
rework vt.再作;重做;重寫;再工作;再加工。


Unique joint start function with option sunkko 852d + / 852d intelligent programs rework station 獨有與星光852d + / 852編程拆焊臺聯機開關功能。

Sometimes events intervene in a way that requires us to rework he term of a relationship 有時,某些事情的介入需要我們重新界定彼此的關系。

At any time during the project you can modify or rework the baseline 因為在項目過程中的任何時期都可以對比較基準進行修改或重新設置。

Axle reworked mark 改軸符號

Thus while the original production time was short , the rework time was long 即使原產品生產周期很短,但返工的話也會耗費很長時間。

Performs follow - up to determine whether rework has been performed appropriately and correctly 進行跟蹤,確認返工工作被正確執行。

Unique joint start with option sunkko 852d + / 852d intelligent programs rework station 獨有與星光852d + / 852編程拆焊臺聯機開關功能。

Fully featured toolbar for vb6 ( minor rework required for vb5 ) 用于vb6的具有完整功能的工具條(用于vb5的話只需進行小小的修改) 。

Perform rework or secondary operations as designated , and pack parts as per written procedure 完成部門指定的返工、包裝等工作。

Discipline will be reworked , but will remain ambiguous to what its role is 戒律系天賦被重新改動,但依然保持其不明確的定位。

To be inspected or reworked 待驗或重工

If not , you might need to rework your articles before migrating 如果沒有的話,遷移之前可能要首先對這些文章進行再加工。

Electronic components . printed wiring . rework of printed boards assemblies 電子元件.印刷板配線.印刷電路板組件的返工

All solutions i can think of would require refactoring and rework 我所能想到的所有解決方案都需要重新分解,返工。

Nor do they realize that the query must be reworked the following week 他們也不知道,在下一周必須重新編制查詢。

2 “ reworking instruction “ shall be kept in quality department for 3 years 2 “返工作業指導書”由質量部保存3年。

If done properly , re can help in reducing requirement changes and rework 如果做的好,會減少需求變更和返工。

Focus management system reworked 改進后的焦點管理系統

6 repair , reworking or replacement 六修理重作更換