
rheumatology n.【醫學】風濕病學。n.-tologist


She engaged in many cooperative projects between university and other institutions or organizations to facilitate the development of chinese medicine , for example , the arthritis research center of canada and division of rheumatology , school of medicine , university of british columbia 此外,還先后承擔和參與了來自中國中醫研究、香港浸會大學、廣州中醫藥大學、國家自然科學基金的多項研究項目,在國內外核心刊物和重要國際會議上發表學術論文數十篇,參編醫學專著兩部,同時多次在國際學術會議上發表演講。

Dr hiramalini seshadri , senior consultant , holistic internal medicine & rheumatology , apollo hospitals , chennai , lists the common symptoms of hypothyroidism : weight gain , swelling of feet , puffy face , sluggishness , constipation , excessie menstrual bleeding , dry skin , hair loss , depression , poor memory and intolerance to cold 來自印度青奈阿波羅醫院的整體內科學和風濕病學部門的高級顧問醫生海拉馬里尼?瑟莎麗博士列舉了一系列甲狀腺機能減退癥的常見癥狀:體重增加、腳腫、面部浮腫、行動遲緩、便秘、月經出血過多、皮膚干燥、脫發、抑郁、記憶力減退和怕冷。

Newswise ? omega - 3 fatty acids from fish oil supplements may benefit lupus activity as well as cardiovascular effects for patients with lupus , according to research presented this week at the american college of rheumatology annual scientific meeting in boston , ma . newswise - 歐米伽- 3脂肪酸的魚油補充劑可能受益狼瘡活動以及心血管的作用,為患者狼瘡,據考證介紹了本星期在美國大學的風濕病學年度科學會議即將召開,在波士頓,麻。

New york ( reuters health ) jan 17 - short - term treatment with the endothelin antagonist bosentan improves myocardial perfusion and function in patients with systemic sclerosis ( ssc ) , according to a report in the december 2006 issue of the journal of rheumatology 1月17日紐約(路透社健康報道) :據《風濕學》雜志在2006年12月刊的一篇報道,短期給予內皮素拮抗劑波生坦可以改善系統性硬化患者的心肌灌注和心肌功能。

New york ( reuters health ) jan 17 - short - term treatment with the endothelin antagonist bosentan improes myocardial perfusion and function in patients with systemic sclerosis ( ssc ) , according to a report in the december 2006 issue of the journal of rheumatology 1月17日紐約(路透社健康報道) :據《風濕學》雜志在2006年12月刊的一篇報道,短期給予內皮素拮抗劑波生坦可以改善系統性硬化患者的心肌灌注和心肌功能。

There are 9 divisions as following : gastroenterology , hepatology and pancreatology , cardiology , pulmonology , nephrology , endocrinology and metabolism , hematology and oncology , rheumatology immunology and allergology , and infectious diseases 共有10個臨床科,包括了一般內科、胃腸內科、肝膽胰內科、心臟血管內科、胸腔內科、腎臟內科、內分泌新陳代謝內科、血液腫瘤內科、過敏免疫風濕內科、及感染內科。

Addressing this problem , mayo researchers presented preliminary data at the american college of rheumatology annual meeting on nov . 11 confirming that patients with rheumatoid arthritis are clearly affected by chronic lung diseases 基于這類問題,梅奧研究者顯示了在11月的美國類風濕性關節炎年會的初步資料,以確定類風濕性關節炎患者明顯與慢性肺炎的發病相關。

4 criteria for improvement in rheumatoid arthritis : alternatives to the american college of rheumatology 20 j . j rheumatol , 2004 , 31 ( 5 ) : 856866 2查青林,林色奇,呂愛平.多元統計分析在中醫證候研究中的應用探析j .江西中醫學院學報, 2004 , 16 ( 6 ) : 7980

American college of rheumatology preliminary definition of improvement in rheumatoid arthritis 存在骶髂關節炎的影像學證據時其敏感性增至87 . 0 % ,而特異性稍降低至86 . 7 % 。

Minutes of the 6th national academic conference of integrative traditional chinese and western medicine on rheumatology 全國第六屆中國中西醫結合風濕病學術會議紀要

Journal of rheumatology 華西藥學雜志

Rheumatology immunology allergy 過敏免疫風濕科

Chinese journal of rheumatology 中華風濕病學雜志

Department of rheumatology , chinajapan friendship hospital , beijing 100029 1中日友好醫院風濕免疫科北京100029