
rhoda n.羅達〔女子名〕。


A live nerve now bound sime anderson and madeline and rhoda had severed the nerve of their marriage 一股生氣蓬勃的活力如今使西姆?安德森和梅德琳結合到了一起,而羅達卻割斷了他們婚姻的那股活力。

A momentary relief presented itself : on one floor at the noisier end of esquimault street lived rhoda ellam 要暫時放松一下:正好羅達愛拉姆住在熙熙攘攘的愛絲奎莫特大街頂頭的一層樓里。

And as peter knocked at the door of the gate , a damsel came to hearken , named rhoda 14聽得是彼得的聲音,就歡喜的顧不得開門,跑進去告訴眾人說:彼得站在門外。

With the oldest instinct in the world , blushing , rhoda henry looked toward mrs . roosevelt 出于世上最古老的本能,羅達?享利飛紅了臉,朝著羅斯福夫人那邊望去。

“ i thought there was a war scare , “ rhoda said . “ nobody here seems to be worried . “我還以為大家都患了戰爭恐懼病呢” ,羅達說, “這兒好象沒有一個人擔憂” 。

Acts 12 : 13 and when he knocked at the door of the entry , a maiden named rhoda came to listen 徒十二13彼得敲了外門,有一個使女,名叫羅大,上前來探聽。

Rhoda was a distant cousin , who made a living by creating hats out of expensive material 羅達是他的一個遠房表妹,她靠用昂貴的材料做帽子為生。

Peter knocked at the outer entrance , and a servant girl named rhoda came to answer the door 13彼得敲外門,有一個使女,名叫羅大出來探聽。

Ms rhoda chan 陳妙如女士

And when he knocked at the door of the entry , a maiden named rhoda came to listen 13彼得敲了外門,有一個使女,名叫羅大,上前來探聽。

And as peter knocked at the door of the gate , a damsel came to hearken , named rhoda 13彼得敲外門,有一個使女,名叫羅大出來探聽。

Oh , hob , i ' d like you to meet sheila rhoda , a famous film star in hollywood 哦,霍伯,我想要你見見好萊塢著名影星,希拉羅達。

“ if you think i ' m a bold hussy , that ' s too bad , “ said rhoda , “如果你把我當作魯莽的冒失鬼,那可要叫我難受了。 ”羅達說。

This is miss rhoda swartz 這是羅達?施瓦滋小姐

Rhoda welcomed him into a room that was wonderful clean and comfortable 羅達將他迎進一個非常干凈、舒適的房間。

Miss rhoda was talking about jamaica and her sugar plantations there 羅達小姐正在談論牙買加還有她的甘蔗

However , rhoda found life amusing and had a fairly good time 然而,羅達自得其樂,過得相當不錯。

Kirbr deliberately packed his pipe . “ how is rhoda ? 柯比慢騰騰地裝上煙斗。 “羅達好嗎? ”

“ she ' s a superb hostess , rhoda , “ said kirby “羅達,她可真是位出色的女主人, “柯比說。