
rhine n.萊茵河。 Rhine wine (萊茵)白葡萄酒。

rhine stone

This extremely sweet expensive german wine is made in the rhine and mosel from hand - selected grapes left on the vine into the harvest 這款濃甜的德國葡萄酒產自萊茵和莫塞爾地區,采用人工采摘的葡萄釀造,它叫什么名字?

The retreating german army tried to blow up all the bridges across the rhine river to stop the allied troops from crossing into germany . 正在撤退的德國軍隊設法炸毀萊茵河上所有的橋梁來阻擋聯軍越過萊茵河進入德國。

Since the company was founded in 1897 , the headquarters and main manufacturing facilities have been located in eltville on rhine 這家公司創立于1897年,公司總部及主要生產基地坐落在德國萊茵河畔的埃特威勒。

The retreating german army tried to blow up all the bridges on the rhine river to stop the allied troops from crossing into germany . 正在撤退的德軍設法炸毀萊茵河上所有的橋梁來阻擋聯軍越過進入德國。

The retreating german army tried to blow up all the bridges on the rhine river to stop the allied troops from crossing into germany 正在撤退的德軍試圖炸毀萊茵河上所有的橋梁來阻擋聯軍越過進入德國。

A section of the meuse river flowing westward through the southern netherlands to a joint delta with the rhine river 馬斯河默茲河的一部分,向西流經荷蘭南郊與萊茵河相匯而形成一片沖積三角洲

The institute is in neckarau , near the rhine , and just 10 minutes by bus from the main station at the centre of mannheim 區,距萊茵河不遠,用公共交通工具10分鐘可達火車總站市中心。

Thyssen and krupp merged their steel operations in 1997 and consolidated production in duisburg , on the rhine 在1997年,蒂森和克虜伯合并了,開始在萊茵河畔的杜伊斯堡統一生產。

The land of north - rhine westphalia recently resolved to sell its 17 . 5 % stake in westlb 最近北萊茵河威斯特伐利亞地區銀行下定決心在西德意志銀行拋售其百分之十七點五的股份。

The special quality of rhine riesling relies on a mix of cool nights and warm days for slow ripening 涼爽的夜晚和溫暖的白天讓葡萄慢慢成熟,是萊茵雷司令特殊品質的來源。

Restaurant a , shop a , b , c & d of rhine garden , 38 castle peak road , sham tseng , tsuen wan , n . t 嘉韻酒樓新界荃灣深井青山公路38號海韻花園a 、 b 、 c及d鋪食肆a

Located on the river rhine - where switzerland , france and germany meet - basel is easy to reach 處于萊茵河畔,巴塞爾瑞士,法國和德國的交接口,所以很容易到達。

It was only offered a track on the right bank of the rhine , which is winding and subject to delays 提供給它的只是萊茵河右岸的一條彎彎曲曲易于晚點的軌道。

Shop no . h1 , gf , shopping centre , rhine garden , 38 castle peak road , sham tseng , tsuen wan , n . t 新界荃灣深井青山公路38號海韻花園商場地下h1號鋪

We can go to brussels , li ge , aix - la - chapelle ; then up the rhine to strasburg 我們可以到布魯塞爾,次日,埃克斯拉夏佩勒,然后沿萊茵河到達斯特拉斯堡。

The rhine river , at the northeast corner of france forms the franco - german boundary 在法國東北角,奔涌的萊茵河形成了法國與德國天然的楚河漢界。

The tuv rheinland group was founded in 1872 , on the banks of the rhine in germany 1872年,德國萊茵tuv集團創立于德國的萊茵河畔。

Rhine garden restaurant 維苑餐廳

In march , 1945 , the germans are fleeing back into germany over the rhine river 德國瑞曼根之戰1945年,德國被迫撤退至本土。