
reynold n.雷諾〔男子名,Reginald 的異體〕。


4 ) in a pre - swirl rotator - stator cavities with discrete pre - swirl nozzles and blade - cooling entry holes , the influences of pre - swirl angle and flow parameter on the flow and heat transfer characteristics were numerically investigated . the correlation for average nusselt number vs rotating reynold number or non - dimensional mass flowrate were established . the results show that : advantage of per - swirl inflow is the effect of cooling the blade - cooling entry holes ; pre - swirl inflow increases heat transfer in rotating disk of pre - swirl chamber ; as pre - swirl angle increases , local nusselt number decreases in pre - swirl chamber ; the temperature of stator of inner rotator - stator chamber and per - swirl chamber decreases as rotating reynold number increases ; when the axial mass flowrate maintains constant , heat transfer in the rotating disk of inner rotator - stator cavities does n ' t change as per - swirl mass flowrate increases , while heat transfer in the rotating disk of per - swirl chamber increases ; when the pre - swirl mass flowrate maintains constant , change of the axial mass flowrate has effect on the whole cavity 結果表明,預旋進氣的優點在于增強了葉片冷卻孔附近的對流換熱效果,局部努謝爾數隨預旋角的增大而有所減小;隨旋轉雷諾數的增加,不論是內轉靜腔室還是預旋腔室的靜盤上的溫度都不同程度的降低:當軸向中心進氣質量流量不變時,隨預旋進氣的質量流量增加,內轉靜腔室的轉盤盤面上的換熱基本沒有變化,而預旋腔室的轉盤盤面上的換熱效果增強;當預旋進氣質量流量不變時,軸向中心進氣的質量流量的改變對整個盤腔都有影響。

The way to get ko was given in this paper . by this way , the turbulence control equations were constructed from reynold equations with static pressure supposition and boussinesq ' s turbulence viscidity coefficient supposition and the salinity transportation equations , which are representative of the matter transportation equations , are given . the integrated deduction and corresponding boundary conditions are also given 根據上述思想,從雷諾方程出發,采用靜壓假定和包辛內斯克的紊動粘性系數假說,建立了新坐標系中的紊流控制方程組,同時給出了對物質輸運過程具有代表性的鹽度輸運方程、相應的邊界條件及完整的推導過程。

The company main product includes : the oak school absorption of shock series , is hanging the hydraulic pressure series , the bushing , the engine support and so on ; is suitable the vehicle type : reynold , the big space , are beautiful , asia , populace austria enlightens , toyota , the valuable horse , ma zida , the nepali mulberry , ou bao , runs quickly , mitsubishi , the modern age and other ; the company produces the type many , productivity high , the quality is superior ; in order to guarantee the product quality , the large amount of money has introduced the world most advanced production equipment and the check - out facility ; and aimed at the company concrete condition to carry on large - scale technical , the craft , the equipment and the flow transformation , truly achieved take the customer demand as the center , carried on the fine profit production according to the customer request , entrusted with the customer by this to be stronger , the sustainable competitive advantage ; the company already has established the stable long - term cooperation relations with the overseas many enterprises and the dealer , the product sale network cover various countries , and unceasingly attracts the more and more many overseas customer 公司主要產品有:橡校減震系列、懸掛液壓系列、襯套、發動機支架等;適用車型:雷諾、大宇、標致、起亞、大眾奧迪、豐田、寶馬、馬自達、尼桑、歐寶、奔馳、三菱、現代及其它;公司生產種類多,生產量高,品質優越;為了確保產品質量,巨資引進了世界最先進的生產設備和檢測設備;并針對公司具體狀況進行了大規模的技術、工藝、設備和流程改造,真正做到以客戶需求為中心,按照客戶的要求來進行精益生產,以此來賦予客戶更強的、可持續的競爭優勢;公司現已跟國外多家企業及經銷商建立了穩固的長期合作關系,產品銷售網絡覆蓋世界各國,并不斷吸引越來越多的海外客戶。

By comparing the results with relative experiment data , it is shown that rng k - is more exactly than the other turbulent model . . 2 ) the influences of axial inflow position , radial outflow size , rotating reynold number , non - dimensional mass flowrate and axial inflow angle on the flow and heat transfer characteristics were numerically investigated for a typical rotator - stator cavity with axial inflow , radial inflow and radial outflow . the correlations for average nusselt number vs rotating reynold number or non - dimensional mass flowrate were established ( 2 )針對一典型的徑向、軸向進氣,徑向出氣的轉-靜盤腔結構,系統研究軸向進氣位置、徑向出口大小、旋轉雷諾數、無量綱質量流量和軸向垂直預旋進氣等對盤腔內流動和換熱的影響,整理出轉-靜盤腔內轉盤平均努謝爾數與旋轉雷諾數無量綱質量流量之間的準則關聯式。

The results indicate that : the high positioned air inflow do good to heat transfer in rotator disk ; different size of radial outflow have small effects on flow and heat transfer ; the heat transfer near rotating disk increases as rotating reynold number increases or non - dimensional mass flow rate increases 結果表明,高位軸向進氣對轉盤換熱有利;不同的徑向出口大小對盤腔內的流動換熱影響不大;隨旋轉雷諾數和無量綱質量流量增加,轉盤盤面的換熱效果增強。

Reynold s eyes , and i saw a tear slowly sliding down his cheek 我看到一顆淚珠正緩緩地從他的面頰上滾下來。