
rho n.1.希臘語第十七個字母〔ρ相當于英語的 r〕。2.【...


Natural essence ofv c with abundance , the efficiently beautiful leuco - isolate rho factor of this article , the nmf is natural to protect the wet rho factor , ve etc . , the efficiently beautiful and white rho factor can permeate the skin quickly , lauteringing the ultraviolet ray , prevent , froming the tache noire formulating , valid for at the same time insulate the contamination and prevent , from the injury of outside bad surroundings and make - ups to skin , provide healthy protection of one whole day for the skin 成份:本品含豐富的天然維c精華、高效美白隔離因子, nmf天然保濕因子、 ve等,高效美白因子能迅速滲透肌膚,過濾紫外線,防止黑斑形成,同時有效隔離污染、防止外界不良環境及彩妝對皮膚的傷害,為肌膚提供一整天的健康保護。

The astrocalendar incorporates twelve fine quality photographs on the themes of astronomy and space science , such as southern sky trails , the vela supernova remnant , rho ophiuchus and the region of antares , night view of ancient beijing observatory , the tarantulas nebula 30 doradus , sunset on mauna kea , dunhuang star charts , etc . the calendar also includes the 1987 hong kong almanac , special astronomical phenomena and important historical events of astronomy 精選的十二幅精彩天文和太空圖片包括:南天極星流跡船帆座超新星爆發遺跡蛇夫座與心宿二天區北京古觀象臺夜景劍魚座毒蛛星云英法美莫納克亞天文臺敦煌星圖等。此月歷并附有1987年香港天象圖特別天象資料重要天文歷史大事等。

The astrocalendar incorporates twelve fine quality photographs on the themes of astronomy and space science , such as southern sky trails , the vela supernova remnant , rho ophiuchus and the region of antares , night view of ancient beijing observatory , the tarantulas nebula ( 30 doradus ) , sunset on mauna kea , dunhuang star charts , etc . the calendar also includes the 1987 hong kong almanac , special astronomical phenomena and important historical events of astronomy 精選的十二幅精彩天文和太空圖片包括:南天極星流跡、船帆座超新星爆發遺跡、蛇夫座與心宿二天區、北京古觀象臺夜景、劍魚座毒蛛星云、英法美莫納克亞天文臺、敦煌星圖等。此月歷并附有1987年香港天象圖、特別天象資料、重要天文歷史大事等。

We analyze the principle of pollard rho - method and parallel collision search method using graph theory and algebra , and obtain important principle of directing the design of algorithms directed by this principle , we redesign the two algorithms , and achieve more efficient effect 用代數和圖論的方法深入分析了pollard算法和并行碰撞算法的原理,獲得了指導算法設計的重要原則,在這個原則的指導下,重新設計這兩個算法,取得了更好的計算效果。 2

While the spearman ' s rho correlation coefficient between the dividend yield and ex - dividend price ratio is positive , but not statistically significant at 5 % level . so the ex - dividend day price ratios do not provide much evidence in support of dividend tax clienteles 而1995 - 2000年股價變動股利比與股利率的相關系數為正,但是相關性不顯著,因此中國深市不存在稅收客戶群效應。

J mol biol . , 1992 , 224 : 53 - 63 . 26 abe h , aiba h . differential contributions of two elements of rho - independent terminator to transcription termination and mrna stabilization . biochimie , 1996 , 78 : 1035 - 1042 通過計算,我們預測到266個不依賴終止子,其中包括232個蛋白編碼基因, 12個trna基因和3個rrna基因,約17 %不依賴終止子位于操縱子的末端。

“ as a matter of fact , rho “ pug looked uncomfortable “ they used some muscle and put me on the clippers that leaves tomorrow . “事實是,羅”帕格露出為難的神色“他們花了點氣力,給我在明天起飛的飛剪型客機上搞到了一個座位。 ”

24 ingham c j , hunter i s , smith m c . rho - independent terminators without 3 poly - u tails from the early region of actinophage oc31 . nucleic acids res . , 盡管synechococcus sp . wh8102基因組全序列已經測定,但其基因調控機制還不清楚。

Effects of intervention with rho kinase inhibitor fasudil on rats with hypoxic pulmonary hypertension 激酶抑制劑對低氧性肺動脈高壓大鼠干預作用的研究

Rho gtpases and actin cytoskeleton dynamicsrho gtp 酶和肌動蛋白細胞骨架動態學