
rewire vt.,vi.(-wired; -wiring)1.再接...


She once called a resident after midnight , apologizing for waking him up , and telling him that the heaters electrical power cords were extremely hot . the resident did not know what to do , short of rewiring the house , but while he was getting supplies , master figured out a way to run all four heaters without overheating the cords 有一次,師父在午夜過后叫一位長住來,向他道歉這么晚把他吵醒,因為電熱器的電線燙得不得了,這時似乎除了將整個鳥舍的電路重新配置外,這位長住想不出別的辦法來。

Motors are by dick kerr , metropolitan vickers and english electric , and controllers are by dick kerr , english electric and maley and taunton . during 1999 , 74 trams had rotary controllers by electronic speed controllers incorporating deadmans handles and were completely rewired with lsf cabling and fitted with traction grade convertors 在1999年,電車公司將74輛電車的舊式車速控制系統,改裝成配備無人操控裝置的電車電子速度控制器,并更換全新的低煙阻燃無毒電線及裝置牽引機車專用的電源轉換器。

Changing operations on the fly ? converting , say , a calculation of a matrix of numbers to a parallel - processing computation ? requires the relatively slow rewiring of connections between large blocks of transistors , not the individual elements ( gates ) that perform a processor ' s logic operations 若要以動態的方式改變操作(例如將數字矩陣的計算轉換為平行計算) ,得將大區塊電晶體間的連結緩慢地重新接線,而非直接改變處理器里執行邏輯運算的個別元件(邏輯閘) 。

The changes , which may persist for a long time , can include display of increased numbers of the receptors that respond to the neurotransmitters released by nociceptors and might even include rewiring of connections and a loss of nerve cells that normally inhibit pain signaling 這種改變可能持續好長一段時間,改變的情況包括對神經傳遞物(由痛覺受器釋放)產生反應的受體數量增加,甚至還可能是神經線路出現新的接線,以及喪失了原本抑制疼痛訊息的神經細胞。

Jumping out of planes , rewiring computers , going undercover it ' s all in a day ' s work for charlie ' s angels as they must dish out equal doses of cool detective work , combat skill and lethal feminine charm to survive their riskiest assignment ever 從飛機上縱身躍下,改寫電腦程序,從事密活動- -這些都是查理的天使們的家常便飯,因為她們必須顯現同樣的鎮定謹慎、搏擊技巧和致命的女性魅力,才能在她們所承擔的最危險的任務中安然無恙。

But , in the sleep - deprived brain , the amygdala seemed to be “ rewired , “ coupling instead with a brain stem area called the locus coeruleus , which secretes norepinephrine , a precursor of the hormone adrenaline that triggers fight - or - flight type reactions 但是,在剝奪睡眠的大腦中,杏仁核看起來似乎是由腦干的藍斑重連接起來的,藍斑分泌去甲腎上腺素? ?一種觸發了對抗類型反應的腎上腺素前體。

During 1999 , 74 trams had rotary controllers by electronic speed controllers incorporating deadmans handles and were completely rewired with lsf cabling and fitted with traction grade convertors 在1999年,電車公司將74輛電車的舊式車速控制系統,改裝成配備無人操控裝置的電車電子速度控制器,并更換全新的低煙阻燃無毒電線及裝置牽引機車專用的電源轉換器。

It ' s headed to the international space station where the crew will do some rewiring , deliver an addition and bring home one space station crew member while dropping off a new one 它將前往國際空間站,在那里空間站的宇航員將與地球進行連線,同時,航天飛機傳送一些附加物并搭載一名宇航員前往空間站去替換那里另外一名即將搭乘航天飛機返程的空間站宇航員。

Scientists believe the central nervous system has evolved to prevent severed nerves repairing themselves , as a harsh defence against potentially disastrous rewiring that could scramble important signals passing to and from the brain 科學家相信中樞神經系統保持不可修復的目的,是防止重要的訊息因神經重組而混亂地進入腦部,導致嚴重的后果。

New scientist : a study of the recovery of a man who spent 19 years in a minimally conscious state has revealed the likely cause of his regained consciousness - his brain rewired itself around the injured areas into totally novel structures 《新科學家》報道:一位從昏迷19年的植物人狀態恢復意識的患者大約一年半以前突然開始恢復了意識。

They also concluded that the closure of the critical period was associated with a decrease in the ability of isual experience to drie the histone modifications that are necessary for neural rewiring 他們同時說道,神經系統的重新架構有賴于組蛋白的化學修飾,而視覺體驗刺激產生化學修飾的能力下降與臨界期的終止具有相關性。

It ' s headed to the international space station where the crew will do some rewiring , deliver an addition and bring home one space station crew member while dropping off a new one 發現號將前往國際空間站,在那里,機組人員將為其重新接線,添加新物資,為空間站送去一名新工作人員,并載回空間站的一位現役工作人員。

An evolving model that can construct small - world networks and scale - free networks is employed to introduce nonlinear rewiring methods with keeping the number of nodes and edges invariable 摘要提出了一個能構建小世界網絡和無標度網絡的演化模型,這演化模型保持節點規模和邊數量不變,引入邊非線性擇優重連方法。

It ' s headed to the international space station where the crew will do some rewiring , deliver an addition and bring home one space station crew member while dropping off a new one 它將與國際空間站對接,在那里機組人員將進行一些接線維修、釋放新物資并且將一名空間站機組人員帶回地球同時留下一名新的成員。

The blending of the two sides of the brain , the rewiring process itself will help you become aware that you are a part of each and every one on this planet and that no one is ever alone 腦的二邊的混合,自身的電路重組的過程將會幫助你覺知到你是每一個人的一部份而且在這星球的每一個人沒有一個是孤單的。

It ' s headed to the international space station where the crew will do some rewiring , deliver an addition and bring home one space station crew member while dropping off a new one 它將與國際空間站連接,在那里機組人員將進行一些修復工作,送去一個裝置并帶回一名空間站的成員而留下一名新的工作人員。

If key genes controlling the networking of brain cells don ' t come into action in the womb , no drug or gene therapy procedure will be able to correctly rewire the brain later 如果控制腦部神經細胞的重要基因在胎兒在子宮中時就不能正常工作的話,任何藥物或基因療法都不能使其腦功能恢復正常。

The body serves a wonderful purpose and as this rewiring process happens , you are going to see more of the capabilities of what your physical body can do with the spirit 身體提供一個令人驚奇的目的而且當這電路重組的程序發生時,你將會見到更多你的物質的身體能夠與以精神體合作的能力。

Due to the rewiring process now at hand , you will find that even though it is not possible to change your energy matrix , it is possible to add to and overlay the matrix 由于那換電路的程序現在正在進行,你將發現,即使如此它是不可能去改變你的能量矩陣,它是可能去增加和覆蓋矩陣。