
rhetoric n.修辭學;辯論法;雄辯術;華麗的文詞;花言巧語;辯才;...


A comparative study of rhetoric and wen xin diao long 論說散文理論同異論

I am tired of the empty rhetoric of politicians 我討厭政客們的花言巧語。

A study of rhetoric patterns in esl writings 作文中的修辭模式表現類型研究

Research on rhetoric type and resource of metonymy words 論現代漢語借代詞的類型和根源

Rhetoric imitation in the language of phone messages 短信息語言的仿擬藝術

Ways for english rhetoric devices to choere a text 銜接語篇的英語修辭手段

The creation of contexts by syntactic rhetoric in tang poems 唐詩句法修辭對語境的創造

A contrastive study of rhetoric patterns in l1 and 記敘文修辭特征對比研究

On the rhetoric of irony in shen cong - wen ' s urban novels 論沈從文都市小說中的反諷修辭

Narrative process under the construction of rhetoric mirage 的修辭敘事魅力

Rhetoric or narratology ? classical or postclassical ? - on 查特曼的敘事修辭學

On the rhetoric strategies of the beginning of an article 論起首的修辭策略

The sentence contains impassioned rhetoric 這個句子含有富有表現力的修辭。

Think of this technique in terms of rhetoric 用修辭手法描述一下這種技術。

Analysis on rhetoric function of object in folk customs 民俗事象里實物的修辭功能論析

Construction of discourse context frame in new rhetoric 新修辭學中話語語境框架的建構

An investigation of the rhetoric phenomenon with the character of 修辭的語言表達形式

More about innovation and development of modern rhetoric 再論現代修辭學的創新與發展

Rhetoric interpretation of chinese conventional words 民俗語言研究對漢語教學的作用