
rhe n.【物理學】流值〔流度絕對單位,動力黏單位厘泊的倒數,...

rhe nish

According to the fruits of this research , this dissertation concludes and abstracts pertinent theoretical propositions about “ historical socialized experience “ on the basis of rhe different stages in the chinese society by employing the logic constructed on the “ root - grounded theory “ , that is , empirical observation - empirical generalization - theoretical propositions , and then discusses the solutions and strategies to the problem about “ socialization crisis “ in china 以這些研究結果為基礎,本文運用“扎根理論”的建構邏輯(經驗觀察? ?經驗概括? ?理論命題) ,歸納并抽象出基于中國社會不同階段“歷史的社會化經驗”的相關理論命題。據此討論當代中國如何走出“社會化危機”的出路及對策。

The in servie tubular heaters built early in refineries and chemical plans have low thermal load and low heat efficiency , therefore measures for technical reform are offered , including ( 1 ) enlarging the surface area of convection tubes to increase the thermal load of rhe convection section ; ( 2 ) increasign the heat interchanging area of radiant tubes ; ( 3 ) changing the height of the chimney ; ( 4 ) using new burner with forced air supply to increase calorific capacityu ; ( 5 ) adding air preheater between the convection section and chimney to enhence the temperature of the air entering the furnace ; ( 6 ) adopting high temperature radiant coating to improve the effect of radiant heat interchanging 針對早期建造的煉油廠和化工廠在役管式加熱爐熱負荷和熱效率低的狀況,提出了若干技術改造措施包括,增大對流管表面積以增大對流段的熱負荷;增加輻射管的換熱面積;修正煙囪高度;換用新型燃燒器,變自然通風為強制供風,以增大燃燒器的發熱量,減小過剩空氣系數,節省燃料2 % 3 % ;在對流段和煙囪之間增設空氣預熱器以提高空氣入爐溫度;采用高溫輻射涂料增強輻射換熱效果,從而增加熱源對爐壁的輻射傳熱量和爐管的傳熱量等。

Abstract : the in servie tubular heaters built early in refineries and chemical plans have low thermal load and low heat efficiency , therefore measures for technical reform are offered , including ( 1 ) enlarging the surface area of convection tubes to increase the thermal load of rhe convection section ; ( 2 ) increasign the heat interchanging area of radiant tubes ; ( 3 ) changing the height of the chimney ; ( 4 ) using new burner with forced air supply to increase calorific capacityu ; ( 5 ) adding air preheater between the convection section and chimney to enhence the temperature of the air entering the furnace ; ( 6 ) adopting high temperature radiant coating to improve the effect of radiant heat interchanging 文摘:針對早期建造的煉油廠和化工廠在役管式加熱爐熱負荷和熱效率低的狀況,提出了若干技術改造措施包括,增大對流管表面積以增大對流段的熱負荷;增加輻射管的換熱面積;修正煙囪高度;換用新型燃燒器,變自然通風為強制供風,以增大燃燒器的發熱量,減小過剩空氣系數,節省燃料2 % 3 % ;在對流段和煙囪之間增設空氣預熱器以提高空氣入爐溫度;采用高溫輻射涂料增強輻射換熱效果,從而增加熱源對爐壁的輻射傳熱量和爐管的傳熱量等。

Its margin decreased a great deal in recent years because of rhe dramatic rapid fall of lead & zinc price and the shortage of lead & zinc concentrates . it is faced with big market pressure . therefore , it is vital for zsgcl to adopt effective countermeasures to succeed in the severe market competition , develop continuously and keep its leading status sequentially 株洲冶煉集團有限公司是我國大型鉛鋅冶煉企業之一,近年來由于鉛鋅價格急劇下跌和鉛鋅精礦緊缺,公司利潤大幅度下滑,感受到來自市場巨大的壓力,如何在激烈的市場競爭中立于不敗之地,并有所發展,繼續保持行業領先地位,采取有效的應對策略是至關重要的。

In chapter three , consistent boundary poisson structures for an open string ending on d - branes with a constant and non - constant background neveu - schwarz b fields are considered respectively , and rhe results indicate that whether field theories living on d - branes are commutative or noncommutative depends on which consistent poisson structure the observer chooses 并且,我們通過對結果的分析指出, d -膜上的場論究竟是對易的還是非對易的,主要取決于觀測者所選擇的新的自洽的poisson結構的具體形式。

The effectiveness of the nuclear localization signal selected was clearly tested in initial experiments . based on this , the co - transfection systems used in the study was established . we first observed the multinucleate cells and chromatin bridges in cultured hela cells when the cells are marked with gfp and hochest33342 , after co - transfection with the gfp expression plasmids and rnai plasmids rhe or rhc 當分別共轉染附加kozac序列和核定位信號的gfp與人集縮素smc亞基hcap一e特異的rnai質粒rhe和人集縮素smc亞基hca尸一c的f { nai質粒rhc時,都觀察到gfp和hochest33342標記的轉染后hela細胞表現多核和染色質橋現象。

Parking facilities are very important to the construction and development of urban centrial commercial district . compared to the incease of urban economy , rhe constriction and management of urban parking lots on centrial commercial district has fallen behind and cause series of questions 停車設施作為城市中心商業區的重要基礎設施,對于城市的建設與發展有著非常重要的意義。隨著我國城市經濟的迅猛發展,中心商業區的停車設施已不能跟上城市社會經濟發展的步伐,因此產生一系列問題。

They are combination of co - transfection with rhe and gfp expressing plasmids , co - transfection with rhc and gfp expressing plasmids and co - transfection with plasmids rhe and rhc and gfp expressing plasmids at the same time . whichever the combination may be , we always observed the phenomena of chromatin bridge in co - transfected cells . these results indicate that the phenomena of chromatin bridge should be the characteristic feature of deficiency in the human smc subunits 這時,存在三種可能的情況,即共轉染rhe和pedna3 . 1 * kc 、共轉染rhc和pedna3 . 1 + kg 、共轉染rhe和rhc和pc洲a3 . 1 + kg ,但都觀察到明顯的染色質橋現象,進一步證明這種表型是人集縮素中smc亞基的缺陷的特征表型。

This report explored the function of the human smc subunits - hcap - e and hcap - c using rnai and transfection techniques . we constructed two rnai plasmids - rhe and rhc that specifically corresponded to hcap - e and hcap - c of human condensin , respectively 為此我們構建了對人集縮素中兩個smc亞基hcap - e和hcap - c特異的rnai質粒rhe和rhc 。

We also conducted the co - transfection with the rnai plasmids rhe and rhc and the selective marker gfp expressing plasmids simultaneously . there are three kinds of combination probability that could be observed by gfp marker 在實驗中同時共轉染人集縮素smc亞基hcap一e和hcap一c特異的rnai質粒rhe和rhc和pcdna3 . 1 + kg到hela細胞。

Water supply for high rise building , fire profection , heating , chilledwater in rhe air conditioning system , town main , residential complex , industrial application , and iow pressure circulator of the boiler system 高層建筑生活、消防、采暖、空調系統給水,城鎮、城市住宅小區公共供水,也可用于工礦企業給排水以及低壓鍋爐循環給水。

Article n 23 the registered capital of a limited liability company tis the amount of capij tal contributionec sually paid up by all shareholders tjl and registered with rhe company registration authority 第二十三條:有限責任公司的注冊資本為在公司登記機關登記的全體股東實繳的出資額。

On the development models of modern farming system in rhe western region of china and countermeasures for their realization 論西部地區現代農作制度發展模式與對策

I promised to propose the composer to compose an appropriate composition as a component of rhe play 我答應推薦那個作曲家作一首合適的曲子作為劇本的一部分。

Rhe : romote head end 遠地前端

Effects of aqueous extract and ethanol extract from radix hedysari rha and rhe on hemorrheology 紅芪對血液流變性的影響

Exploative analysis on rhe inverse engineering of the computers ' soft ware 計算機軟件反向工程探析