
reward n.1.報酬,酬勞,獎賞,酬金 (for)。2.報答;報...


Reward or punishment are meted out quite independent of human interference . 獎懲的給與完全不受人情的左右。

A reward will be paid to anyone who brings back the money that he lost . 凡能將他遺失的錢尋回者可得到酬金。

He was presented with a television set in reward of his services . 他得到一臺電視機,作為對他貢獻的獎勵。

He must cherish the hope that one day he will be amply rewarded . 他必須抱有希望:有朝一日他能如愿以償。

Good and evil will always be rewarded , it is only a question of time . 善惡到頭終有報,只爭來早與來遲。

While he's in a good frame of mind, you reward him for what he's done . 趁他心情好,你要獎勵他的成績。

Serve me and you will be rewarded with the patronage of the powerful . 給我辦事,你就會有強大的后臺。

So earnest an effort was well deserving of a better reward . 這么的盡心竭力,照理應該得到較好的結果。

The state had to distribute rewards to those who deserved them . 國家應對那些做出貢獻的人給予獎賞。

It asserts that we have the right to reward of our own toil . 它確定我們有享受自己勞動所得的權力。

Many aspects of a company's reward system are quite unclear . 公司獎勵制度的許多方面是很不明確的。

His persistence was rewarded when the car finally started . 他那些力氣沒有白費,汽車終于啟動了。

He knew he was going to be rewarded ten thousand times over . 他知道自己將會得到千萬倍的補償。

They do not reward people who work hard and well . 他們并不獎勵那些努力工作并卓有成績的人。

If you work with me, there will be many more rewards . 如果你跟我干,還會得到更多的好處。

Those who work and save should have their just reward . 勤勞節儉的人則應獲得應有的報酬。

I was promoted. i was glad to see the reward of my work . 我升級了。很高興用功沒有白費。

I did n't do it for reward ; i did it for love . 我做這件事不是為了報酬,而是出于愛好。

He got little reward for his pains . 他白辛苦了。