
rheumatoid adj.風濕性的;害風濕病的;患風濕性關節炎的;類風濕病...

rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid nodules may also appear viscerally , such as on the pleura of the lung 類風濕結切也可見于內臟,如肺胸膜上。

A hypothesis on mechanism of bee - needle in treating rheumatoid arthritis 蜂針治療類風濕性關節炎蜂針治療類風濕性關節炎

For treatment of rheumatoid arthritis , acute muscular pain and acute gout 治療類風濕性關節炎、急性肌肉疼痛和急性痛風

Therapeutic effect of qufengchushi pill on 54 cases of rheumatoid arthritis 祛風除濕丸治療類風濕性關節炎54例療效觀察

Jin shi ' s experience on treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with promoting sweating 金實運用汗法治療類風濕關節炎的經驗

Simiao - yongan decoction for treatment of 36 patients with rheumatoid arthritis 四妙勇安湯加減治療類風濕性關節炎36例

Rheumatoid disease of the lung 肺類風濕性病

Study development of rheumatoid arthritis treated with acupuncture in 10 years 近10年來針灸治療類風濕關節炎的概況

Platelet activation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis at active phase 類風濕關節炎患者活動期血小板的活化功能

Sixty - five patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated by sujin tongbi decoction 舒筋通痹湯治療類風濕性關節炎65例

Approed rheumatoid arthritis drugs might work against sle 公認的類風濕關節炎藥物也許可以治療系統性紅斑狼瘡。

Juvenil rheumatoid arthritis 幼年性類風濕性關節炎

Systems biology of rheumatoid arthritis syndrome differentiation 類風濕性關節炎中醫證候分類的系統生物學基礎

The diagnosis and treatment with arthroscope for genual rheumatoid arthritis 膝關節類風濕關節炎的關節鏡診治

Living with rheumatoid arthritis ( ra ) can be more than just a challenge 患有風濕病,生活中就面臨太多挑戰。

Chinese medical pattern analysis of 475 rheumatoid arthritis patients 475例類風濕關節炎患者中醫臨床證候分析

Research progress of liver - spleen differentiation for rheumatoid arthritis 類風濕關節炎從肝脾辨證的研究概況

The therapeutic effect of dengzhanhuasu on rheumatoid arthritis 燈盞花素輔助治療類風濕關節炎臨床療效觀察

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis by tumor necrosis factor inhibitor 腫瘤壞死因子抑制劑治療類風濕關節炎