
reykjavik n.雷克雅未克〔冰島首都〕。


The probability distributions of climatic elements are discussed . based on the characters of them , a multimode model is introduced and verified through the nonlinear fitting . the climate features of quasi - biennial oscillation of the stratospheric zonal wind over equator , the enso index , the surface pressure at reykjavik 21 90w 64 13n and swedish temperature , and the northern hemisphere tree ring all show that the multimode are universal in the climatic system 對氣候要素的概率分布進行了討論,根據這些概率分布的特點提出了多模態模型,并用非線性擬合的方法進行了驗證。對赤道平流層緯向風enso指數esi序列冰島reykjavik 21 . 90w , 64 . 13n氣壓和瑞典溫度北半球樹木年輪等數據的分析表明:氣候系統中多模態現象具有普遍性。

Authorities in the capital reykjavik will turn off street lights on thursday evening and people are also being encouraged to sit in their houses in the dark , writer andri snaer magnason said on wednesday 今天晚上,北極冰島首都雷克雅未克將在晚上10點關掉街燈,同時鼓勵市民也關掉自家的燈,以便觀賞天空中閃爍的北極光。

Brett : they ' re amazing ! the blue lagoon is a mineral - rich seawater lake heated by lava . it ' s near a power plant outside reykjavik , and it ' s absolutely spectacular 布雷特:棒極了!藍瀉湖是一個由火山熔巖形成的咸水湖,富含礦物質。就在雷克雅未克近郊的一個發電廠附近,真是太壯觀了。

Speech by the secretary for economic development and labour , mr stephen ip , at hksariceland air services agreement signing ceremony in reykjavik , iceland on august 9 , 2004 民政事務局局長何志平在饒宗頤學術館之友成立典禮的致辭全文(七月三十一日)

Speech by the secretary for economic development and labour , mr stephen ip , at hksar iceland air services agreement signing ceremony in reykjavik , iceland on august 9 , 2004 民政事務局局長何志平在饒宗頤學術館之友成立典禮的致辭全文(七月三十一日)

Gina ( macdonald ) , an enigmatic young woman . when he takes her to the g8 summit in reykjavik , however , their bond is tested by lawrence ' s professional obligations 以2005年雷克雅末的八國首腦會議為背景發生在勞倫斯和年輕女人吉娜之間的愛情故事。

Iceland ' s capital reykjavik jumped to third place ahead of japan ' s osaka and eight of the top 10 cities are in europe 東京屈居第二,冰島首都雷克雅未克躍居第三,日本的大阪名列其后。歐洲城市在前10名中占據了8席。

In reykjavik almost two years ago the norwegians were throwing their weight around and the locals were furious 大約在2年之前,在reykjavik (冰島首都) ,挪威人正四處拋售他們的權重資產并激怒了當地人。

Helen : i have heard it ' s become a popular tourist destination . reykjavik is trendy with a lot of globetrotters nowadays 海倫:我聽說冰島已經成為觀光勝地了。雷克雅未克現在是很多環游世界者的新寵。

A 40 - minute bus ride took us to reykjavik , the capital of iceland . “ this cannot be the capital ! ” 40分鐘的車程后,我們來到了冰島的首都雷克雅維克. ”這不可能是首都! ”

Today , tourists can take nonstop flight from most of main european cities to reykjavik / keflavik 歐洲主要城市幾乎都有直達冰島雷克雅未克/凱夫拉維克的航線。

Because of the honor of the conference being held here in reykjavik 這是因為在這里所舉行的會議帶給雷克雅未克的榮譽

Reykjavik . lt ' s in lceland 是冰島的雷克雅未克

But , perhaps , are there any other hotels in reykjavik 但是,也許… …在雷克雅未克還有其他的什么酒店嗎?

There are , of course , many excellent hotels in reykjavik , sir 當然有了,先生雷克雅未克有許多高級酒店的

And it is possible in reykjavik 還有一件就是,在雷克雅未克

You might like to come to reykjavik 你愿意去雷克雅未克嗎?

All eyes are on the g8 summit in reykjavik this hour 近來所有的目光都聚焦在雷克雅未克的g8峰會上

And it is possible in reykjavik . . 還有一件就是,在雷克雅未克… …