
rhinovirus n.【醫學】鼻病毒。


Tests conducted by the public health laboratory centre under the centre for health protection ( chp ) of the department of health on nasal specimens of the three fever cases reported yesterday ( january 30 ) in caritas medical centre ( cmc ) yielded positive for rhinovirus , a common cold virus , today ( january 31 ) ?生署?生防護中心公共?生檢測中心抽取了于三名明愛醫院發燒院童的鼻腔分泌樣本進行化驗,今日(一月三十一日)證實全部樣本對鼻病毒呈陽性反應,該病毒為一般傷風病毒。

Tests conducted by the public health laboratory centre under the centre for health protection ( chp ) of the department of health on nasal specimens collected from three students of caritas lok yan school today ( january 27 ) all yielded positive for rhinovirus , a common cold virus ?生署?生防護中心公共?生檢測中心抽取了三名明愛樂仁學校不適學童的鼻腔分泌樣本進行化驗,今日(一月二十七日)證實全部樣本對鼻病毒呈陽性反應,該病毒為一般傷風病毒。

“ we found that people who regularly experience positive emotions , when exposed to rhinovirus , are relatively protected from developing illness , “ said dr . sheldon cohen , lead author of the study and a psychology professor at carnegie mellon university 該研究的主要領導者卡內基梅隆大學的心理學教授謝爾登科恩博士說: “我們發現情緒一貫積極樂觀的人遭受鼻病毒侵襲時,相對來說不太容易感染疾病。 “本文來自news . jewelove . net

Therefore we concluded that a drug that was originated to target a rhinovirus might be a good starting point for the development of drugs against corona viruses , including the sars virus , said rolf hilgenfeld 羅爾夫希爾根菲爾德還說: “因此我們可以的出結論,由抗病毒藥物研制出藥物有可能成為抗冠狀病毒藥物(包括非典病毒)的良好開端。

Therefore we concluded that a drug that was originated to target a rhinovirus might be a good starting point for the development of drugs against corona viruses , including the sars virus , said rolf hilgenfeld 希爾根菲爾德還說: “因此我們可以的出結論,由抗病毒藥物研制出藥物有可能成為抗冠狀病毒藥物包括非典病毒的良好開端。

“ therefore we conclude that a drug that was originated to target a rhinovirus might be a good starting point for the development of drugs against coronaviruses , including the sars virus . 羅爾夫希爾根菲爾德說: “因此,我們可以得出結論:由抗鼻病毒藥物研制出藥物有可能成為研發抗冠狀病毒包括非典病毒藥物的很好的開端。

“ therefore we conclude that a drug that was originated to target a rhinovirus might be a good starting point for the development of drugs against coronaviruses , including the sars virus . 羅爾夫?希爾根菲爾德說: “因此,我們可以得出結論:由抗鼻病毒藥物研制出藥物有可能成為研發抗冠狀病毒(包括非典病毒)藥物的很好的開端。

Rhinovirus is one of the common viruses causing common cold . symptoms are mild , which may include runny nose , sneezing and throat irritation , with or without fever 鼻病毒是引致一般傷風的病毒之一,病徵大致包括流鼻水、打噴嚏和喉嚨不適,一些病人會有發燒,病徵輕微。

One such drug has shown promise in clinical trials at controlling cold symptoms by inhibiting the protease in rhinoviruses like that in the sars virus 其中一種藥物在臨床試驗中已顯示出,它可以抑制鼻病毒中蛋白酶而控制感冒的癥狀, sars病毒也有相似蛋白酶。

“ we found that people who regularly experience positive emotions , when exposed to rhinovirus , are relatively protected from developing illness , “ said dr 該研究的主要領導者、卡內基梅隆大學的心理學教授謝爾登

But they found a similar drug being tested against a rhinovirus - - another cause of the common cold 但是他們又發現了一種類似的用于對抗鼻病毒的藥物,這種病毒是誘發普通感冒的另一個原因。

But they found a similar drug being tested against a rhinovirus - another cause of the common cold 但是他們又發現了一種類似的用于對抗鼻病毒的藥物,這種病毒是誘發普通感冒的另一個原因。

The subjects were next given a squirt up the nose of a rhinovirus , the nasty little germ that causes colds 接著志愿者的鼻子上方被噴射一種能夠引起感冒的可惡的微小細菌- - - - -鼻病毒。

The subjects were next given a squirt up the nose of a rhinovirus , the nasty little germ that causes colds 接著志愿者的鼻子上方被噴射一種能夠引起感冒的可惡的微小細菌-鼻病毒。