
rheumatism n.【醫學】風濕病。 acute [chronic] r...


The best medicine i know for rheumatism is to thank the lord it ain ' t the gout 我所知道最佳的風濕特效藥是:感謝上帝,好在那不是痛風。

The best medicine i know for rheumatism is to thank the lord it is not the gout 我所知道最佳的風濕特效藥是:感謝上帝,好在那不是痛風。

Rheumatism is often a chronic disease . i ' ll prescribe some chinese herbal medicine for you 風濕病往往是一種慢性病,我給你開一些中藥。

The second time , eleven years ago , i was disturbed by an attack of rheumatism 第二次,在十一年前,是風濕病發作,因為我缺乏鍛煉所致。

I ' m beginning to suffer from rheumatism , and at times i feel like a right old crock 我開始患風濕病了,常感覺似乎真象一名老朽了。

Clinical rsearch on the rheumatism 2nd decoction in preventing primary gout recurrent 號合劑預防原發性痛風復發的臨床研究

The best medicine i know for rheumatism is to thank the lord it ain ' t the gout 風濕病的最佳良藥就是感謝上帝它不是痛風

Our tincture of tiger bone is used in treating arthritis and rheumatism 我們的虎骨酒是用于治療關節炎和風濕病的。

Thought about the clinic and treatment over rheumatism with traditional chinese medicine 風濕病研究的中醫臨床思考

She is afflicted with rheumatism 她為風濕癥所苦

Our tincture of tiger bone is used in treating arthritis and rheumatism 我們的虎骨酒是用來治療關節炎和風濕的。

Relieving rheumatism , chills and pains 祛風定痛

He is bad with rheumatism 他因風濕而感到很難過。

She is afflicted with rheumatism 她為風濕癥所苦。

She ' s a martyr to rheumatism 她長期受風濕病的折磨

Another has pulmonary tuberculosis one in 3rd platoon has rheumatism 另外一個得了肺結核三排有個人得了風濕

Study overview on the treatment of rheumatism with kukoline hydrochloride 鹽酸青藤堿治療風濕類疾病研究概況

Use the drug that fights rheumatism 使用抗風濕的藥

It contains myristic acid , making it a good oil for arthritis and rheumatism 若加入花水同抹,效果更佳。