
rhinoceros n.【動物;動物學】犀牛。


Eight giant robot creatures - including a giraffe , a bat , a chameleon , a housefly , a grasshopper , a rhinoceros , a platypus and a squid - plus 13 interactive exhibits are on show at the science museum until october 25 香港是石屎森林,市民很少機會近距離接觸自然界的生物但在香港科學館展出的機械動物園,便展現出大自然生物各種與別不同的適應力和生存的本領。

In addition to information on tcm , also exhibited at the expo are such valuable and rare chinese materia medica as ox bezoar , moschus and black rhinoceros , as well as antique utensils and historic manuscripts of chinese medicine 《中藥博覽2005 》除展示中藥資訊外,更展出珍貴的牛黃、麝香、犀牛角等稀有藥材,以及極具歷史價值的傳統制藥器具、醫書等。

Morever , nepal has rich propagation zoology sights . the most famous is the royal chiwan national park gathering all kinds of wildlife propagations , and just the almost extinct single - horn rhinoceros are more than 400 此外,尼泊爾還擁有豐富的動植物生態景觀,最著名的要數奇旺國家公園,園內匯集了各類野生動植物,單是各種瀕臨絕種的獨角犀牛就有400余頭。

The qutang gorge , known for its magnificence , is only 8 kilometers long with many scenic spots such as , the meng liang staircase , the ancient plank road , the kui gate , the seven gate cave , the bellows gorges , and the rhinoceros watching the moon 瞿塘峽長8公里,是三峽中最短的峽,氣勢雄偉,峽內有孟良梯古棧道夔門七道門風箱峽犀牛望月等景觀。

In addition to information on tcm , also exhibited at the expo are such valuable and rare chinese materia medica as ox bezoar , moschus and black rhinoceros , as well as antique utensils and historic manuscripts of chinese medicine 中藥博覽2005除展示中藥資訊外,更展出珍貴的牛黃麝香犀牛角等稀有藥材,以及極具歷史價值的傳統制藥器具醫書等。

Large numbers of elephants , black rhinoceroses , cheetahs , giraffes , hippopotamuses and crocodiles live in this immense sanctuary , which measures 50 , 000 sq . km and is relatively undisturbed by human impact 塞盧斯禁獵區占地五萬平方公里,在這個很少受人類干擾的廣大的原野里生活著數量眾多的大象、黑犀牛、印度豹、長頸鹿、河馬以及鱷魚。

The rhinoceros hotel practices half - militarization management , with warm and all - around , best and effective service , and we believe that we would make every guest come with high spirits , and leave with high spirits 犀牛賓館實行半軍事化管理,員工訓練有素,其“熱情周到,優質高效“的服務,相信會讓各位賓客乘興而來,盡興而歸。

And yet in chinese tradition , the so - called “ eldritch flame shadow flame “ , which involves the burning of rhinoceros horn , is a proverbial method of piercing the veil between the mortal realm and the hereafter 劉誠是含冤而死還是命不該絕?劊子手秦步羅莽飾攜著冰寒的鋼刀,一聲怒吼,手起刀落,奇跡就在這一刻發生生死有命?

Therefore the rhinoceros extremely feels grateful to the bird , usually also lets the bird carry on the back in it wilfully plays , the personality hot tempered rhinoceros , ever does not have a fit of temper to its good friend 所以犀牛對小鳥非常感激,平時也讓小鳥在?背上任意玩耍,性情暴躁的犀牛,從不對?的好友發脾氣。

The rhinoceros is a kind of precious animal , distributes in african and southeast asia each place , initiates stubbornness to come , also must withdraw three sheds including elephant that kind of strongman 犀牛是種珍貴動物,分布在非洲和東南亞各地,發起牛脾氣來,連大象那種大力士也要退避三舍。

It is inhabited by the world ' s largest population of one - horned rhinoceroses , as well as many mammals , including tigers , elephants , panthers and bears , and thousands of birds 這個公園里生活著世界上最大種群、最多數量的獨角犀牛,還有許多其他哺乳動物,包括老虎、大象、豹、熊和數以千計的鳥類。

A biogas plant at the muenchner tierpark hellabrunn will be fuelled by dung from elephants , rhinoceroses , buffaloes and antelopes , and any left - over animal food 這家動物園已經在園內建好了一座沼氣發電廠,而其所用的燃料則包括大象、犀牛、水牛和羚羊等動物的糞便,以及任何動物吃剩的食物。

A biogas plant at the muenchner tierpark hellabrunn will be fuelled by dung from elephants , rhinoceroses , buffaloes and antelopes , and any left - over animal food 這家動物園已經在園內建好了一座沼氣發電廠,而其所用的燃料則包括大象犀牛水牛和羚羊等動物的糞便,以及任何動物吃剩的食物。

A biogas plant at the muenchner tierpark hellabrunn will be fuelled by dung from elephants , rhinoceroses , buffaloes and antelopes , and any left - over animal food 這家動物園已經在園內建好了一座沼氣發電廠,而其所用的則包括大象、犀牛、水牛和羚羊等動物的糞便,以及任何動物吃剩的。

The medicinal use of and trade in rhinoceros horn and tigerbone are strictly prohibited by the government , and the illegal hunting of rare wild animals is severely punished by law 中國政府嚴禁犀牛角、虎骨等的藥用和貿易,對亂捕濫獵珍稀野生動物的犯罪行為,實行嚴厲打擊的政策。

At the same time , rhinoceros ' s vision enough is not keen , when the bird discovered when enemy , can fly flies , sends out the incisive cry , sends out the warning to its good friend 同時,犀牛的視覺不夠敏銳,當小鳥發現敵人時,就會飛上飛下,發出尖銳的叫聲,向?的好朋友發出警報。

The museum currently displays nearly 1000 fossils from the pleistocene 1 . 8 million to 10 , 000 years ago , including remains of ancient rhinoceroses , crocodiles , elephants and shellfish 館中目前展示有更新世一萬年前到一百八十萬年前的犀牛鱷魚古象貝殼等化石近千件。

Introduction : the birds are a very clever animal , he would elephant and rhinoceros in the animals beating , and to help eliminate them physically garbage 小鳥是一個很精靈的動物,他會在大象和犀牛這樣的動物身上跳動,并且幫他們清除身體上的垃圾。

And the hassock pine . if one looks back , an ox - shaped rock on ox nose peak comes into sight . the scene is known as rhinoceros watching the moon 玉屏樓是溫泉風景區與西海和北海風景區之間半路上的一站,順勢往前走就可看見送客松和蒲團松。