
rheumatic adj.【醫學】(害)風濕病的。n.1.風濕病人。2.〔...


When in the body trouble rheumatic heart disease serious illness family is infusing , is relocated the staff to deliver forcefully the hospital , because does not have the money to pay the medical expenses but to expel by the hospital , this man has had no way out , but under leaves behind the will , climbs up 10 meter high tianjin century zhong yigao common people its cause of death 因身患風濕性心臟病重病正在家中輸液時,被拆遷工作人員強行送到醫院,因無錢交納醫藥費而被醫院趕出,該男子已走投無路,無奈之下留下遺囑,爬上10米之高的天津市世紀鐘以告世人其死因。

The postilion was a venerable boy of sixty - a martyr to rheumatic gout , the result of excessive exposure in youth , counteracted by strong liquors - who had stood at inn - doors doing nothing for the whole five - and - twenty years that had elapsed since he had no longer been required to ride professionally , as if expecting the old times to come back again 趕車的是一個六十歲的老“小子” ,因為年輕時長年遭受風吹雨打,加上好喝烈性酒,所以受到風濕性痛風的折磨自從不需要他再做專門的趕車夫以來,他無事可做,站在酒店的門口,已經整整二十五年了,仿佛是在期待舊日時光的重新到來。

Scrape therapy is a natural treatment directed by chinese medicine theory of bowels and meridians , and widely applies the virtues of no - drug treatments like acupuncture , massage , chiropractic and cupping . through the use of edge tools , it can make the points congest by scraping the meridians , channels and points on the surface of the skin so as to improve the partial micro - circulation and dredge the channels and meridians , regulate the surplus blood , invigorate the circulation of blood , make the hearts and lungs healthy , relieve rheumatic pains and cold , eliminate the bump and relieve the pain , stimulate and improve the immunity and protection abilities of the human body , and serve the purpose of health care and curing the diseases 刮痧療法是以中醫臟腑、經駱學說為理論指導,眾采針炙、按摩、點按、拔罐等中醫非藥物療法之所長,用利器利拭體表經脈、穴位,使受到絡絡穴位處充血,從而改善局部的微?圈,起到疏通絡絡,調和盈血,活血化瘀、強健心肺、祛風散寒、消腫止痛,動員和增強肌體自身潛在的抗病能力和免疫能力,以達到扶正祛邪、保健強身治病的一種自然療法。

Objective : to study the clinical effect of sebusu therapy treating rheumatic arthritis . methods : mantle , indraft - into - rumen andviscera - sticked method were applied to treating 20 cases of rheumati arthritis . results : 15 cases ( 75 % ) showed excellent results , 4 cases ( 20 % ) effective results and 1 case ineffective result . conclusion : this method is worth popularizing clinically because of its effective action on rheumatic arthritis 目的:通過蒙醫瑟布素療法治療風濕性關節炎,進一步證明此療法的臨床療效.方法:采用披法、瘤胃內納入法及臟器貼敷法,對20例風濕性關節炎患者進行觀察.結果:顯效15例( 75 % ) ,有效4例( 20 % ) ,無效1例( 5 % ) ,總有效率95 % .結論:此療法對風濕性關節炎有顯著療效,值得進一步深入研究推廣應用

“ it were well , “ muttered the most iron - visaged of the old dames , “ if we stripped madam hester s rich gown off her dainty shoulders ; and as for the red letter , which she hath stitched so curiously , i ll bestow a rag of mine own rheumatic flannel , to make a fitter one ! 一個面孔板得最緊的老太婆咕哦著, “要是我們能把海絲特太太那件講究的衣袍從她秀氣的肩膀上扒下來,倒挺不錢至于她繡得稀奇古怪的那個紅字嘛,我倒愿意貨給她一塊我害風濕病用過的法蘭絨破布片,做出來才更合適呢i ”

Scrape therapy is a natural treatment directed by chinese medicine theory of bowels and meridians , and widely applies the virtues of no - drug treatments like acupuncture , massage , chiropractic and cupping . through the use of edge tools , it can make the points congest by scraping the meridians , channels and points on the surface of the skin so as to improve the partial micro - circulation and dredge the channels and meridians , regulate the surplus blood , invigorate the circulation of blood , make the hearts and lungs healthy , relieve rheumatic pains and cold , eliminate the bump and relieve the pain , stimulate and improve the immunity and protection abilities of the human body , and serve the purpose of health care and curing the diseases 刮痧療法是以中醫臟腑、經駱學說為理論指導,眾采針炙、按摩、點按、拔罐等中醫非藥物療法之所長,用利器利拭體表經脈、穴位,使受到絡絡穴位處充血,從而改善局部的微循環,起到疏通絡絡,調和盈血,活血化瘀、強健心肺、祛風散寒、消腫止痛,動員和增強肌體自身潛在的抗病能力和免疫能力,以達到扶正祛邪、保健強身治病的一種自然療法。

But by this time we had all long ceased to pay any particular notice to the song ; it was new , that night , to nobody but dr livesey , and on him i observed it did not produce an agreeable effect , for he looked up for a moment quite angrily before he went on with his talk to old taylor , the gardener , on a new cure for the rheumatics 但是,到了這會兒,我們對這支歌都不怎么特別在意了,這個晚上,它只對醫生來說是新鮮的,而我察覺到,就是醫生,對它也毫無贊賞的表示,因為在他同花匠老泰勒談話的過程中,他很憤怒地抬頭望了一下,接著就又談論起關于治療風濕病的新藥方來。

Buckwheat is a kind of valuable plant with great advantages in nutrition and medicine . its high content of bioactive substances has showed significant effects in preventing currently common cardiovascular diseases such as diabetes , hypertention etc . and some other diseases including rheumatic arthritis 蕎麥具有較高營養品質和藥用價值,并富含多種生物活性物質,在防治現代文明病諸如糖尿病、高血壓等心腦血管疾病和風濕性關節炎等方面有一定的功效。

Indication : it can be applied to patients with hypertension , hypertensive heart disease , coronary arteriosclerotic cardiopathy , diabdtic heart diseases , congenital heart disease , rheumatic heart disease , viral myocarditis , cerebral thrombosis or hyperlipoidemia . 4 適合人群:高血壓高血壓性心臟病冠狀動脈硬化性心臟病,糖尿病性心臟病,先天性心臟病風濕性心臟病病毒性心肌炎腦血栓以及高脂血癥患者等。

The skull long has fascinated experts : in 1991 , a french scholar who examined it made the startling - though unconfirmed - conclusion that mozart may have died of complications of a head injury rather than rheumatic fever as most historians believe 1991年,一位法國學者對這塊頭骨進行了研究,并得出了一個驚人的結論:莫扎特可能死于由頭部受傷引起的并發癥,而并非大多數歷史學家所認為的風濕熱。

The waist has the steel platefixed strut , mainly is suitable for the patient waist muscle strain , the waist intervertebral disc is prominent , the rheumatic lumbagoplays the assistance treatment role , meanwhile has healthily receivesthe abdomen the function 腰部有鋼板固定支撐,主要適用于患者腰肌勞損、腰椎間盤突出、風濕性腰痛起到輔助治療的作用,同時還有健美收腹的作用。

New york ( reuters health ) dec 26 - youth offers patients with rheumatoid arthritis ( ra ) little in the way of protection against adverse cardiovascular events , researchers report in the december issue of annals of the rheumatic diseases 紐約(路透社健康版) 12月26日- 12月刊《風濕病年鑒》刊載的一項最新研究顯示,類風濕關節炎( ra )的年輕患者易患心血管并發癥。

Ankylosing spondylitis ( as ) , a rheumatic inflammatory disease primarily affecting the spine and sacroiliac joints , is also called “ morbus bechterew “ in some european countries 一種開始影響脊椎和骶髂關節的風濕性炎癥疾病,在某些歐洲國家亦稱為“別赫捷列夫關節病” 。

In time , chronic rheumatic valvulitis may develop by organization of the acute endocardial inflammation along with fibrosis , as shown here affecting the mitral valve 慢性風濕性心瓣膜病可能由急性心內膜炎機化和纖維化發展而來,可見二尖瓣受到影響。

Vasculitis with autoimmune disease can occur in many different organs and can lead to the often confusing signs and symptoms of patients with rheumatic diseases 自身免疫疾病患者,可在許多不同的器官發生脈管炎,且容易與風濕病的癥狀和體征相混淆

Some underlying illnesses such as rheumatic heart disease or congenital abnormalities of brain vessels also increase the risk of cvd 一些潛在疾病如風濕性心臟病或先天性腦血管異常,也會增加患上腦血管病的機會。

Therefore the rheumatic attack can be predicted and the scientific basis for the prevention of the rheumatism is provided 由此可通過數理統計的方法和天氣學的方法來預側風濕病發病期,為預防風濕病提供依據。

Continuous chemoprophylaxis against group a streptococci has proved to be highly effective in preventing recurrences of rheumatic fever 對a組鏈球菌進行連續性化學預防,已證明對防止風濕熱的復發可奏卓效。

The results show that the peak periods of the rheumatic attack are almost in the late spring , early summer , late autumn and early winter 風濕的發生主要與氣象因子中的相對濕度、溫度及其變化有很大的關系。