
rhetorician n.1.修辭學者;雄辯家。2.說話浮夸的人;詞藻華麗浮夸...


Rather than teaching the “ whole counsel of god “ the travelling preachers aimed at immediate effects through what the ancient greek rhetoricians called pathos - an appeal only to the heart , not the mind 旅行布道家們不是教導神完整的勸告,而是以立干見影的效果為目標,所用的方式是古希臘修辭學家所稱的哀婉法只訴諸于內心感情,不訴諸于思想理性。

He dismissed both ulpian the jurist because he was a righteous man and silvinus the rhetorician , whom he had appointed tutor to alexander 他驅逐了西維紐斯和法學家烏爾比安,因為烏爾比安是一個正直的人,而修辭家西維紐斯曾是亞歷山大的指導教師。

In fact , the first - century roman rhetorician quintilian , in his treatise on oratory , gives the gesture as a sign of approval 而實際上,早在公元一世紀,古羅馬的修辭學家昆體良在他關于雄辯術的論文中,就把這個動作視為同意的意思。

The prime minister out of office is seen, too often, to have been but a pompous rhetorician . 人們常常發現一位離了職的首相當年只不過是個大言不慚的演說家。