
rhea n.1.麗亞〔女子名〕。2.【希臘神話】宙斯的母親。3....


The original one is in the collection of the museo nuovo in the palazzo dei conservator , rome . according to roman legend , in the fourth century rome was founded by romulus and remus , twin sons of mars and rhea silvia , the queen of alba longa . this sculpture is the story of how the were raised by a she - wolf 傳說羅馬是戰神邁斯mars與阿爾巴隆格alba longa國王之女莉亞西維亞rhea silvia所生之孿生子:羅慕斯romulus及雷摩斯remus于西元四世紀建立,此塑像為敘述兩子由母狼哺乳長大之故事相傳兩人是建立羅馬之人。

For example , saturn ' s e ring reaches across a broad region that encompasses the satellites mimas , tethys , dione and rhea , peaking in brightness at the orbit of the smooth , icy moon enceladus 例如,土星的e環所跨過的一大片區域中,包含了土衛一、土衛三、土衛四與土衛五等衛星,亮度的最高峰就處于平滑冰冷的土衛二之軌道上。

The rings cannot hide the ragged , icy crescent of rhea , here imaged in color by the cassini spacecraft . the second - largest moon of saturn shines brightly through gaps in the rings 翻譯:星環掩飾不了這個新月狀的土衛五,這張彩色圖像,由卡西尼號飛船拍攝.在這張圖象里,土星的第二大衛星,仍然能夠在星環后面發光。

Father rhea takes sole care of his young . from eggs to chicks , he feeds , defends , and protects them until they are old enough to survive on their own 要論忠誠,美洲鴕肯定不是,因為它們沒有固定的配偶。正因如此,雄鳥要獨自承擔起孵卵、喂食、照顧和保護后代的責任。

The earliest mother ' s day celebrations are traced back to the spring celebrations of ancient greece in honor of rhea , the mother of the gods 古母親節起源于希臘,古希臘人在這一天向希臘神話中的眾神之母赫拉致敬。

Saturn ' s two largest moons meet in the sky in a rare embrace . smog - enshrouded titan glows to the left of airless rhea 土星的兩個最大的月亮在天空中“擁抱”在了一起。土衛六的濃霧在土衛五的左邊發著亮光。

The first mother day was held in spring in ancient greece , where people praised rhea , the great mother of the gods 第一屆地球日的活動舉行得非常成功,它促使議會通過了保護空氣,水和瀕危物種的法案。

Gaia : rhea commanded the eagle to secretice on her way . he was taken to an island far beyond the watchful eyes of cronos 蓋亞:瑞亞命令一只鷹把宙斯帶到一個遠離克羅諾斯的島嶼上。

In 1996 , she was cast as an ambitious college student on rhea perlman ' s ephemeral sitcom “ pearl “ ( 1996 ) 1996年,她被蒙上作為大學生對苧麻普爾曼雄心勃勃的短命短劇“明珠“ ( 1996年)

Long , long , ago , in ancient greece , the people paid tribute to rhea , the mother of the gods , each spring 很久很久以前,在古希臘,每年春天人們都要向眾神之母雷亞敬獻貢品。

Crater - scarred rhea floats in the distance , peeking out from behind saturn ' s partly shadowed rings 有許多坑和斑紋的土衛五漂浮在遠方,正從土星環外面的陰暗部分窺視著。

A few bright wispy markings curl around the eastern limb of rhea ( 1 , 528 kilometers , 949 miles across ) 一些小而明亮的斑紋纏繞在土衛五的東部。 (直徑1 , 528公里, 949英里)

In those days , however , it was rhea , the mother of the gods that was given honor 然而,在那些日子,是眾神之母雷亞被人們所敬慕。

Cronos married his sister rhea and became king of the titans 克羅諾斯與姐姐瑞亞結婚并成為了提坦們的國王。

Fair rhea silvia had been shut up in the temple of vesta 美麗的麗阿?西耳薇婭被幽禁在維斯塔廟里。

They paid tribute to rhea , the mother of the gods 慶祝活動在春天舉行,人們向眾神之母莉婭獻祭。

Hera, known to us chiefly as the wife of zeus, was a daughter of cronus and rhea . 提到赫拉,我們大都知道她是宙斯的妻子;她是克洛諾斯和瑞亞的女兒。

Fair rhea silvia had been shut up in the temple of vesta . 美麗的麗阿西耳薇婭被幽禁在維斯塔廟里。

All through the land close search was made for rhea . 全國各地到處嚴密地查找麗阿。