他們是為了這個目的而結婚的。

Hong kong rhodes scholar 2005 ; the sixth cuhk student to have received the honour in past eight years hui king - lam and wong chi - wing 二零零五年香港區羅德學人,是全港過去八年來,第六位獲此著名獎學金的中大學生

“ get out of here ! “ yelled rhodes - fotheringham in a tremendous , booming voice . “ and do not return ! you are far from worthy of our company ! “滾出去! ”拉霍斯.佛斯林漢姆大聲地喊道: “你不配和我們呆在一起! ”

“ i remember one chap , “ said rhodes - fotheringham , a cigar of eager proportions in his ample hand , “ whose name i cannot recall 拉霍斯.佛斯林漢姆的大手里拿著根雪茄,說: “我記得有個人,他的名字我不記得了。

The order of st john of jerusalem occupied rhodes from 1309 to 1523 and set about transforming the city into a stronghold 從1309年到1523年,耶路撒冷的圣約翰的騎士軍隊占領了羅得城并開始把它建成一個要塞。

Beverly : my sister works for the airline hellenair and she ' s got me on standby for the three o ' clock flight to rhodes 貝弗莉:我妹妹在希臘航空公司工作。三點鐘有班機飛往羅德斯島,她就把我列入后備名單。