
rheum n.【植物;植物學】大黃屬。

rheum epidemic

The rhizome of cultivated rheum in qunjia of qinghai province , was picked broke into cortex , phloem , xylem and marrow , the content of cu , zn , fe , mn , co , ni elements of the every tissue was analyzed by atom absorb spectrum 采集青海群加地區種植大黃根莖,分為皮層、韌皮部、木質部和髓部等四部分,采用原子吸收光譜法分別測試了其不同組織中銅、鋅、鐵、錳、鉆、鎳等元素含量。

Some specific nutrients and drugs such as glutamine , rheum officinale , moist exposed burn ointment and essential nutrients for intestine can have very good effect on the restoration of impaired gastrointestinal mucous membrane barrier function 某些特殊的營養物質和藥物如谷氨酰胺、思密達、大黃、濕潤燒傷膏和腸內營養要素在胃腸粘膜屏障的修復中將起到良好保護和營養使用。

Moore j , brooks p , milliken s , et al . a pilot randomized trial comparing cd34 - selected versus unmanipulated hemopoietic stem cell transplantation for severe , refractory ra . arthritis rheum 2002 , 46 ( 9 ) : 2301 - 9 冷曉梅、趙巖、唐福林等,自體外周血干細胞移植治療難治性類風濕關節炎一例。中華醫學雜志2002 , 82 ( 11 ) : 748 - 51

Reprinted from calabress lh , michel ba , bloch da , et al . the american college of rheumatology 1990 criteria for the classification of hypersensitivity vasculitis . arthritis rheum , 1990 , 33 : 1108 - 1113 在分類診斷時,符合上述五條標準中的至少三條可診斷為超敏性血管炎,按此標準診斷的敏感性是71 . 0 % ,特異性是83 . 9 % 。

Reprinted from hunder gg , bloch da , michel ba , et al . the american college of rheumatology 1990 criteria for the classification of giant cell arteritis . arthritis rheum , 1990 , 33 : 1122 - 1128 A在分類診斷時,符合上述五條標準中的至少三條可診斷為巨細胞(顳)動脈炎,按此標準診斷的敏感性是93 . 5 % ,特異性是91 . 2 % 。

The result showed that cu , zn , fe , mn mostly distributing in the cortex , secondly distributing in the xylem or the marrow , the content is lower in the phloem of rhizome tissue on the cultivated rheum 結果表明,種植大黃根莖中銅、鋅、鐵、錳等元素主要分布在皮層,其次是木質部或髓部,元素含量較低的是韌皮部。

Aids is a communicable disease caused by virus . it mainly damage human immune system to reduce people ' s ability fighting disease . minor disease , like rheum , can claim people ' s life 愛滋病是種病毒性傳染病,主要破壞人的免疫系統,使人的抵抗疾病能力降低。好比感冒這樣的小病,就可以奪走人的生命。

Akahoshi m , nakashima h , tanaka y , et al . th1 / th2 balance of peripheral t helper cells in systemic lupus erythematosus [ j ] . arthritis rheum , 1999 , 42 : 1644 張紅娟,王宗發,彭學標,等.系統性紅斑狼瘡患者血清白介素10水平與外周血單個核細胞分泌白介素12水平的關系[ j ]中華皮膚科雜志, 2001 , 34 : 287

The cultivated rheum required quantity has an increase for the fe , mn , co , and decrease for the zn , cu , ni element nutrition with the growth age changes 隨著生長年齡增加種植大黃對鐵、錳、鈷元素營養需求量有所增加,對鋅、銅、鎳元素營養的需求量略減。

Having been attacked by the rheum in the new environment is indeed a hard blow for me , which made me in an extremely low mood 在一個新的環境下承受喉嚨痛的攻擊,實在是一個沉重打擊,使我處于一種極端情緒低落的狀態。

The research aimed to master the distribution characteristics of anthraquinone compounds in the stem of rheum tanguticum maxim . et balf 摘要目的為了系統掌握六盤山雞爪大黃莖蒽醌類化合物的分布特征。

Effect of rare - earth elements la3 on growth of hairy roots and normal roots of rheum palmatum and their yield of anthraquinone 稀土元素鑭對掌葉大黃毛狀根和非轉化根生長及蒽醌產量的影響

Othello . i have a salt and sorry rheum offends me ; lend me thy handkerchief 奧瑟羅我的眼睛有些脹痛,老是淌著眼淚。把你的手帕借給我一用。

Ant - rheum pellet 抗感顆粒

The shopman lifted eyes bleared with old rheum . - sweets of sin , he said , tapping on it 攤主抬起那雙被積下的眼屎弄得視力模糊的眼睛。

The trace element has an important function for the growth of cultivated rheum 摘要微量元素對于種植青海大黃的生長發育有著重要作用。

Determination of the emodin and chrysophanol in rheum rhizastachyum schrenk by hplc 法測定脂脫勁顆粒劑中大黃素的含量

Arthritis rheum 1995 ; 38 : 727 - 35 , with permission of the american college of rheumatology 分類標準中各條的定義如下。

Nutritional components analysis of petiole from rheum . tanguticum maxim . ex balf 唐古特大黃葉柄的營養成分分析