
rh Rh =Rhodium 【化學】銠。


The materials and factors of red blood cells generating ; rh blood group system 紅細胞生成所必需的原料和因素; rh血型系統。

( 2 ) rh d genes of rh d - negative individuals with c antigens have polymorphism 帶有c的rhd陰性個體基因結構具有多態性。

Breeding behaviors of rhacophorus dennysi and rh . leuconystax in captivity in guangzhou zoo 大樹蛙與斑腿樹蛙的繁殖與馴養

Rh : ok . robbie and kezman and your trousers . what ' s the story ? is that true 好的,羅本,凱日曼和你的褲子,怎么回事啊。

Rh two circle gear reducer Rh二環減速器

Mgo - c bricks for rh furnace Rh爐用鎂碳磚

Quality control experiment of gms - 5 retrieval of rh field by using 1 - dvar technique 5反演濕度場的一維變分質量控制試驗

Alarm range of humidity : 2 % rh 控溫范圍: 0100

Blood group type and rhesus factor 血型及rh因子

The kinetics of ifn - il - 2 in mice infected by rh strain toxoplasma gondii 在弓形蟲感染小鼠脾細胞的活性動態

Rhs seminar 2003 vcd dove status 7 inch 7寸陶瓷擺設

Rhs : why did you want to come here 為甚么你會來這兒?

Gn - rh gonadotropin releasing hormone 促性腺激素釋放激素

Under the maximum operating temperature , 50 % rh or less is required 在最高工作溫度時,濕度要小于50 % rh 。

Study on the electric control system of rh series infrared heat furnace 系列紅外熱風爐電控裝置的研究

Ce : many years . rhs : in new york 卡爾說:很多年了,在紐約?

Mathematic model study status and development of rh degassing progress 工藝數值研究現狀及發展方向

Study on the surface location of reactive metals of rh - mn sio 催化劑中活性金屬表面結構的表征研究

Verification regulation of standard pt rh - 30 pt rh - 6 thermocouple 標準鉑銠30 -鉑銠6熱電偶檢定規程