
rhizobium n.(pl. -bia ) 【生物學】根瘤菌〔如豆和車軸...


Genetic diversity and phylogeny of 55 slow - growing rhizobia isolated from peanut ( arachis hypogaea ) in china were determined by analysis of host - plant range , phynotype , 16s rrna rflp , 16s rrna sequence , 16s - 23s igs rflp , rapd , rep - pcr , dna - dna hybridization homology . at the same time , the competitive nodulation capacity of rhizobia , effect of host plants and soil ph on the rhizobia were determined for screening and improvement of high effective rhizobium inoculant 本研究采用宿主范圍試驗、表型性狀測定、 16srrna - rflp 、 16srrna序列分析、 16s - 23srdnaigsrflp分析、 rapd分析、 rep - pcr分析和dna - dna同源性分析等技術系統研究了從我國不同地域分離的55株花生根瘤菌的遺傳多樣性及其在根瘤菌系統發育中的地位和相互關系。

Other groups were identical phylogenetic groups . to determine the exact taxonomic position and phylogenetic position of the rhizobia isolated from the root nodules of pueraria spp , the dna g + cmol % test , dna - dna hybridization and 16s rdna full sequence must be studied 數值分類、 ypfcr分析、 16sn3napcr rflp分析對慢生葛藤根瘤菌的分群存在較大差異,說明葛藤根瘤菌內豐富的多樣性和分類地位的復雜性,要確定其確切分類地位和系統發育關系,要通過g cmol含量測定、 dna

The result of rflp analysis of pcr - amplified 16s rdna revealed that the rhizobia isolated from the root nodules of pueraria spp . had diversity at the level of species . the slow - growing rhizobia were divided into 7 groups on the similarity level of 90 % . group 1 included 4 new isolated strains and 2 representative strains of b . japonicum . group 2 included 1 type strain of b . elkanii and 3 new isolated strains 16srdnapcr rflp分析結果也表明葛藤根瘤菌具有種水平多樣性,在90的相似性水平上,聚類圖把慢生根瘤菌分成7群,群1與bjponicum的模式菌株聚在一起,群二與belhanii的模式菌株聚在一起,而其它群是獨立的系統發育分支。

Inoculating rhizobia inhibited the cu dissolution and desorption in cinnamon soil . the content of total cu increased 73 mg / kg when the cinnamon soil was inoculated with rhizobia . compared with non - inoculating rhizobia , inoculating rhizobia showed 20 . 2 - 53 . 8 % increase of exc - cu , spe - cu , mno - cu and o . m - cu in cinnamon soil 褐土中接種根瘤菌抑制了cu的溶解和解吸,褐土cu的總量增加了73mg kg ,達18 ,可交換態、專性吸附態、氧化錳結合態和有機結合態的cu增加了20 54 。

Formation of infection thread and nodules at early symbiotic stage between 2 - 33 and a . sinicus were monitored in situ by using laser confocal scanning microscope ( lcsm ) and fluorescent microscope . an effective vector system and an examination method were established for further molecular genetics study on rhizobium - legume symbiosis 6 ,以華癸中生根瘤菌jssa16 ( phn109 )和7653r ( g萬, mut3 )進行競爭結瘤實驗的結果與預期相符,初步證明了g公助帥mut3雙重報告基因在華癸中生根瘤菌占瘤率研究中的應用潛力。

Combining the analysis of the conservative region of 16s rrna gene of prokaryote , such as e . coli , rhizobia and several frankia strains , we designed several sets of primers to amplify the 16s rrna gene of the frankia strains tested . through tentative experiments with these primers , we screened out primers uf / ur and ec27f / frl717r 通過比較已發表的原核生物,如大腸桿菌、根瘤菌和弗蘭克氏菌的16srrna基因全序列的保守區,設計了8對引物并篩選出可適用于擴增13株供試菌株16srrna基因接近全長序列的引物: uf ur和ec27f fr1717r (產物大小約1500bp ) 。

The main results were shown as follows : 1 . compared with the control , the fixation of cu by red soil increased 105 mg / kg by 28 % when the soil adsorbed rhizobia . adsorbing rhizobia by red soil increased readily soluble and exchangeable cu ( exc - cu ) , specially adsorbed and other weakly bound cu ( spe - cu ) , cu bound to mn oxides ( mno - cu ) and cu bound to organic matter ( o . m - cu ) by 22 . 8 - 123 % in the soil 土壤吸附根瘤菌后, 1 ) 、對cu的吸持總量紅壤增加了105mg kg ,增加率達28 ,改變了各種形態cu的含量,可交換態、專性吸附態、氧化錳結合態和有機結合態cu的含量顯著增加,增加率達23 123 。

The rhizobia have dual effects on the heavy metal in soils . on one hand , the organic components facilitated the binding of heavy metal , on the other hand , the organic acids secreted by the bacteria lead to the dissolution and desorption of heavy metal . the processes of dissolution and 根瘤菌既可促進土壤對重金屬的吸附固定,又可通過其代謝活動(如有機酸的分泌等)溶解和解吸土壤重金屬,后者占主導時,土壤中重金屬的活性增加;前者占優勢時,土壤重金屬的活性則降低。

Strain 042bm - x2 was found to contain a single tn5 insertion in the gene smc02682 , which showing a high degree of similarity with the rhizobium tropici gshb gene , encoding the enzyme glutathione synthetase . in our experiment , this gene was demonstrated to be related to salt tolerance . so it is named as rst - 0x2 Rst - 0x1基因的功能未知,而rst - 0x2基因和熱帶根瘤菌谷胱甘肽合成酶基因gshb有很高的同源性。 pcr擴增得到包含啟動子的042bmrst - 0x1和rst - 0x2基因的全長。

Were studied together with the reference strains of recognized rhizobium and bradyrhizobiwn species by performing polyphasic taxonomy , including numerical taxonomy , rep - pcr fingerprinting , 16s rdna pcr - rflp . the result show that : the growth rate of rhizobia isolated from the root nodules of pueraria spp . showed great diversity . ccbau41147 ccbau6110 k ccbau61096 and ccbau61095 were fast - growing strains , the single colony size was bigger than 1mm after 2 days incubated oq yma medium at 28 they can produce acid . the other strains were slow - growing strains , their single colony size was less than 1 mm after 7 days incubated on yma medium at 28 . they can produce alkali 本研究以從我國四川、河南、安徽和湖南等地分離的32株葛藤根瘤菌為研究對象,以20株已知種的根瘤菌為參比菌株,采用數值分類、 rep - pcr指紋分析、 16srdnapcr - rflp指紋分析等現代根瘤菌分類技術,初步研究了葛藤根瘤菌的生物多樣性和分類地位,結果表明:葛藤根瘤菌在生長速率上表現出多樣性,菌株ccbau41147 、 ccbau61096 、 ccbau61101和ccbau61095生長較快, yma培養基上28培養2 - 3天后,單個菌落直徑大于1mm ,具有產酸能力,是快生型葛藤根瘤菌;其余待測葛藤根瘤菌生長較慢, yma培養基上28培養7天后,單個菌落直徑小于1mm ,具有產堿能力,是慢生型葛藤根瘤菌。

The comparison of adsorbing with non - adsorbing rhizobia showed no remarkable difference in content of total cu in cinnamon soil , but adsorbing rhizobia decreased exc - cu and increased spe - cu and mno - cu markedly in cinnamon soil . this indicated adsorbing rhizobia reduced the mobility of cu in cinnamon soil . the total content of zn are 16 . % 褐土吸附根瘤菌后cu的吸持量沒有變化,但是可交換態cu含量顯著減少,專性吸附態、氧化錳結合態cu含量顯著增加。

It appeared that no observable difference in the cu forms bewteen inoculating and non - inoculating rhizobia in red soil . inoculating rhizobia did n ' t enhance or inhibited the dissolution and desorption of cd in two soils , but changed the order of cd speciations in red soil 接種根瘤菌對土壤中cd的溶解和解吸沒有明顯地抑制或促進,但改變了紅壤各形態cd的含量大小順序, cd污染紅壤中可交換態和有機結合態cd含量分別增加22 、 11 。

The effect of rhizobium fredii hnol on the speciation of cu , zn and cd was studied in two china soils . first we discussed the fixation of cu , zn and cd by soils and the speciation of immobilized heavy metal when the soils adsorbed the studied bacterium 本文研究吸附大豆根瘤菌( rhizobiafredii ) hn01后外源重金屬在湖南郴州紅壤和河北鞏義褐土的吸持及形態分布以及根瘤菌的代謝活動對重金屬污染土壤中重金屬的形態影響。

Results of phenotype test shown that all peanut isolates and reference strains of b . japonicum and b . elkanii were clustered into a group and differed from the other genus of fast - growing rhizobia in low similarity 表型分析結果表明所有供試菌株與慢生參比菌株b . japonicum和b . elkanii聚為一群,而其它種屬的參比菌株聚為另一群,表明花生根瘤菌在屬的水平上應屬于bradyrhizobium屬。

452 rhizobium samples were collected from 18 genera and 30 species of legumes according to the investigation in the middle and western areas of gansu province , and 328 rhizobium strains were isolated 摘要通過對甘肅中西部地區豆科植物共生固氮資源多樣性的調查,共獲得豆科植物根瘤樣品452份,涉及18個屬, 30個種,分離得到328株根瘤菌。

The study was conducted to investigate and collect the rhizobia in pamirs plateau of china : the symbiotic resources with leguminous plants , and analyze the characteristics of their nodules and their resistances to adversities 摘要對帕米爾高原進行了根瘤菌豆科植物共生資源的調查與收集,分析了根瘤的特徵和根瘤菌的抗逆性。

If the intercellular rhizobia were farther from meristematic nuclei , the changes of the nuclei were not very obvious , only their chromatin had started to change from lump - ship to strip - ship , but there were nucleoli in the muclei 當胞間根瘤菌靠近分生細胞核時,細胞核變小,染色質密度增加并形成網狀,而且無核仁出現。

It appeared no remarkedly effect of inoculating rhizobiaon on the cd speciations in cinnamon soil . 4 . the effect of inoculating rhizobia on the speciations of heavy metal varied with the metal and the soil 接種根瘤菌對土壤重余屬的形態影響隨土壤和重金屬類型不同而不華中農業大學碩十學位論文郭學軍2001同。

Sinorhizobium fredii rt19 is a fast - growing soybea rhizobium strain , which was isolated from saline - alkali region in tianjin and can normally grow on ty medium containing 0 . 6 mol / l nacl 費氏中華根瘤菌( sinorhizobiumfredii ) rt19是分白天津鹽堿地的快生大豆根瘤菌,能在含0 . 6mol lnacl的ty培養基上生長。