
rg RG =registered (bonds).


The main content and work in this dissertation can be summarized as follows : 1 . this dissertation introduces the principles and working mode of x band gbr simulation system , mainly analyzes the function of rg and sp sub - systems . a total design of rg and sp simulation sub - systems is presented according to the system requirements 本文的主要內容和工作如下: 1 .介紹了x波段地基雷達仿真系統的工作原理和方式,著重分析了回波生成和信號處理子系統在整個仿真系統中的功能,根據系統參數對回波生成和信號處理仿真子系統進行了總體設計。

Firstly , chromatism analysis and wavelet transform are used for color image compression coding . in this method , one of the three color components of a color image ( for example the g component of a rgb color image ) is coded using wavelet transform , and the chromatism between g and other two color components rg = r - g , bg = b - g is coded respectively using chromatism analysis . during decoding , g ~ is first reconstructed using wavelet inverse transform and inverse quantisation , and rg , bg are reconstructed using chromatism analysis inverse transform ; then r , b are calculated by r = g + rg and b = g + bg respectively 其一是應用色差分析和小波變換對彩色圖象進行壓縮編碼,該方法是對彩色圖象的三個色彩分量之一,如rgb圖象的g進行小波變換編碼,而對g與另兩個色彩分量的差值(即rg = r - g和bg = b - g )進行色差分析編碼,解碼則是通過反量化和小波逆變換得到g ^ ,通過色差分析的逆變換得到兩個重構的色差rg ^和bg ^ ,再算出r ^ = g ^ + rg ^ 、 b ^ = g ^ + bg ^ ,最后由r ^ 、 g ^ 、 b ^重構圖象。

( 2 ) resolute correlatively key technical problems , such as : embedded modem , embedded tcp / ip protocol , embedded webserver , gateway rg mode , lan inside network communication protocol , physical interface technology , total system miniaturization design and so on ( 2 )解決相關關鍵技術難點,主要包括:嵌入式modem 、嵌入式tcp / ip協議棧、嵌入式webserver 、家居網關rg模型、局域網內部網絡通信協議、物理層接口技術、智能應用終端改造途徑、整個系統小型化設計等。

The feasibility of decomposition of transition firing sequence , the application of them in the detecting lfs and the reverse course of decomposition - synthesis are discussed . they provide theoretic basis for our algorithm in the field of petri net . supported by the above , two main part is included in the algorithm : at first , x is transacted according to the following method in order to get a set of xb named as basic vector of x which is the firing count vector of a directed path without circle if md is reached from m0 in the rg ( m0 ) 在變遷序列分解的指導思想下,我們的算法主要通過以下兩步工作完成: ( 1 )首先對給出的已知條件中滿足狀態方程的n維非負整數向量進行處理,得到一組x的基礎向量x _ b ,使得在petri網的可達標識圖中,若存在一條由m _ o到m _ d的有向無環路,則x _ b為這樣的路上變遷引發序列的發生數向量。

It is just the difficulty that the strongly correlated electron systems can not be studied by analytical methods , a variety of simulative numerical methods come out sequentially . there are a few typical methods such as the exact diagonalization ( ed ) , the qutum monte carlo ( qmc ) , the variation monte carlo ( qmc ) , the renormalization group ( rg ) , and the density matrix renormalization group ( dmrg ) and so on 正是強關聯系統遇到了解析研究的困難,各種數值模擬方法才相繼出現,最典型的數值方法有:嚴格對角化( ed ) ,量子蒙特卡洛( qmc )模擬、變分蒙特卡洛模擬( vmc ) 、數值重整化群( rg )以及密度矩陣重整化群( dmrg )等。

Committed to excellence in architecture and the ideal of a high - quality sustainable environment for the community from children to elderlies , ad + rg ' s aim is to establish “ tomorrow ' s environment today “ - embarking a new paradigm of integrating the community into their environment decision processes 建筑設計及研究所深信卓越建筑設計和高質素可持續發展社區環境,對社會各個成員的重要性,所以我們提出未來環境今日實現的愿望,以期締造一個新典范,把社區需要和期望融合在環境設計考慮過程中。

After getting thermo - chemical data of some compounds by using gaussian 98 software of quantum chemistry and obtaining activities of elements in ti matrix , the gibbs function increments , rg , for 16 chemical reactions at the interface of 12 scs - 6 sic / ti composites were calculated 結合量子化學研究結果,計算了scs - 6sic纖維與ti - al金屬間化合物和典型的近、 + 、近及鈦合金組成的復合材料體系可能發生的16個界面反應的gibbs函數變_ rg 。

Tintin at sea is a collection of original drawings by belgian cartoonist georges remi - more commonly known as herge which was the of his reversed initial rg - and some of the artefacts and models that inspired him . “ herge had a lifelong fascination with the sea and was above all a 丁丁歷險記是比利時漫畫家喬治雷米原創的一本漫畫集,喬治雷米更為人熟知的名字叫埃爾熱,埃爾熱是喬治雷米首字母縮寫中兩個字母顛倒過來的法語發音。

The survey of endophytic bacteria in different soil textures : the population was greater in sandy soils than in soils with low sand components , but the flora was more abundant in soils with low sand components 不同土質田間煙草內生細菌種群差異:對rg和k326兩個品種在兩種土質中的內生細菌調查表明,同種煙草內生細菌帶菌量偏砂土中高于偏粘土,菌群則是偏粘土多于偏砂土。

Western - blot result indicated that the protein could bind to anti - br antibody specifically . thus , a br mutant ( tyr79 - ? rg ) was successively conducted . the mutant protein was also analysesed by some bioinfomnatic software 通過觀察各種br的突變蛋白在結構和光學性能上的變化,從而確定br結構和功能上的關鍵氨基酸,使我們更深入得了解蛋白質結構和功能之間的關系。

We manufacture coaxial cable , produce catv cables and drop cables , including rg59 , rg6 , rg7 , rg11 and so on . as an iso9002 certificated enterprise , we can supply highest quality of productswith available price for you 主要產品有: sywv y 75系列物理發泡同軸電纜rg系列rg6 rg7 rg11 rg13 rg58 rg59 rg174 rg213 rg214接入網用同軸電纜包括普通型四屏蔽型和自承式電纜。

Based on the research of x band ground based radar ( gbr ) simulation system , this dissertation mainly discusses the design and application of its sub - systems : return generation ( rg ) and signal processing ( sp ) 本文以科研合同單位提出的x波段地基雷達( gbr )軟件仿真系統的研究課題為背景,對其中的回波生成和信號處理仿真子系統的設計和實現進行了較為深入的研究。

Architecture design and research group ltd . ( ad + rg ) was founded by a group of individuals interested and concerned with the development of architectural excellence in hong kong and china 建筑設計及研究所是由一群有心于卓越建筑設計,在香港以及中華地區的發展的人仕組成。

Rg - 2200 industrial sewing machine is made forany type of woven and nonwoven materials turfted carpets , praying mats , table coloths , bed covers , shawls , sunblinds , etc Rg - 2200地毯毛須包邊機適用于各種編織布料,地毯,桌布床罩,披巾等毛須飾邊之包縫。

5 lahaie rg , a randomized trial of the efficacy of three regimens for t he eradication of helicobacter pylori . gastroenterology 1995 ; 108 : a141 6劉文忠,呂寶妹,蕭樹東等.含克拉霉素的短程三聯療法根除幽門螺桿菌.中華內科雜志1996 ; 35 : 803 - 806

The mayors have found support from environmental groups who argue that the fence would disrupt the natural migration of wildlife in the rg river valley 市長們已經得到環保組織的支持,這些組織認為,圍墻將會破壞rg河流域野生動物的自然遷徙。

Rule2 no more than 5 spots . 3 in light pixel , or 3 in black pixel . q what to do while the text appears blurry on the lcd Rule2 :相臨兩點為rg或gb或br超過一半同一畫面下亮點3點加暗點4點以不超過5點為原則。

Observers play a unique rg ole in zhe elections process and provide an objective review of the vote a counting process 在? 6320025742 ? ?舉程序內,觀察員有一獨特的職責,客觀地檢評點算選票的過程。

Vdown @ rg english & chinese , etc . languages learning corner : improve your languages & knowledge skills here 英語、漢語等語言文化的學習園地,我們將盡力為你解答一切、分享知識!