
rhapsody n.1.〔古希臘〕適于一次吟誦的史詩[敘事詩]的一節〔尤...


Japanese writer director umetsugu as hong kong nocturne and hong kong rhapsody really sinks his teeth into this death - filled , haunted house mystery . three men and three woman begule , blackmail , bicker , and backstab sometimes literally each other all the way to a shock surprise ending , in this death - filled , haunted house , mystery , written and directed by shaws normally pacifist japanese maestro lnoue umetsugu 故事描述,女店員刑慧瞎眼少女汪萍及舞女郭曼娜,分別接到日本來信,有旅居東洋的華喬富翁,自認是她們的父親,將分贈五億元家產,富翁法律顧問的遠親,赴日料理其遠親后事均陷入危機中

And probably the half - unconscious rhapsody was a fetichistic utterance in a monotheistic setting ; women whose chief companions are the forms and forces of outdoor nature retain in their souls far more of the pagan fantasy of their remote forefathers than of the systematized religion taught their race at later date 這種半不自覺的吟唱圣詩,也許就是在一神教背景中的一種拜物狂吟那些把戶外大自然的形體和力量作為主要伙伴的女子們,她們在心靈中保有的多半是她們遙遠祖先的異教幻想,而很少是后世教給她們的那種系統化了的宗教。

Everybody has secrets is a love rhapsody , it is a dream comes true for every playboy . starring lee byung - heon and choi ji - woo , two of the most popular korean artistes in asia , the movie did very well at the box office in korea and japan , and perhaps even better than it deserved 影片由紅遍亞洲的李秉憲和崔志宇(港譯崔智友)主演,憑著兩人的明星效應,在南韓和日本上映時都取得不俗的票房成績,惟電影本身的成績,有點言過其實。

We have designed and implemented an uml - based model checking tool , uml - mc . it can verify the statecharts modeled by rational rose or i - logix rhapsody . the counter - examples will be given when system does not meet the properties 我們設計并實現了一個uml模型檢驗工具uml - mc ,可以對rationalrose或i - logixrhapsody建立的statecharts模型進行驗證,并能在性質不滿足時給出反例路徑。

From studying the relations among the painting of goddess luo rhapsody and goddess luo rhapsody and gu kaizhi ' s painting thoughts , it can be inferred that a great painter - gu kaizhi creates a great painting : the painting of goddess luo rhapsody 通過對《洛神賦圖》 、 《洛神賦》與顧愷之畫學思想的關系的研究,可以做出推論:一代巨匠顧愷之創作了一代名畫《洛神賦圖》 。

Chinese pianist zuo zhang will share the stage with the hkpo in rachmaninov ' s rhapsody on a theme of paganini , the wonderful classic made timeless by the movie somewhere in time 中國年青女鋼琴家左章將與港樂合演拉赫曼尼諾夫的巴格尼尼主題狂想曲,此曲曾被電影《時光倒流七十年》改編作電影音樂,大家一定不會感到陌生。

The conductor brought out all the ethnic zest in the program opener , the fluffy - fun romanian rhapsody in a major by george enescu 在演出的開場曲中,指揮家以一曲輕快有趣的喬治?埃涅斯庫a大調第一羅馬尼亞狂想曲,帶出了作品所有的民族風味。

It is enough to say , without applying this poetical rhapsody to aouda , that she was a charming woman , in all the european acceptation of the phrase 她那纖細的柳腰一握不足,這就更使她那豐滿的胸部高高聳出,愈顯得她豐采絕殊!

Reporter : in [ july rhapsody ] , we can hear many poems or writing of classic ancient chinese literature , you arranged those on purpose 《南方周末》 (以下簡稱“南” ) : 《男人四十》中出現了很多古詩詞和古代散文,是有意為之的嗎?

Japanese writer director umetsugu as hong kong nocturne and hong kong rhapsody really sinks his teeth into this death - filled , haunted house myst . . 本片為日本名導井上梅次編導,桂治洪助導,王福配樂,由邢慧金峰及汪萍主演。

Both zhaoming wenxuan and the literary mind and the carving dragon classify the genres and pay particular attention to lyric poetry and rhapsodies 摘要《昭明文選》和《文心雕龍》都對文體加以分類,特別重視詩和賦兩種文體。

Based on such a premise , reversal of fortune is a rhapsody that features popular actors kim seung - woo and ha ji - won 韓片《 reversaloffortune 》就是以此橋段為題,炮制出一個輕松過癮的如果狂想曲。

Based on such a premise , reversal of fortune is a rhapsody that features popular actors kim seung - woo and ha ji - won 韓片reversaloffortune就是以此橋段為題,炮制出一個輕松過癮的如果狂想曲。

As gershwin was putting together his famous “ rhapsody in blue “ in 1924 , jazz was gaining widespread popularity 在格什溫1924年推出他那首著名的《藍色狂想曲》時,爵士樂已經廣泛流行。

Perhaps the most famous example of this blue is to be found in music , in george gershwin s “ rhapsody in blue “ 名的音樂例子是喬治蓋希文的“藍色狂想曲

Pianist mary wu will be featured in rachmaninoff s rhapsody on a theme of paganini 巴格里尼狂想曲將會由出色年青鋼琴家吳美樂博士擔任獨奏。

This work rhapsody of colour clouds chasing the moon is a response to this wonderful melody 這首狂想曲是對這首家傳戶曉的旋律作出一個回應。

Jacky cheung , the leading actor of [ july rhapsody ] can ' t go because he has some other work to do 至于男主角張學友則因有工作在身未能赴會。

Liszt s rhapsodies 一顆顆珍珠。