
rhinoplasty n.【醫學】鼻成形術。adj.-plastic


In the chronicle of higher education , prof . paul korshin of the university of pennsylvania recently described his grievance panel as the “ rhinoplasty committee , “ because it does “ cosetic surgery “ on up to 500 . transcripts a year 賓西法尼亞大學的保羅?科爾欣教授最近在《高等教育年表》中把他的學分協調小組描繪為“鼻成形術委員會” ,因為他們每年要為高達500張成績單做“整容手術” 。

As early as 600bc a hindu surgeon reconstructed a nose by using a piece of cheek , and by ad 1000 rhinoplasty ( nose surgery using skin from the forehead ) was being performed 早在西元前六百年,一位印度外科醫師便用一小塊頰肉來重塑鼻子;到了西元一千年,便已有鼻整形術了(用前額皮膚塑鼻的外科手術) 。

Rhinoplasty can enhance your appearance and your self - confidence , but it won ' t necessarily change your looks to match your ideal , or cause other people to treat you differently 鼻整形術可以改善你的鼻子的外形和增加你的自信心,但是它不能完全地改變你的全部外形使別人不一樣的對待你。

Shushruta moved by his intense humane approach to life and equipped with superb surgical skills , did the operation of rhinoplasty with remarkable skill , grace and success 薩拉塔醫生被對生命的強烈仁慈所鼓舞,以極好的技巧作為裝備,用嫻熟的技術來做著鼻整形手術,非常優雅和成功。

As early as 600bc a hindu surgeon reconstructed a nose by using a piece of cheek , and by ad 1000 rhinoplasty ( nose surgery using skin from the forehead ) was being performed 而在西元一千年時,就已經有進行鼻整形術了(使用前額皮膚塑鼻的外科手術) 。

Perhaps the greatest contribution of shushruta was the operation of rhinoplasty ( restoration of a mutilated nose by plastic surgery ) 也許薩拉塔醫生(古代印度著名醫師)的最大貢獻就是整形手術(通過整形外科來恢復一個毀傷的鼻子) 。

Rhinoplasty can be performed under local or general anesthesia , depending on the extent of the procedure and on what you and your surgeon prefer 鼻整形術可以在局麻或全麻下進行,這主要取決于手術范圍的大小和你與你的醫師的偏好。

The detailed description of the rhinoplasty operation in the shushruta samahita is amazingly meticulous and comprehensive 鼻子整形手術的操作就詳細記敘在《薩拉塔釋哈塔》上,是驚人地細致和全面廣泛。

Many plastic surgeons perform rhinoplasty from within the nose , making their incision inside the nostrils 大多數整形美容外科醫生做鼻整形術時,喜歡在鼻孔內做切口,這樣在術后就不會留有瘢痕。

Shusruta ' s forte was rhinoplasty ( plastic surgery ) and ophthalmialogy ( ejection of cataracts ) 蘇薩塔的長處是鼻整形術(整形手術)和眼炎(白內障的排出) 。

Rhinoplasty greatly improves the function and aesthetics of the nose after nasal injury 鼻形矯正術大幅改善鼻創傷病人的功能及外觀

I . . . am so sorry . are you okay ? - yeah , i have to , uh , get a rhinoplasty 我. . .真的很抱歉你還好嗎? -還好我必須去做個隆鼻手術

- i . . . am so sorry . are you okay ? - yeah , i have to , uh , get a rhinoplasty -我. . .真的很抱歉你還好嗎? -還好我必須去做個隆鼻手術

I . am so sorry . are you okay ? - yeah , i have to , uh , get a rhinoplasty -我.真的很抱歉你還好嗎? -還好我必須去做個隆鼻手術