
rhesus n.【動物;動物學】(印度)恒河猴,羅猴(=rhesus...

rhesus factor

They and the other monkeys must be followed still longer , however , before we will know whether low food intake can increase both average and maximum life spans in monkeys : rhesus monkeys typically live about 24 years and sometimes up to 40 ; squirrel monkeys typically live about 19 years but may live for 28 但想要知道限食是否會延長猴子的平均壽命及最長壽命(恒河猴一般活到24歲,有時可到40歲;松鼠猴一般活到19歲,但有時可到28歲) ,我們還必須對這些恒河猴及其他猴子做更久的追蹤研究才行。

But while it is unlikely that people have a mental , smell - based map of their partners in the way that voles do , there are strong hints that the hormone pair have something to reveal about the nature of human love : among those of man ' s fellow primates that have been studied , monogamous marmosets have higher levels of vasopressin bound in the reward centres of their brains than do non - monogamous rhesus macaques 盡管與田鼠不一樣,人類不太可能有一張基于嗅覺的神經系統伴侶圖譜,但若干線索已有力說明,這兩種荷爾蒙能揭示一些人類戀愛的本質在已被研究過的人類靈長目同伴之中,一夫一妻制小長尾猴的大腦獎賞中樞系統中,抗利尿激素水平較非一夫一妻制的恒河短尾猿高。

But long - term projects under way in two species more closely related to humans ? rhesus and squirrel monkeys ? suggest that primates respond to caloric restriction almost identically to rodents , which makes us more optimistic than ever that cr mimetics could help people 這些持續進行中的長期研究顯示,靈長類的限食反應幾乎同?齒類的一樣,這使我們更樂觀地相信:限食擬藥可以幫助人們。

The mountains are covered with virgin secondary forests , dove trees , ginkgoes , metasequoias , and other rare trees and flowers . rhesus monkeys , civets , tragopans , golden pheasants , and other rare animals and birds are active in the forests 這里擁有成片的原始次生林,珙桐銀杏水杉蝦花等奇花異卉漫山遍野,還有獼猴靈貓角雉錦雞等珍禽異獸出沒其間

Pu xiaochun , ji weizhi , yang shangchuan , chen jianchun , zou rujin , and shang enyuan 1994 correlation of zona - binding with oocyte matoration and sperm motility in rhesus monkeys by hemizona assay 普曉春、季維智、楊上川、陳建春、鄒如金、商恩緣1994獼猴的半透明帶分析法精子活動度和卵母細胞成熟度對精卵結合率的影響。

Albert kapikian of the nih , for example , identified a rhesus strain of virus , and fred clark and stanley plotkin of wistar identified another bovine strain that might replicate more vigorously 例如nih的卡匹肯找到一種恒河猴病毒品系,威斯塔研究所的克拉克及普洛金則找到另一種能積極復制的牛病毒。

Pu xiaochun , ji weizhi , yang shangchuan , chen jianchun , zuo roujin and shang enyuan 1994 correlation of zona - binding with oocyte maturation and sperm motility in rhesus monkeys by hemizona assay 普曉春、季維智、楊上川、陳建春、鄒如金、商恩緣1994獼猴卵母細胞成熟度和精子活力與精卵結合的關系。

Further , we have recently shown that rhesus monkeys kept on caloric restriction for an extended time ( nearly 15 years ) have less chronic disease , just as the risk data suggested 此外,我們最近也指出,根據風險資料的統計,長期限食(將近15年)的恒河猴得慢性病的機會也較低。

Methods subchondral drilling on the anterior slope of condyle and posterior slope of eminence were performed on 12 rhesus monkeys ( 24 joints ) by arthroscope 材料經關節鏡對12只獼猴雙側關節上下腔進行關節面鉆孔術,造成骨軟骨缺損模型,對其缺損位置進行定位和記錄。

There has a comparison among the results of this paper to the rhesus macaque in other area in china , and showed that there were evident differences among them 研究結果還與有關材料進行了比較,表明太行山獼猴與國內其他地區的獼猴存在著明顯差異。

Rhesus monkeys , longtailed monkeys and their hybrids can easily be found in the areas adjacent to kowloon reservoir . the population is about 1000 恒河猴,長尾獼猴及它們的混種在九龍水塘附近隨處可見,種群數目大約有1000只。

Diabetic animals , old dogs and elderly rhesus monkeys given the compound daily for three weeks yielded spectacular results 患有糖尿病的動物,老齡狗,及上了年紀的恒河猴如每天接受此種藥物治療,三星期后會產生令人矚目的效果。

Rhesus macaques in the kowloon hills area were not descendents of the origional wild stock but released during the first world war time 九山一帶就因為聚居了這些野生?猴而廣為人所熟識,假日吸引大量人們到馬騮山觀賞野生?猴。

Effects of basic fibroblast growth factor and epidermal growth factor on proliferation of bone marrow neural stem cells in rhesus monkey in vitro induction 表皮生長因子對恒河猴骨髓源性神經干細胞的體外誘導增殖作用

Scientists have attempted to clone rhesus macaques , but none of the resulting embryos survived implantation in a surrogate mother 科學家曾經嘗試要復制恒河猴,但是所獲得的胚胎在植入代理孕母體內后無一存活。

Repetition priming paradigm in two rhesus monkeys was set up using three categories of stimuli face , figure , food in present study 以恒河猴為被試,選擇人類面孔幾何圖形和食物3個范疇的刺激。

Ye zhizhang , peng yanzhang and zhang yaoping 1985 the anatomy of the rhesus macaques ( macaca mulatta ) . science press , beijing , china 8葉智彰、彭燕章、張耀平1985獼猴解剖。科學出版社,北京。

Rhesus monkeys possess the widest range of distribution , from pakistan to southern china ( south of huang he , the yellow river ) 恒河猴的天然分布最廣,由巴基斯坦至南中國地區(黃河以南) 。

Effect of autologous bone marrow transplantation on liver function , humoral immunity and the ratio of blood cells in rhesus 自體骨髓細胞移植對老年獼猴肝臟功能與體液免疫及血細胞比例的干預