
rhino n.〔英俚〕錢。 ready rhino 現錢。


The armour - plated rhino calf is the first of its kind to be born at whipsnade zoo in bedfordshire for 17 years 這只渾身武裝著鎧甲的小犀牛是英國貝德福德郡惠普斯奈德動物園17年來降生的首只犀牛。

Manufactured items made from rhino and bears , including giant pandas , do not qualify for exemption under personal effects 用犀牛及熊(包括大熊貓)制成的物品不能以個人財物的名義獲得豁免。

But to make this work inside rhino , we would probably end up needing to jump out to java and write a singleton class 但是,為了將這個用在rhino中,我們可能要設計一個java的singleton類型。

Heini was operated on wednesday in what vets say is the world ' s first eye operation on a rhino 近日,獸醫為海尼進行了摘除白內障手術,這頭小犀牛也因此成為全球第一頭接受眼科手術的犀牛。

“ this is the single largest population of the borneo subspecies of the sumatran rhino left in borneo , “ he added 它們是存留在沙巴州地區的數量最為龐大的一個蘇門答臘犀牛婆羅洲亞種群體。

Experts have long thought that grass evolved alongside mammalian grazers such as horses , camels and rhinos 長時間以來,專家都認為青草是伴隨著哺乳類草食動物如馬、駱駝和犀牛演進的。

Her mother lulu had failed to conceive naturally , even when put in an enclosure with a male rhino 這只小犀牛的媽媽露露,即便是和雄犀牛關在一個圍欄里也沒能成功地完成自然受孕。

Metal , wood , water , fire and earthgems of antiquities collections of hong kong ceramics lacquer , bamboo wood ivory rhino horn 金木水火土香港文物收藏精品展陶瓷漆竹木牙角

Wwf provides financial and technical support for the effective conservation of the kenyan black rhino population 總會提供財政及技術支援,協助當地有效保育肯雅黑犀牛種群。

Each piece is dried , mounted in a clear trophy case and marked with the type of rhino that produced it 這四塊干犀牛糞被放在透明的陳列柜中,每塊糞便還注明來自哪種犀牛。

Dortmund and the ruhrgebiet is like some big , clumsy rhino but our imagination allows us to transcend that 多特蒙德就像是一頭笨重的犀牛,但是我們的想象力可以讓它騰飛。

Before the amendment , only medicines containing tiger and rhino ingredients were subject to legislative control 在修例前,政府只對含老虎及犀牛成份的藥品,進行管制。

This sanctuary is home to some of the few remaining rhinos in botswana , eight at the present moment 卡瑪犀牛保護區是博茨瓦納僅存的少數犀牛的家園,目前共有八只。

The little girl rhino weighed 128 pounds when she was born on tuesday . she doesn ' t have a name yet 1月23日降生的這只雌性小犀牛重量為128磅,目前它還沒有取名。

Khama rhino sanctuary is a perfect spot for an overnight break if you are travelling further north 如果你還要向北行進,卡瑪犀牛保護區是理想的過夜休息點。

“ come , clarisse , kiss the gentleman , “ said fauchery . “ you know , he s got the rhino . “來吧,克拉利瑟,吻吻這位先生, ”福什利又說, “你知道他很有錢。 ”

The first ever rhino to be born by artificial insemination has been born in budapest zoo , hungary 世界上首只人工受精犀牛在匈牙利首都布達佩斯動物園降生。

Help him to fight enemies ( rhinos and other sharks ) and collect objects found on his way 幫助他對抗敵人(犀牛和其他的鯊魚) ,并且收集在途中被發現的道具。

Many animals thrive in their near - nakedness . elephants , rhinos , and hippos do n ' t have fur 比如人們熟知的大象犀牛以及河馬,它們的身上也都幾乎沒有毛。