
rex n.雷克斯〔男子名〕。


Wow , rex is really angry this morning 哇,雷克斯今天早上真的很生氣。

Tiny the t - rex : i have a big head , and little arms 霸王龍:因為我的腦袋太大,胳膊太短。

T - rex : looked like a groundout to me T -雷克斯:在我看來和地滾球差不多

Rex : and they deserve a chance , too 雷克斯:他們也應得到一次演出機會。

Rex rexroth ? - real estate . he ' s okay 雷克斯雷克斯拉夫嗎地產商他行的

Prey / predator - what tyrannosaurus rex ate and what ate it 霸王龍吃什么? /誰吃霸王龍?

A : wow , rex is really angry this morning 哇,雷克斯今天早上真的很生氣。

Rex : well , i ' m not sure we can pull in 3000 people 唔,我不確定我們能吸引3000名聽眾。

Steve : do i sense a little resentment toward rex 斯蒂夫:那我感覺你們有點怨恨雷克斯?

- rex rexroth ? - real estate . he ' s okay 雷克斯雷克斯拉夫嗎地產商他行的

[ machine beeps ] wendell . rex . i got a plan 溫德爾,雷克斯,我有主意了

You ready for the last act , rex ? huh 你準備好了最后一幕么,雷克斯?啊?

Rex : well , first , i want to apologize 雷克斯:好吧,首先,我向大家道歉。

Rex : i think we should have more classical pieces 雷克斯:我想,我們應該演古典曲目。

Rex soon became an expert at opening the gate 雷克斯很快成了開門的專家。

Because t - rex is the best in power and performance 因為t -雷克斯擁有最強的動力與性能

Rex is a veteran of 21 years in professional baseball 歷斯夫婦歷斯是著名的棒球能手。

Rex : well , i have my own career to think about 雷克斯:嗯,我有我自己的小九九盤算。

Rex : but who says all our songs have to be pop 雷克斯:誰說我們的歌曲全是流行歌曲?