
rewritable adj.【計算機】(電腦存儲器尤指光盤)可重寫的,存儲內...


Initial enquiries revealed that in early january , an anonymous letter enclosing two compact discs rewritable ( cd - r ) were sent to police , alleging that a man who operates a tuition school in tsuen wan had indecently assaulted underage girls 初步調查顯示,警方于本月初接獲一封附有兩張光碟的匿名信件,聲稱一名在荃灣區經營補習社的男子曾侵犯未成年女童。

D purchase of hdd - dvd video recorder equipped with rewritable harddisks and dvd drives for recording tv news round - the - clock , thus reducing the use of video tapes . the video tapes are replaced by rewritable harddisks and dvd D購買配備可重寫的硬碟機及數碼影像光碟機的hdd - dvd錄影機,作全日錄影電視新聞的用途,以減少使用影帶。

D purchase of hdd - dvd video recorder equipped with rewritable harddisks and dvd drives for recording tv news round - the - clock , thus reducing the use of video tapes D購買配備可重寫硬磁碟機及數碼影像光碟機的錄像機,作24小時錄影電視新聞節目的用途,以減少錄像帶的使用。

Rwppi stands for rw products promotion initiative , and rw “ rewritable “ refers to the property that allows writing data over and over Rwppi是rw products promotion initiative可重寫產品促進協會的簡稱。 rw是可再寫的意思rewritable 。

Ccs 90 mm m . o . information technology - test methods for media characteristics - 90 mm read only and rewritable m . o . optical disk data storage cartridges with continuous composite servo 信息技術.介質特性的試驗方法.帶連續組合伺服裝置

Technical corrigendum 1 to volume and file structure of write - once and rewritable media using non - sequential recording for information interchange 信息互換用使用不連續記錄方式的只寫一次的和可再書寫的介質的容量與文件結構.技術勘誤1

Ccs 90 m . o . information technology - test methods for media characteristics - 90 mm read only and rewritable m . o . optical disk data storage cartridges with continuous composite servo 信息技術.介質特性試驗方法.帶連續復合伺服裝置

Information technology - volume and file structure of write - once and rewritable media using non - sequential recording for information interchange 信息技術.信息互換用使用不連續記錄方式的只寫一次的和可再寫的介質的卷與文檔體系結構

3 . 54 information technology - 90 - mm 3 . 54 - in optical disk cartridge rewritable and read only using discrete block format method for digital information interchange 信息技術.數字信息互換用使用松散塊體格式方法可重寫和只閱讀90 - mm

Ccs 130mm information systems - test methods for media characteristics - 130 - mm rewritable optical disk data storage cartridges with continuous composite servo 信息系統.介質特性的試驗方法.帶有連綾復合伺服機

Ccs 130 information systems - test methods for media characteristics - 130 - mm rewritable optical disk data storage cartridges with continuous composite servo 信息系統.介質特性試驗方法.帶連續復合伺服裝置

Information technology - 90 mm optical disk cartridges , rewritable and read only , for data interchange 信息技術.數據交換用90mm可重寫和只讀盒式光盤

Information technology - 90 mm optical disk cartridges , rewritable and read only , for data interchange 信息技術.數據交換用可重寫和只讀90mm盒式光盤

Information technology - 90mm optical disk cartridges , rewritable and read only , for data interchange 信息技術數據交換用90mm可重寫和只讀盒式光盤

Information technology - 130 mm rewritable optical disk cartridge for information interchange 信息技術.信息互換用130毫米可重復書寫的盒式光盤

Information technology - 130 mm rewritable optical disk cartridge for information interchange 信息技術.信息交換用130 mm可重盒式光盤

Information technology - 130 mm rewritable optical disk cartridge for information interchange 信息技術.信息交換用130mm可重寫光盤盒

Information systems - 130 - mm rewritable optical disk cartridges for information interchange 信息系統.信息互換用可重寫130mm盒式光盤

Information technology - 130mm rewritable optical disk cartridge for information interchange 信息技術信息交換用130mm可重寫盒式光盤