
rhetor n.〔古希臘〕修辭學教師[大師];雄辯家,演說家。


The great mystery of which the rhetor had made mention , though it excited his curiosity , did not strike his imagination as a reality ; while the second aim , the purification and regeneration of himself , had little interest for him , because at that moment he was full of a blissful sense of being completely cured of all his former vices , and being ready for nothing but goodness 修辭班教師提到的一條重要玄理雖然引起他的好奇心,但是他不認為這是本質的東西,第二個目的:凈化和改造自己,使他不太感興趣,因為他在這時分高興地感到自己完全糾正了從前的惡習,只要全心全意去行善就行。

Yes , thats as it should be , thought pierre , when the rhetor after these words left him again to solitary reflection ; thats as it ought to be , but im still so weak as to love this life , the meaning of which is only now by degrees being revealed to me . but the other five virtues which pierre recalled , reckoning them on his fingers , he felt already in his soul ; courage and liberality , morality and love for mankind , and above all obedience , which seemed to him not to be a virtue , indeed , but a happiness “是的,一定是這樣的, ”皮埃爾想,修辭班教師說完這些話后就走開了,讓他獨自思考一番。 “一定是這樣的,但是我還太脆弱,我喜愛自己的生活,我只是現在才略微領悟到生活的意義。 ”皮埃爾扳著指頭想起了其余五條高尚品德,他心里覺得:勇敢慷慨品行端正愛人類特別是服從,他甚至以為,服從并不是高尚品德,而是幸福。

Seventhly , strive , said the rhetor , by frequent meditation upon death to bring yourself to feel it not an enemy to be dreaded , but a friend which delivers the soul grown weary in the labours of virtue from this distressful life and leads it to its place of recompense and peace “第七條, ”修辭班教師說, “要時常想到獻身,極力地設法使您自己覺得死亡不再是可怕的敵人,而是朋友它能把您由于修行而遭受折磨的靈魂從災難深重的生活中解脫出來,把它領進天主賞賜的安息的場所。 ”

I am ready for anything , said pierre . i must inform you further , said the rhetor , that our order promulgates its doctrine not by word only , but by certain means which have perhaps on the true seeker after wisdom and virtue a more potent effect than merely verbal explanations “我還應當告訴您, ”修辭班教師說, “我們共濟會不僅是憑藉言語,而且還憑藉別的方法來傳授自己的教理,這些手段比口頭講解對于真誠地尋求智慧和美德的人也許能夠發揮更大的作用。

For entering the brotherhood . going closer , pierre recognised in the rhetor a man he knew , smolyaninov , but it was mortifying to him to think that the newcomer was a familiar figure ; he was to him only a brother and a guide in the path of virtue 皮埃爾走得更近時,認出修辭班教師就是他的熟人斯莫利亞尼諾夫,但是他想到那個走進來的人竟是熟人,心里就覺得受了侮辱,這個走進來的人只是一個師兄和有德行的教師而已。

With a childish smile of embarrassment , of doubt , and of self - mockery , which would come into his face in spite of himself , pierre stood with his legs wide apart and his hands hanging at his sides , facing the rhetor and awaiting his next commands 皮埃爾臉上情不自禁地流露出兒童似的害羞疑惑和自嘲的微笑。皮埃爾垂下雙手,叉開兩腿,在修辭班教師這位師兄面前站著,聽候他作出新的吩咐。

Shortly after this , there walked into the dark temple to fetch pierre not the rhetor , but his sponsor villarsky , whom he recognised by his voice . in reply to fresh inquiries as to the firmness of his resolve , pierre answered 嗣后不久,已經不是以前的修辭班教師,而是保證人維拉爾斯基走到了這座昏暗的富麗堂皇的宮殿來尋找皮埃爾,皮埃爾一聽見保證人的嗓音就認出他了。

Very good , said smolyaninov , and went on at once . have you any idea of the means by which our holy order will assist you in attaining your aim ? said the rhetor calmly and rapidly “很好, ”斯莫利亞尼諾夫說,他立刻繼續說下去, “您對我們神圣的共濟會賴以幫助您達到您的目的的手段,有沒有概念? ”

If you are resolved , i must proceed to your initiation , said the rhetor , coming closer to pierre . in token of liberality i beg you to give me everything precious you have “如果您堅定不移,那末我就要開始引導您了, ”修辭班教師走到皮埃爾近旁時說道, “我請您向我交出全部貴重的物品以示慷慨。 ”

The third time the rhetor came back sooner , and asked pierre whether he were still resolute in his intention , and whether he were prepared to submit to everything that would be demanded of him 修辭班教師第三次回來得更快,他問皮埃爾,他的志向是否仍舊不變,對他要求的一切,他是否堅決服從。

Half an hour later the rhetor returned to enumerate to the seeker the seven virtues corresponding to the seven steps of the temple of solomon , in which every freemason must train himself 隔了半小時,修辭班教師回來了,向求道者傳達與所羅門神殿的階梯總數相符的七條高尚品德。

You seek the truth in order to follow its laws in life ; consequently , you seek wisdom and virtue , do you not ? said the rhetor , after a moments pause “您尋求真理是為了在生活中遵循真理的規律,因此,您就得尋求智慧和高尚品德,是這樣嗎? ”修辭班教師沉默半晌之后說。

A hieroglyph , said the rhetor , is the name given to a symbol of some object , imperceptible to the senses and possessing qualities similar to those of the symbol 修辭班教師說, “象形符號是一種不受制于情感的事物名稱,它本身包函類似象征的性能。 ”

Very good , said the rhetor hastily , apparently quite satisfied with the reply . have you sought the means of attaining your aim in religion “很好, ”修辭班教師連忙說,看來他很滿意這種回答, “您是否曾在宗教上尋找達到您的目的底方法? ”

No ; i regarded it as untrue and have not followed it , said pierre , so softly that the rhetor did not catch it , and asked him what he was saying 皮埃爾說話的聲音很低,以致修辭班教師聽不清楚,于是問他說什么, “我曾是一個無神論者。 ”

Yes , yes , assented pierre . the rhetor cleared his throat , folded his gloved hands across his chest , and began speaking 修辭班教師咳嗽了幾聲,清清嗓子,把兩只戴著手套的手交叉在胸前,開始說話。

Of the three aims enumerated by the rhetor the last the reformation of the human raceappealed particularly to pierre 修辭班教師所列舉的三大目的中,拯救全人類這個最終目的,皮埃爾覺得特別親切。

He listened to the rhetor in silence , feeling from everything he said that his ordeal was soon to begin 他沉默地傾聽修辭班教師講解,他憑各種跡象預感到考驗就要開始了。

For a long while pierre could not utter a word , so that the rhetor was obliged to repeat his question 皮埃爾久久地說不出話,修辭班教師不得不重復地提出問題。