
rheology n.【物、化】(研究物質流動、變形、彈性、黏性、可塑性的...


Theoretical study of horizontally loaded single pile in layered soil considering consolidation and rheology of soil 考慮固結和流變的層狀地基中的水平單樁的理論分析

The unique rheology of the lecithin - water s ystem has lead to processing difficulties in the drying of lecithin 水化油腳獨特的流體特性導致在濃縮脫水時的困難。

An incremental stress rheology model is developed to study the dynamics of tectonic mineralization 摘要本文提出了構造成礦作用動力學研究的遞增應力流變學方法。

Observation on blood rheology in treatment of hyperlipemia due to pulmonary heart disease with honghua injection 紅花注射液治療肺心病高粘滯血癥的血流變學觀察

Effect of gegenesu on blood rheology of chronic pulmonary heart disease at acute exacerbation stage 注射用血塞通治療慢性肺源性心臟病急性加重期60例臨床觀察

Effect of nimodipine on the electromyography and blood rheology in patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy 尼莫地平治療糖尿病周圍神經病變的臨床研究

( 4 ) breathing 70 % oxygen was specially significant for the recovery of erythrocyte rheology ( 4 )運動后吸氧對紅細胞流變性的恢復有特別意義。

Abstract : safety rheology and mutation are new contents in the theory of safety science 文摘: “安全流變-突變論”是安全科學理論的一個新內容。

On dong zhongshu ' s theory of auspicious and disasterous signs and the rheology of confucianist divination 論董仲舒社會控制思想體系的理論基礎

All jingcheng gear pumps feature optimized melt manifolds designed according to rheology 精城的齒輪泵都具有按照流變學優化的熔體流道設計。

The study of blood rheology of chaiguaxiaoje tang in treating hyperplasia of mammary gland 柴瓜消結湯對實驗性乳腺增生家兔血液流變學的影響

Laboratory investigation of interfacial rheology properties of polymer solution crude oil system 聚合物溶液與原油界面流變性的實驗

Go to folk : the rheology of the spirits of enlightenment of the 21st century chinese literature 二十世紀中國文學啟蒙精神的流變

Metro tunnel construction through soft - rheology - plastic - ground under building group 地鐵隧道用暗挖法穿越建筑群下的軟流塑地層

Study on the preparation and rheology of anionic aliphatic polyurethane emulsion 脂肪族陰離子型聚氨酯水乳液的制備及流變性能

Standard test method for plastics : dynamic mechanical properties : melt rheology 塑料的標準試驗方法:動力機械性能:熔體流變學

It is the complicated dynamic rheology course to mix and stir the course in vibration 振動拌和過程是復雜的動態流變過程。

Dafu complex and the rheology of the romanticism in the new - vernacular literature in china 達夫情結與新文學浪漫主義的流變

The main contents are as follows : 1 . the measure principle of rheology instrument 主要內容有: 1 .血流變儀檢測原理。