
rhinorrhea n.【醫學】鼻液溢。


Treatment actiity was ealuated on the basis of total nasal symptom scores ( tnss ) , combining patient - assessed seerity of sneezing , nasal itching ( pruritis ) , runny nose ( rhinorrhea ) , and congestion on a 4 - point scale ( 0 for no symptoms to 3 for seere symptoms ) 療效評價以全部鼻癥狀評分為基礎,并結合患者對噴嚏、鼻癢、流涕和鼻腔阻塞癥狀評定嚴重程度,按4分制評分(從0分無癥狀到3分嚴重癥狀) 。

Method : to analyse eleven cases with cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea , pituitary tumor , encephalomeningocele , sphenoid sinus cyst and ethmoid sinus tumor , were analyzed from 1998 to 2004 and beening followed up for 6 months to 6 years 方法:分析我科1998年~ 2004年間經鼻內鏡手術治療腦脊液鼻漏、垂體瘤、鼻內腦膜腦膨出、蝶竇囊腫、篩竇癌等,資料完整、隨訪時間為6個月~ 6年的病歷11例。

Trauma to the facial bones is often associated with a cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea . 面骨的外傷常并發腦脊液鼻漏。