
revulsion n.1.(感情等的)激變,急變;突發變亂。2.〔罕用語〕...


With a solemn interest in the lighted windows where the people were going to rest , forgetful through a few calm hours of the horrors surrounding them ; in the towers of the churches , where no prayers were said , for the popular revulsion had even travelled that length of self - destruction from years of priestly impostors , plunderers , and profligates ; in the distant burial - places , reserved , as they wrote upon the gates , for eternal sleep ; in the abounding gaols ; and in the streets along which the sixties rolled to a death which had become so common and material , that no sorrowful story of a haunting spirit ever arose among the people out of all the working of the guillotine ; with a solemn interest in the whole life and death of the city settling down to its short nightly pause in fury ; sydney carton crossed the seine again for the lighter streets 卡爾頓懷著莊嚴的興趣望著還有燈光閃爍的窗戶,窗里的人能得到幾小時平靜便忘卻了四周的恐怖,要睡覺了。他望著教堂的塔樓,那兒已沒有人作祈禱,因為多年來以牧師身分出現的騙子手強盜和花花公子已普遍使人深惡痛絕到了寧肯自我毀滅的程度。他望著遠處的墓地,墓地大門上標明是劃撥給“永恒的休息”的。

Yet unless we are to embrace some notion of terrorism as a random freak of nature in which case moral revulsion and consistent policy response hardly seem appropriate or effective we need to identify its preconditions in ways that encourage amelioration without excusing the terrorists themselves 然而,除非我們認為恐怖主義是人類隨意的不尋常的一種天性如果是這樣的話,道德上的厭惡以及一貫的政策措施也難以見效一一我們就必須弄清楚恐怖主義產生的先決條件,促使事態朝好的方向發展,又不會使恐怖分子逍遙法外。

She had a revulsion against the whole affair , and almost envied the guthrie girls their gawky inexperience and crude maidenliness . and she now dreaded the thought that anybody would know about herself and the keeper . how unspeakably humiliating 她對于這整個事情的情感劇變了,她差不多要羨慕加絲利姊妹倆的不諧世務和癡憨的少女天真了,現在,她生怕她和守獵人的事被人知道”那是多么不可言宣的屈辱!

But we should recognize that human reproduction is a sensitive topic and a new method that has an impact on human reproduction will always the greeted with fear and revulsion by the majority who have no problems procreating 但是,我們應該承認,人類的繁殖是一個敏感的話題,而一個對人類的繁殖產生影響的新方法也總是會引起沒有生育問題的大多數人的擔心和厭惡。

Knowing that the industrious ant lives in a highly organized society does nothing to prevent us from being filled with revulsion when we find hordes of them crawling over a carefully prepared picnic lunch 即使知道勤奮的螞蟻生活在具有高度組織性的社會里,當看到大群螞蟻在我們精心準備的午間野餐上爬行時,我們也無法抑制對它們的反感。

The whole of this conversation was such a shock that , coming as it did after all the other worry of the past week , it sufficed to induce a deep gloom and moral revulsion in hurstwood 整個談話使得赫斯渥大為震驚。剛剛經歷了上個星斯的種種焦慮,又碰上這么一番談話。震驚之余,他心里不由得產生了一種深深的憂慮和對道德的反感。

With such works , the chapmans challenge the very boundaries of taste , forcing the viewer into an uncomfortable position that fluctuates between child - like fascination and sheer revulsion 查普曼兄弟利用這些作品來挑戰觀眾品味的邊界,強迫觀眾進入一個不安的波動于類似兒童魔力和反感的位置。

Then his admirable nature underwent a complete and sudden revulsion ; he arose , rushed out of the room and to the stairs , exclaiming energetically , “ julie , julie - emmanuel , emmanuel ! 然后,他又立刻爬起來,沖向房門,在樓梯頂上放開嗓子大喊: “尤莉,尤莉!艾曼紐!艾曼紐! ”

But for us , those boys in vietnam whom the country is supposed to support , this is a terrible distortion from which we draw only the deepest revulsion 但對我們,這些美國應當支持的在越南作戰的戰士來說,這是對事實可怕的扭曲,我們對此極度反感。

Then gradually smart society realized that it had been made ridiculous at the hands of a down - at - heel dublin street - rat , and revulsion came 后來,這般時髦社會的人們,漸漸地明白了自己實在被這達布林的流氓所嘲弄了,于是來了一個反動。

My feeling toward my new friend underwent a revulsion whenirealizedhiscrueltyand dishonesty 當我知道他的殘忍與不忠之后,我對這個新朋友的情感有一種突變。

Wilson hesitated because of personal revulsion against huerta and his “ government of butcher 威爾遜猶豫不定,因為他個人討厭厄塔及其“屠夫政府” 。

With a sudden revulsion his heart recoiled from its purpose ( henry wadsworth longfellow 因為突然的變化,他放棄了它的目的(亨利?華茲伍茲?朗費羅) 。

Obligation and revulsion of yang xiuqing ' s political authority : a new thought of yang xiuqing ' s political characters 對楊秀清政治人格的全新認識

Why do so many israelis admire a man who so many outsiders regard with revulsion 沙龍為外人所憎恨,卻又能在以色列受到愛戴,究竟為何?

Oh , they ll hound the poor devil down . connie had a revulsion in the opposite direction now 啊,他們是要把這可憐的家伙窮迫到死的。 ”

You ' d look at her and feel a mixture of admiration and 5 ) revulsion 你以一種復雜的眼神打量著她,有敬佩,也夾雜著絲縷的反感。

After he had all the money in the hand bag , a revulsion of feeling seized him 當他把所有的錢都裝進手提包后,他突然想變卦。

My feeling for him underwent a revulsion when i discovered his cruelty 當我發現他的殘忍時,對他的感情起了劇變。