
rhizome n.(pl. -ta ) 【植物;植物學】根莖,地下莖。


Rhizoma polygoni cuspidati is dried root or rhizome of reynoutria i japonica houtt . it is usually used as a traditional medecine to activate blood circulation , to dissilate blood stasis , to clear away heat and promote diuresis )的根莖和根,藥用歷史悠久,中醫用于血瘀諸癥,可活血散瘀,祛風通絡,清熱利濕,解毒等。

They are closely related to the growing environment regarding to the rhizome with remnant stem scars , adventitious roots , taproot shrink wrinkles , and fibrous roots 人參的根莖及殘莖痕、不定根、主根的收縮紋和須根分布形態等與環境和生長年限的關系尤為密切,但各種性狀之間存在著變異的規律性和相關性。

The negative correlation of the dry matter production to the age class of rhizome indicates level of significance ( p < 0 . 05 , po . ol ) in leymus chinensis , calamagrostis epigeios and c . rigidula populations 羊草、牛鞭草和硬拂子茅種群根莖的干物質積累量與齡級間的負相關關系達到顯著和極顯著水平。

If the scientists have done named “ he rhizome chart ” the root grows the general pattern software , has manufactured a series of complex and the practical lifelike computer plant drawing 如科學家們已搞出了一個名為“根莖圖”的根生長通用模式軟件,制作了一系列復雜而又寫實逼真的電腦植物圖畫。

[ abstract ] the astragalus , largehead atractylodes rhizome , chinese thorowax root , chinese angelica and dan - shen root in yiqimingmu pills were identified by thin - layer chromatography 采用薄層色譜法對益氣明目丸中黃芪、白術、柴胡、當歸、丹參進行了定性鑒別,結果表明,本法簡便、快速、準確可靠。

The stem is generally aerial and erect but various modifications are found , for example underground stems like rhizomes , bulebs , and corms , and horizontal structures , such as runners 多數的莖是氣生且直立的,但也發現了許多莖的變態,地下莖有根狀莖、鱗莖、球莖;水平的莖結構有匍匐莖。

The astragalus , largehead atractylodes rhizome , chinese thorowax root , chinese angelica and dan - shen root in yiqimingmu pills were identified by thin - layer chromatography 采用薄層色譜法對益氣明目丸中黃芪、白術、柴胡、當歸、丹參進行了定性鑒別,結果表明,本法簡便、快速、準確可靠。

The morphological character of rhizome is different among grass species , as well as the dry matter production , but the production in the young rhizome is more than the one in the old 不同種類禾草根莖的形態特征各異,干物質積累量也不相同,但均以幼齡根莖積累量多,老齡積累量少。

Influence of chinese herb compound gastrodia rhizome and gambir plant on basic fibroblast growth factor and its receptor in in vitro cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury 以天麻和鉤藤為主的中藥制劑干預體外模擬腦缺血再灌注損傷大鼠堿性成纖維細胞生長因子及其受體的表達

( 2 ) the main models of agroforestry in three gorges area include courtyard composition , contour hedgerows , chinese fir - rhizome composition , fruit - crop intercropping , and so on ( 2 )庫區農林復合經營的主要模式有庭院復合、生物籬埂梯地復合、杉木-黃連復合、杜仲。

It has a rich store of medicinal herbs ; more than 300 kinds are found here ; the notable ones being glossy ganoderma ginseng , chinese gold thread rhizome and chinese cinnamon 黃山擁有大量的中草藥材,現在發現的有300多種,著名的有人參、中國金絲根和肉桂。

It has a rich store of medicinal herbs ; more than 300 kinds are found here ; the notable ones being glossy ganoderma ginseng , chinese gold thread rhizome and chinese cinnamon 黃山擁有大量的中草藥材,現在發現的有300多種,著名的有人參中國金絲根和肉桂。

Conventional paraffin sectioning was adopted to conduct the anatomical examination of the officinal organs of houttuynia cordata , stems , rhizomes and leaves 摘要采用常規石蠟切片法,對魚腥草的藥用部位地上莖、根狀莖和葉進行了解剖學觀察。

Di wu is the dry rhizome of anemone fiaccida fr . schmidt . it is distributed in the south part of china and used as folk medicine for detoxication , to expel Schmidt )的干燥根莖,多分布于華南,為民間用藥,具有解毒、祛風除濕的功效。

Main ingredients : all - grass of climing groundse , fruit of belvedere , root of light yellow sophora , rhizome of yunnan goldthread , borneol and mint 主要原料千里光地膚子苦參黃連冰片薄荷當歸藏紅花首烏丙二醇無水乙醇等。

It possesses erect leaves and shoots but creeping stems or rhizomes . its flowers are pollinated under water and develop into fruits and seeds 它有直立的葉和枝條,但也有匍匐的莖或地下莖。它是在水中傳播花粉、結果及發芽的。

Kejun bathing foot powder : it contains some chinese herbal medicines such as pseudolarix , szechwan lovage rhizome , common cnidium fruit , cassia twig and etc 科菌沐足粉:含土槿皮、苦參、白蘚皮、蛇床子、桂枝等中草藥材。

The stocks of bud bank is different among 6 species of rhizome grass , and changes for each species in the different period of growing season 不同種類根莖型禾草的芽庫存量有較大差異,在不同生長時期也有較大變化。

Bring to boil , add in solomonseal rhizome , lady bell root , candied jujubes , tangerine peels , sea coconut and ginger 和響螺撈起,移至燉鍋與滾水同煮,加入玉竹、沙參、蜜棗、陳皮、海底椰和姜片。