
rhetorical adj.(符合)修辭學的,修辭上的;華麗的,夸張的(文風...


It was just a rhetorical question 只是個反問不需要回答的。

Faulty figures of speech should become the rhetorical object of study 病辭理應成為修辭學的研究對象

The rhetorical adverbs in xingshi yinyuan zhuan 中的反問副詞

Rhetorical features of explanation for zhuyuci 訓釋的修辭特色

Pragmatic rhetorical analysis of synaethesia 移覺的語用修辭分析

Pragmatic analysis on rhetorical characteristics of advertisements 廣告語修辭特色的語用分析探究

Rhetorical effects of chinese characters ' form 漢字形體修辭效應

On the rhetorical function of chinese characters 漢字修辭的作用

Rhetorical cognition of metaphoric thinking 喻化思維的修辭學認知

On the origin and rhetorical effects of the popular phrases 試論流行短語的生成渠道及其語用效能

Ms rice ' s use of words represented at least a rhetorical shift 至少可從賴斯措辭上看出變化。

The phonetic rhetorical characteristics in english and chinese names 漢英姓名中的語音修辭特點

Discourse connection and rhetorical connection 話語關聯與修辭關聯

Sisyphus in ancient china - a rhetorical exposition of qu yuan ' s life 屈原生命歷程的修辭學闡釋

On the difference principle of rhetorical figure 試論比喻的異質原則

On the manifestation and rhetorical function of transferred epithet 的表現形式及其修辭功能

The rhetorical tactics of the late tang dynasty 晚唐詠史詩的修辭策略

Rhetorical features of three - phoned vocabulary in modern chinese 近代漢語三音詞的修辭特點

Analysis on english - chinese rhetorical comparision and translation 淺論英漢修辭比較與翻譯