
reword vt.重說;改說;改變…的措詞。


Based on the expatiation of eva concept and its calculate method , this dissertation researches on the application in performance evaluation , decision - making , reword inspiriting of eva management system in order to find a way for chinese enterprise to apply eva , and introduce a new a management mindset and method 本文在闡述eva概念和其具體計算方法的基礎上,對eva管理評價體系在業績評價、管理決策、薪酬激勵等領域的具體應用進行了研究探討,旨在探尋eva如何為我國企業所用,為企業引入一種新的管理理念和方法。

Whatever the meritorious rewords indicated in the vedic scriptures by ritualistic sacrifices , rigorous asceticism or by philanthropic charity ; one perfected in the science of uniting the individual consciousness with the ultimate consciousness transcends them all and achieves the supreme , primordial abode 無論是在祭祀儀式上反復念誦《呋陀》經上的指定經文,還是奉行嚴酷的苦修,或是博愛的布施,融合統一個體意識(知覺)與根本意識(覺知)而趨于圓滿的修煉,超越了上述的一切而達到了至尊的最根本的境界。

They are regarded not only as the important task in the fields of database system and machine learning by researchers , but also as the important field which can bring large reword by businessmen 它不僅被許多研究人員看作是數據庫系統和機器學習方面一個重要的研究課題,而且被許多工商界人士看作一個能帶來巨大回報的重要領域。

This article may need to be reworded to conform to a neutral point of view ; however , the neutrality of this article is not nece arily di uted 這篇文章可能需要被重說與一種中立的觀點相符;不過,這篇文章的中立不一定被爭論。

What ? you ' ve already created your homepage ? no problem . an easy fix : try adding links or even rewording existing ones 如果網站主頁已經確立,可以進行簡單修改:增加鏈接或者重新確立現有鏈接。

Member who has been given permission to reword his original proposed amendment to a motion which has been amended earlier on 獲準重訂其原有的擬議修正案措辭以修正某項較早時經修正的議案的議員

What ? you ' ve already created your homepage ? no problem . an easy fix : try adding links or even rewording existing ones 如果主頁已經確立,可以進行簡單修改:增加鏈接或者重新確立現有鏈接。

Is emphasizing a few important secondary pages and rewording a few links enough to create a homepage that “ sucks “ 通過突出二級頁面以及重設鏈接,就能確保主頁能吸引用戶嗎?

Blessing of might does not affect ranged attack power . this is correct . the tool tip is planned to be reworded 力量祝福并不影響遠程攻擊強度,所以游戲里的說明是對的。

Her brother and sister - in - law reworded some of her poetry after her death to make it more understandable 為使詩更加明了,兄嫂在其死后對其詩進行了改寫。

However , its nature of no - reword has gradually despised by the society 但在現代社會,這種勞動的無酬性使之日益被社會所輕視。

I can only imagine that the poem was reworded at this time 此時,我唯一的想象便是那曾經地改寫。

Reworded the result sets descriptions for clarity 為清晰起見,重述了“結果集”說明。